No "clean" targets found - gruntjs

Please help, I use Grunt and try to do grunt clean command, but I have
No "clean" targets found.
message as a result. How can I fix that?
copy: {
build: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: [
"fonts/**/*.{woff, woff2}",
dest: "build"
сlean: {
build: ["build"]
grunt.registerTask("serve", ["browserSync", "watch"]);
grunt.registerTask('default', ['copy']);
grunt.registerTask("build", [

The problem is that the character c in clean - in the grunt configuration literal - is not what it appears to be. It's U+0441 - a Cyrillic letter.
If you retype it and ensure that it is an ANSI c - or copy and paste the word clean from the registerTask call - your grunt configuration should behave as you are expecting it to.


I get an error when I run grunt jshint

I'm also going through Steven Foote's book Learning to Program and am currently on chapter 4, which uses Grunt. This post has a similar problem, but the problem is different (this person capitalized the "f" in Gruntfile.js).
I've seemed to have installed NPM and Node properly
npm#5.10.0 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
andrews-macbook-air:Kittenbook Andrew$ node -v
Here is my Gruntfile.js:
module.exports = function(grunt){
concat: {
release: {
src: ['js/values.js', 'js/prompt.js'],
dest: 'release/main.js'
copy: {
release: {
src: 'manifest.json',
dest: 'release/main.js'
jshint: {
files: ['js/values.js', 'js/prompt.js']
grunt.registerTasks('default', ['jshint', 'concat' 'copy']);
In checking to see if I did it correctly I run grunt jshint in the command line, but I get back an error
andrews-macbook-air:Kittenbook Andrew$ grunt jshint
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
>> SyntaxError: Unexpected string
Warning: Task "jshint" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Any ideas on what is going on?

grunt rpm create a symlink

I have this grunt file that creates a rpm package for me, how can I create a symlink like this for an example:
link("/usr/local/bin/tams-cli", "/opt/tams-cli/tams-cli.js")
Have not been able to to find that, here below is my source code.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('./package.json'),
easy_rpm: {
options: {
rpmDestination: './built/',
release: {
files: [
src: ['node_modules/**/*',
dest: '/opt/tams-cli',
src: 'tams-cli.js',
dest: '/opt/tams-cli',
mode: 0550,
excludeFiles: [
To create the symlink after the rpm package is installed utilize the postInstallScript option in your easy_rpm task. The description for the postInstallScript reads:
An array of commands to be executed after the installation. Each element in the array represents a command.
In the Gruntfile.js excerpt below it utilizes the ln command to create the symlink using the additional two options:
-s to make a symbolic link instead of a hard link.
-f to remove existing destination files if they exist already.
// ...
easy_rpm: {
options: {
postInstallScript: ['ln -s -f /opt/tams-cli/tams-cli.js /usr/local/bin/tams-cli'],
// ..
// ...
// ...

Grunt less source maps change path prefix

My config
server: {
options: {
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapFilename: '.tmp/styles/',
sourceMapURL: '/styles/'
files: {
My structure
so after calling grunt less:server
I am getting .tmp/styles/
with attr "sources" everywhere src/ prefix
but I want without src/ because server starts from src/*
How can I change it ?
Since version 1.0.0. grunt-contrib-less accepts the same options as the command line compiler does. You can get a list of these options by running lessc wihtout any argument on your command line:
--source-map-rootpath=X Adds this path onto the sourcemap filename and less file paths.
So you should use:
options: {
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapFilename: '.tmp/styles/',
sourceMapURL: '/styles/',
sourceMapRootpath: "/app/views/styles/"

Contatenation with grunt-contrib-concat doesn't work

I use grunt-contrib-concat, but it doesn't appear to work.
All file are in the folder.
I used --verbose to see the details, but everything seems to be working correctly.
concat: {
options: {
// define a string to put between each file in the concatenated output
separator: ';'
dist: {
// the files to concatenate
src: [
// the location of the resulting JS file
dest: 'assets/javascript/jquery.<%= %>.min.js'
Running the tasks with --verbose:
Running "concat" task
Running "concat:dist" (concat) task
Verifying property concat.dist exists in config...OK
Files: assets/javascript/src/jquery.menu_css3.js -> assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js
Options: separator=";", banner="", footer="", stripBanners=false, process=false
Reading assets/javascript/src/jquery.menu_css3.js...OK
Writing assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
File "assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js" created.
Running "uglify" task
Running "uglify:dist" (uglify) task
Verifying property uglify.dist exists in config...OK
Files: assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js -> assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js
Options: banner="", footer="", compress={"warnings":false}, mangle={}, beautify=false, report=false
Minifying with UglifyJS...Reading assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
Writing assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
File "assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js" created.

Grunt-contrib-copy task is failing when cwd option is specified

I have this grunt-copy setup:
copy: {
images: {
cwd: 'src/multiselect/lib/',
src: 'chosen.css',
dest: './built/css/',
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile'
And when I run it, it always goes:
Running "copy:images" (copy) task
Warning: Unable to read "chosen.css" file (Error code: ENOENT). Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
The weird thing is that if I run it with this config:
copy: {
images: {
src: 'src/multiselect/lib/chosen.css',
// src: 'chosen.css',
dest: './built/css/',
flatten: true,
filter: 'isFile'
It works every time. Does anyone have a clue as to why? It seems like the error occurs on this line of code:
grunt.file.copy(src, dest, copyOptions);
In grunt-contrib-copy task. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to add expand:true
