I'm trying to figure out the best approach to interfacing with Watson Conversation from a multi-language website (English/French). The input to Watson Conversation will be fed from Watson STT, so the input should be in the appropriate language. Should I set up the intents and entities in both languages? That might potentially cause issues with words that are the same (or very similar) in both languages but have different meanings. My guess is that I'll need two separate Conversation workspaces but that seems like a lot of overhead (double work when anything changes). I've thought about using the Watson Language Translator in between STT and Conversation but I would think the risk with that approach could be a reduction in accuracy. Has anyone been able to do this?
You will need to set up separate workspaces for each language. As you need to set the language of your workspace.
After that you would need to do STT, then language detection service to determine what workspace it should be directed to.
I am building a system in Scala for feature engineering where the end user API receives aggregations on list of objects/events.
For example, a client of this tool might pass into it a function that given an array of past pageviews for a specific web user, filters for the ones coming from a specify country and count them. The output of this call will then be a number.
It can be thought as a very simple reduce operation.
I am figuring out how to build the API for such system. I could write a simple custom language to perform counts and filters but I am sure that it is not the best approach, especially because it will not be expressive enough, unless designed with care.
Are you aware of something like an expression language that could be used to express simple functions without the need for me to build one from scratch?
The other option would be to allow end users to pass custom code to this library, which might be dangerous at runtime.
I am aware of apache Calcite to plug SQL into different data structures and db. It is a good option, however it forces me to think in "columnar" sql way, while here I am looking more for something row based, similar to the map-reduce way of programming.
You mention Apache Calcite, but did you know that you can use it without writing SQL? If you use Calcite's RelBuilder class you can build algebra directly, which is very similar to the algebraic approach of MapReduce. See algebra in Calcite for more details.
I am trying to build an Alexa Skills Kit, where a user can invoke an intent by saying something like
GetFriendLocation where is {Friend}
and for Alexa to recognize the variable friend I have to define all the possible values in LIST_OF_Friends file. But what if I do not know all the values for Friend and still would like to make a best match for ones present in some service that my app has access to.
Supposedly if you stick a small dictionary into a slot (you can put up to 50,000 samples), it becomes a "generic" slot and becomes very open to choosing anything, rather than what is given to it. In practice, I haven't had much luck with this.
It is a maxim in the field of Text To Speech that the more restrictive the vocabulary, the greater the accuracy. And, conversely, the greater the vocabulary, the lower the accuracy.
A system like VoiceXML (used mostly for telephone prompt software) has a very strict vocabulary, and generally performs well for the domains it has been tailored for.
A system like Watson TTS is completely open, but makes up for it's lack of accuracy by returning a confidence level for several different interpretations of the sounds. In short, it offloads much of the NLP work to you.
Amazon have, very deliberately, chosen a middle road for Alexa. Their intention model allows for more flexibility than VoiceXML, but is not as liberal as a dictation system. The result gives you pretty good options and pretty good quality.
Because of their decisions, they have a voice model where you have to declare, in advance, everything it can recognize. If you do so, you get consistent and good quality recognition. There are ways, as others have said, to "trick" it into supporting a "generic slot". However, by doing so, you are going outside their design and consistency and quality suffer.
As far as I know, I don't think you can dynamically add utterances for intents.
But for your specific question, there is a builtin slot call AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME, which may be helpful.
Hi I am building a small app to get used to Meteor (and Mongo). Something that is bothering me is the data modelling aspect. Specifically what is the best way to model a many to many relationship. I have read in the Mongo docs that a doc should not be embedded in another doc if you expect it to grow while the original doc remains fairly static.
In my test app students can register for courses. So from the Mongo perspective it makes sense to include the students as an embedded doc in the course as each course will have a limited number of students as opposed to the other way round where, over time, a student could theoretically join unlimited courses.
Then there is the Meteor aspect, I read that a lot of Meteor's features are aimed at separate collections, such as DDP working at the document level so any change in the student array would cause the entire course doc to be resent to every browser, and things like the each spacebars helper works with Mongo cursors but not with arrays etc, etc.
Has anyone dealt with a similar situation and could they explain what approach they took and any drawbacks they had to deal with etc? Thanks.
See this article: https://www.discovermeteor.com/blog/reactive-joins-in-meteor/
And test how good your possible solutions are with this https://kadira.io/
Better use the guide:
The Meteor team tames (or hides!) the javascript monster to an amazing extent. By using their conventions, you get "free" a ton of much-used functionality "out of the box". Things that are usually re-invented over and over again, accounts, OAuth, live data across clients, standard live-data protocol etc.
But very soon... you need features not in the box. Wow... look at all the choices. Wait a minute, this is the same monster you were fighting before Meteor!
So use the official Meteor Guide. They recommend the wisest ways to extend functionality of your app when you make these choices.
Since they know how they have "hidden the monster", they know how to keep avoiding the monster when you extend.
Is there a way to add a graph processing algorithm to the Neo4j database engine without rewriting the algorithms module? I can do it in an external process (i.e. implementing a ruby script or java program that retrieves the nodes and processes them) but I'd like it to be inside the DB engine for encapsulation and availability.
Namely, can I implement a search algorithm that includes adding tags to nodes as I travel through them?
It depends on what you mean. Neo4J provides for unmanaged extensions which you can use to do what I think you're trying to do.
There is also the idea of server plugins which you can explore. Which thing would be right for you to do would depend on what you want to accomplish with that "external process".
Warning - the use of those APIs may be a less elegant way to go about what you want to do, as the APIs may change. You might be better off asking a different question that outlines the specifics of what you're trying to accomplish, and then asking for guidance on the best design way to do that. But the answer to your question I think is that fundamentally adding things to the database engine without rewriting the algorithms module is possible, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best way to accomplish whatever you want to do.
I have been tasked with automating some of the paper forms in HR. This might turn into "automate all forms" eventually, so I want to approach this in a way which will be best for the long term and will be a good framework as this project grows.
The first things that come to mind were:
-InfoPath/SharePoint (We currently don't use SharePoint now, and wouldn't be an option for the next two years.)
-Workflow Foundation (I've looked into this and does not seem too attractive or appropriate)
Option I'm considering at this point:
-Custom ASP.NET (VB.NET) & SQL Server, which is what my team mostly writes their apps with.
-Leverage Infopath for creating the forms electronically. Wondering if there is a good approach to integrating this with a custom built ASP.NET app.
-Considering creating the app as an MVC web app.
My question is this:
-Are there other options I might want to consider?
-Are there any starter kits or VB.NET based open source projects there which would be a starting point or could be used as a good reference. Here I'm mostly concerned with the workflow processing.
-Any comnments from those who have gone down this path?
This is going to sound really dumb, but in my many years of helping companies automate paper form-based processes is to understand the process first. You will most likely find that no single person understands the whole thing. You will need to role-play the many paths thru the process to get your head around it. And once you present your findings, everyone will be shocked because they had no idea it was that complex. Use that as an opportunity to streamline.
Automating a broken process only makes it screw up faster and tell a lot of people.
As far as tools, my experience dates me but try to go with something with these properties:
EASY to change. You WILL be changing it. So don't hard-code anything.
Possible revision control - changes to a process may or may not affect documents already in route?
Visual workflow editing. Everyone wants this but they'll all ask you to drive it. Still, nice tools.
Not sure if this helps or not - but 80% of success in automating processes is not technology.
This is slightly off topic, but related - defect tracking systems generally have workflow engines/state. (In fact, I think Joel or some other FC employee posted something about using FB for managing the initial emails and resume process)
I second the other advice about modeling the workflow before doing any coding or technology choices. You will also want this to be flexible.
as n8owl reminded us, automating a mess yields an automated mess - which is not an improvement. Many paper-forms systems have evolved over decades and can be quite redundant and unruly. Some may view "messing with the forms" as a violation of their personal fiefdoms, so watch your back ;-)
model the workflow in terms of the forms used by whom in what roles for what purposes; this documents the current process as a baseline. Get estimates of how long each step takes, both in terms of man-hours and calendar time
understand the workflow in terms of the information gathered, generated, and transmitted
consolidate the information on the forms into a new set of forms for minimal workflow
be prepared to be told "This is the way we've always done it and we're not going to change", and to gently (a) validate their feelings, (b) explain how less work is more efficient, and (c) show concrete benefits [vs.the baseline from step 1]
soft-code when possible; use processing rules when possible; web services and html forms (esp. w/jquery) will go a long way if you have an intranet
beware of canned packages (including sharepoint) unless you are absolutely certain they encompass your organization's current and future needs
good luck!
I detect here a general tone of caution with regards to a workflow based approach and must agree. Be advised about the caveats of most workflow technologies which sacrifice usability for flexibility.