My wordpress site's performance is not improving with W3TotalCache plugin. Why? - wordpress

My site is hosted on Hostgator and I am using Eleven40 theme from for my site beside that I am using W3TotalCache plugin to improve my site's performance. But the performance is still not improving. In gtmetrix it's showing very low performance. GZip compression enabled, images are compressed but still not getting expected result. Not only these two but from many other aspects like page size, load speed, the number of requests etc it's lagging.
Can anyone please suggest me a way around?
GTmetrix report

Try this plugin - it has worked for me a few times in the past:


How to improve stylesheet.min.css loading time in WordPress?

Recently have made the website and used WP Fastest Cache and Clearfy plugins to optimize loading speed.
The waterfall indexes become much better, but still are problem with stylesheet.min.css, it still is too long.
How I can to reduce it's time?
Website waterfall image:
I cant see your website so just few recommendations.
you can use gzip compression if your server support it
you can try use some CDN service to speed up delivery of your files
you can try to remove unnecessary parts of you stylesheet.min.css
(off topic you can try to lower the number of your website requests - 146 is quite a lot)

What is causing my Wordpress site to load so slowly?

So I recently setup a Wordpress site that is being hosted through HostGator with their business share-hosting plan. The website was experiencing very slow load times, sometimes up to 30-45 seconds.
I went ahead and scaled down/resized all the images that are currently on the site, added a caching plugin (W3 Total Cache), an optimization plugin (WP-Optimize), a CDN (Truespeed CDN), minified js/css, and added expires headers.
The site scores much better on site speed tests after I made these changes
Pingdom: 87
GTmetrix: 92%/87%
and it seems that the timing to the first byte is pretty quick too.
Loading the site in its current state still feels pretty slow and after taking these measures, I'm unsure of what could be causing the issue, or if possibly the host might be too slow. Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated.
The url for the site is:
I am also using Shopisle Theme with Woocommerce and WPML.

Hosting and Speed Optimization solutions for very large listing WordPress website

I have a WordPress listing website. The database has been reached to 25MBs, and site content is more than 12GBs. Site speed has gone terribly slow. What do you recommend for hosting solution and speed optimization?
test your site speed on
this both sites are help you to find the reason of your speed related issue.
As per you mentioned your site content is more than 12GBs that means your site has may be too much images - below one of the plugin can be useful for you.

A WP website we are developing is resulting too slow for first visitor.. Any ideas..?

We purchased a WP theme and did some customized changes in php and html
to bring the design where we wanted...
We are almost done with the design of the website and construction
and we are about to deliver to client
but for some reason the website is responding very slow on the first visitor..
and we cannot find the problem, what conflicts with what..
Are there any WP experts in here that could have a look and maybe identify the problem..?
Thank you in advance..
Click here to view the website
Enable gzip compression
Leverage browser caching
Optimize images
Defer parsing of JavaScript
Minify CSS, JS
Analyze your site using GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insight, and follow the recommendations that you get from this systems.
It's not that slow? I can get a directory listing from your wp-includes directory just fine. Joking aside, looks like there are two different versions of jquery being loaded in, that's never good for things (view source, line:435) and the homepage makes about 179 requests which is a bit bonkers.
Try a caching plugin. As others have said better configured hosting helps, especially those that use caching technologies such as varnish/redis. A CDN will help with geographic speed. Compress images with WP Smush or similar. Good luck!
There could be multiple issues behind a slow wp website:
Using multiple plugins can slow down a wp website.
A poor web server that is not able to respond quickly.
Some configuration issues.
What i can see is that your website is resource intensive, CSS and JS script files are too heavy, even heavier than all images on the home page.
Minify the css and js files.
Compress images and the size would come down to less than 1 mb (use
Use Google page speed to see the flow of the resources of your website and other related details.
Hope this helps.

Site is abnormally slow

My site is running on Wordpress and uses Woocommerce to display most of the content. See my site here, I have a lot of images that could be part of the problem...
Google PageSpeed says I'm 0/100 for mobile speed and 11/100 for desktop speed, with a 44.5 server response time..
GTmetrix gives me an F for my speed, recommending I serve scaled images, leverage browser caching, add expired headers, make fewer http requests, and more.
I'm trying to interpret all of these poor scores, and would like some help on how to dramatically speed up my site.
Does anyone have any tips, or know what I can do to help increase the speed and improve my scores on these sites?
That site is certainly slow, however the load times appear to be primarily from the server (I'm seeing about a 3-5s load time before the server responds with content for the home page). This has nothing to do with how many images you are loading, it probably means you have a really slow plugin or piece of code.
I'm not sure how technical you are, but I'd recommend profiling your code. An easier solution may be to disable your plugins one-by-one until your site suddenly loads faster. Then re-enable every plugin except the last one to be disabled, and verify your site still loads fast. If it does, then the disabled plugin is likely the issue.
