How to improve stylesheet.min.css loading time in WordPress? - wordpress

Recently have made the website and used WP Fastest Cache and Clearfy plugins to optimize loading speed.
The waterfall indexes become much better, but still are problem with stylesheet.min.css, it still is too long.
How I can to reduce it's time?
Website waterfall image:

I cant see your website so just few recommendations.
you can use gzip compression if your server support it
you can try use some CDN service to speed up delivery of your files
you can try to remove unnecessary parts of you stylesheet.min.css
(off topic you can try to lower the number of your website requests - 146 is quite a lot)


Optimize Wordpress Nginx Website with Litespeed cache

I'm trying to optimize my website and I've tried many ways like using WP optimizer with minification and cache, w3 total cache with minification and more. The best score I get is whenever I use Litespeed optimization. Cache doesn't work on my nginx server but the optimization is so good that I get 65 without even using cache while I get around 40 with w3 cache. I want to improve my site speed even more and I noticed the only problem whenever I load my site is the server response time which is around 3 seconds. If I activate w3 total cache this gets close to 200ms. The problem is that I want to serve the minified and combinied version of my site from litespeed with w3 total cache or another caching plugin to eliminate that 3s response time. Is this possible and how can I achieve that?
If you want to enable LSCache optimization features to optimize static files, and use the cache feature from the w3-total cache plugin. The answer is yes, it's possible. As long as you have only one full-page cache feature enabled at a time, then it will have no conflict with other tools. Other features from LSCWP like Guest Mode, and Guest Optimization may not work with other tools, so you might want to test them thoroughly. If you want to utilize the cache feature from the LSCache in the future, the easiest way for you is to add the QUIC Cloud CDN in the front. Hope the above information helps.

How to reduce ttfb time in wordpress sites?

How to reduce ttfb time ?
my wordpress site has very long ttfb time.
i tested result several time and result absolutely confuse me sometimes is lower than 200ms sometimes more than 5s !
what is the problem ?
network configuration or server side scripts ? or something else ?
It is not really a Wordpress specific problem as all websites should try to have a ttfb time as little as possible.
Generally speaking when you use a tool like Google page Speed or PingDom (to name a few), you should get some advices on how to improve your ttfb time.
Like using a cache system, compress and regroup JS/CSS files, reduce images size, using a CDN, etc...
Now on Wordpress ecosystem, you have a lot of plugins what can help you with that (especially if you're not a developper).
Here is a list of some I know and have already used that may help you:
W3 Total Cache (caching plugin) - A good free solution for setting a cache system on your WP (realivelly complicated to handle though)
WP Rocket (caching plugin) - an excellent non-free solution. Work pretty well (much easier to handle than W3 Total Cache). Affordable.
Imagify (image compression plugin) - this plugin re-compress and optimize you medias. It is developped by the same company as WP Rocket, you need to create an account on there service to use it. And they have a free plan.
In any case, if you're not a developper, I encourage you to get help from one because some caching options can produce unwanted effects like a JS component that doesn't work anymore of stuff like that so you need to test if your website still works each time you make a change.
Note: long ttfb time can also be related to the server itself (mutualized one for example).
Hope it help.

wordpress page speed not working for desktop version

I did all the things Like image optimization, rendering for page speed optimization. I checked my mobile page speed increasing but desktop page speed not increasing it's still 22 again and again. I want to know why I am facing this problem. My website is Can anyone please help me?
enter image description here
There are many factors that could affect your page speed and actually I see you've done a good job so far but you may go a litter farther.
I've tested your site with google page speed, pingdom tool, gtmetrix, webpagetest and here is my conclusion:
I guess your problem is about how to reduce server response time. While testing your site, it took more than 3+ seconds (6 on webpagetest) to completely load which may be considered a huge time. Reduce the server response time is not an easy task and could be a real challenge but here is a few tips:
1. Images optimization:
You said that you've done image optimization but still, your site have some huge images, one of them for example, is about 1MB which is can really affect the server response time. These images can be easily optimized, just go to google page speed and after you test your site scroll down and find: Download optimized image, JavaScript, and CSS resources for this page. Download the zip file and try to replace the old images with optimized ones using any FTP client, FileZilla is more then good for that.
Note that you can find the images locations under Optimize images section in case you don't know the location. Repeat that step again to make sure all your images are optimized.
Also I'd recommend some plugins like wp-smushit for optimize and compress all of your images and Regenerate Thumbnails to fix Serve scaled images issue. tinypng is good online alternative too if you like to do it manually.
2. Optimize CSS Delivery
That's not easy actually because it may requires to optimize the code and structure of your theme but you can give Autoptimize or W3 Total cache a try. Both support combining and minifying all enqueued JS, and CSS files.
3. CDNs:
CDN can really accelerate your site and greatly reducing your page loading time. Now, there are tons of good CDNs providers but I would recommend CloudFlare as a start since its free and easy to use and their free plan is enough and does work really great.
4. Caching
WordPress caching is a must if you care about performance, I don't see any sign of caching plugins except your HTML, JavaScript, css files is minified already which is good but not enough. I would recommend W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache.
5. Web Hosting
If you're hosing your site in a shared host, don't hope too much to get perfect page speed even if you done all the required optimization. I'd definitely recommend upgrading to a VPS since its kinda cheap (unmanaged servers can be cheaper then shared host) and not that hard to setup and secure, A small VPS server can have a significant impact on page load speed.
You are resizing massive images using HTML/CSS when you should be resizing them individually using Photoshop or a similar image editing tool. You have a lot of render blocking js, specifically they're the YouTube scripts you're running.
Another big issue is the sheer amount of stylesheet and js files you're loading -- 19 js and 13 css. Try combining your js files together as much as you can, as well as your css files ... you're going to want to minify them as well.
You're loading many components from various sources, adding more http request overhead. If it's possible, you should consider hosting your own copies of some files.
Take a look at the output from ... that should get you on the road to optimizing. Make sure you take your time reading the pagespeed and yslow tabs.

My wordpress site's performance is not improving with W3TotalCache plugin. Why?

My site is hosted on Hostgator and I am using Eleven40 theme from for my site beside that I am using W3TotalCache plugin to improve my site's performance. But the performance is still not improving. In gtmetrix it's showing very low performance. GZip compression enabled, images are compressed but still not getting expected result. Not only these two but from many other aspects like page size, load speed, the number of requests etc it's lagging.
Can anyone please suggest me a way around?
GTmetrix report
Try this plugin - it has worked for me a few times in the past:

Site is abnormally slow

My site is running on Wordpress and uses Woocommerce to display most of the content. See my site here, I have a lot of images that could be part of the problem...
Google PageSpeed says I'm 0/100 for mobile speed and 11/100 for desktop speed, with a 44.5 server response time..
GTmetrix gives me an F for my speed, recommending I serve scaled images, leverage browser caching, add expired headers, make fewer http requests, and more.
I'm trying to interpret all of these poor scores, and would like some help on how to dramatically speed up my site.
Does anyone have any tips, or know what I can do to help increase the speed and improve my scores on these sites?
That site is certainly slow, however the load times appear to be primarily from the server (I'm seeing about a 3-5s load time before the server responds with content for the home page). This has nothing to do with how many images you are loading, it probably means you have a really slow plugin or piece of code.
I'm not sure how technical you are, but I'd recommend profiling your code. An easier solution may be to disable your plugins one-by-one until your site suddenly loads faster. Then re-enable every plugin except the last one to be disabled, and verify your site still loads fast. If it does, then the disabled plugin is likely the issue.
