How to navigate at the end of a Redux action? - redux

I want to use only React, React Redux, React Router and Redux Thunk.
I want to navigate to a dashboard page when a successful user creation action is dispatched. Here is my async action creator,
export function createUser() {
return dispatch => {
return'/api/users').then(() => {
// how to navigate to dashboard after this action is dispatched?
Can you show me exactly where is the place I should naviage programmatically?

Initially looking, I would hope that "createdUser" returns a promise (like #idbehold asked previously)
in a nutshell, something like this.
// make sure your function createdUser returns a promise
function createdUser() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//simulate some api request
setTimeout( () =>{
// api resolves. in the .then() do:
}, 4000)
// the dispatch will forward resolution of the promise ahead into the
// .then.. then you can redirect.
dispatch(createdUser()).then( ()=> {
console.log("NAVIGATING AWAY")
//assuming you are importing browserHistory
I hope I was helpful, if not :-( , perhaps I didn't fully understand what your need is/was. Let me know, and I'll try to help further.


Nuxtjs and Firebase Auth: await firebase.auth().currentUser not waiting?

Nuxt.js is focuses on server side rendering and has an asyncData property that is called once before the page component is loaded.
I am trying something like:
async asyncData({params}) {
// firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user)=>{ // <-- this doesn't work in the asyncData property
let user = await firebase.auth().currentUser
let info = {}
user.uid === null // true
Two similar questions:
firebase.auth().currentUser is null
Get firebase.auth().currentUser with async/await
have solutions which do not seem to work with nuxt...
I have also tried:
function getCurrentUser(auth) {
let userLoaded = false;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (userLoaded) {
const unsubscribe = auth.onAuthStateChanged(user => {
userLoaded = true;
}, reject);
It seems like onAuthStateChanged is triggered on client-side only. But the thing is, SSR functionality would make sense only for non-authenticated users, for authed-user scenario might as well just put the firebase call logic into mounted hook.

When to save the state tree?

The Redux manual says every reducer should be a pure function and even no API call should be made, I then curious to know, then, when should I get chance to save my App state tree to an external storage or the backend?
You can save your redux store using and action with the Redux Thunk middleware.
Lets say you want to want to save the store when the user clicks save. First, define an action to do the save:
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'
export const save = state => {
return () => {
fetch('/api/path/to/save', {
body: JSON.stringify(state),
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
method: 'POST'
Then in your component:
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { save } from '../actions/save'
const SaveButton = props => {
let { onSave, state } = props
return <button onClick={onSave(state)}>Save</button>
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {state}
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
onSave: state => dispatch(save(state))
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SaveButton)
You shouldn't do that as part of your reducer.
Instead, whenever you want to save some part of your state, you should dispatch an asynchronous action (with the help of middleware like redux-thunk) perhaps called SAVE_XYZ with it's payload being the part of the store you want to save.
saveXYZ needs to be an async action creator that will dispatch the API call to persist your data, and handle the response accordingly.
const saveXYZ = payload => dispatch => {
return apiCallToStore(...)
.then(data => saveXYZDone())
.catch(err => saveXYZError());
You can read more on async actions and how to handle them.
Two basic approaches:
Use store.subscribe(callback), and write a callback that gets the latest state and persists it after some action has been dispatched
Write a middleware that persists the state when some condition is met
There's dozens of existing Redux store persistence libraries available that will do this work for you.

Redux Saga not triggering API call when action is dispatched

I've used redux saga before but i'm still fairly new to it. Anyways, I seem to be running into a problem in the code below.
At the top, you will see the action creator I am using to fire off this AJAX request. Redux is properly dispatching this action and is logging the LOAD_USER_REQUEST type in my console however the function chain stops there. In the code below, you will see that LOAD_USER_REQUEST should call the loadUserDetails generator which should then call the userLogin with the payload received in my action creator.
Let me know if I can supply any additional info that may help. Thanks in advance :)
// Action Creator for LOAD_USER_REQUEST.
export const getExistingUser = ({email = '', password = '12345'} = {}) => ({
payload: {email, password}
// API call being used in loadUserDetails Saga
export const userLogin = ({email = '', password = '12345'} = {}) => {
return`${API}auth/login`, {
.then(res => {
let user =;
return user;
.catch(err => new Error('userLogin err', err));
// Sagas
// loadUserDetails Saga - Should call fn above userLogin with payload from action creator
function* loadUserDetails(payload) {
const user = yield call(userLogin(payload));
yield put({type: LOAD_USER_SUCCESS, user}); // Yields effect to the reducer specifying the action type and user details
export function* watchRequest() {
yield* takeLatest(LOAD_USER_REQUEST, loadUserDetails);
At first, does your entry point to saga configured well? You should add saga-middleware in store creation, and don't forget to invoke saga process manager by runSaga method.
At second, why you re-delegate generator instance to up-level? Maybe it's meant to yield takeLatest(LOAD_USER_REQUEST, loadUserDetails); without yield* operator? Is has quite different semantics.
At third, by API reference, call effect takes function or generator reference, but you provide promise object. Maybe it's meant const user = yield call(() => userLogin(payload)); or const user = yield call(userLogin, payload);?

Where should be in Redux data flow?

I have an async call in a middleware that looks like this:
myApi.postToResource(info).then((response) => {;
}).catch((error) => {
// Handle error
I have a feeling that I should be dispatching an action instead of straight doing, but I don't know at which point I should be opening the URL. I don't think it should be in a reducer, so trying to wonder where that should happen.

Redux timeout thunk error "Actions must be plain objects"

I'm using redux-thunk and I also want to dispatch some actions with timeout. Because of some reasons (i want all timeouts in an object, i want to able to cancel them, doesnt really matter now) I want to have custom 'timeout middleware' and 'action enchancer'
enchancer just emits special type of action:
const addTimeoutToAction = (delay, action) => ({
type: 'TIMEOUT'
, delay
, action
middleware just catches it and should dispatch action after timeout ends
({dispatch, getState}) => next => action => {
if (action && action.type === 'TIMEOUT') {
setTimeout(() => {
}, action.delay)
So my expectation is that dispatch function in the middleware will send action back to the middleware chain, where it will start to go through all again.
My example code works with plain action, however thunked action is not. please help me understand how to reroute delayed action back to middleware chain.
Example code:
You code should look like this
const action3 = () => (dispatch, getState) => {
type: 'action3'
Whenever you use thunk middleware, you MUST call dispatch to dispatch actions, you cannot return an object.
Here is the corrected codepen:
Hope this helps.
