Some questionts about MPI send modes - mpi

I'm trying to understand the specific of MPI send modes (send, bsend, ssend, rsend) and I have next questions:
MPI_Send uses some buffer if the is not initialized appropriate MPI_|i|recv and message size not too big and not exceeded buffer size (otherwise, MPI_Send will wait appropriate recv). I know, it's true (this situation described here: Deadlock with MPI ).
MPI_Bsend uses buffer (denoted MPI_Buffer_attach function) only when not initialized appropriate recv. It's true?
Buffer for MPI_Bsend is the same as that buffer for MPI_send?
MPI_Ssend never uses buffer. It's true? Or behavior of MPI_Ssend like MPI_Send (buffer uses, if message size is not exceeded buffer size)?
If an answer on my questions "it's not true", could not you give me detailed answer with explanations?

MPI_Send precise behavior is subject to change depending on the implementation. In addition, some implementations allow the threshold size to be tuned by the user.
Check MPI's Send Modes for some detailed information. If you want to make sure your program is portable to other MPI implementations, refer to MPI standard (section 3.4: Communication Modes). For the standard mode (MPI_Send), here's what the standard says (as of MPI 3.1).
The send call described in Section 3.2.1 uses the standard communication mode. In this mode, it is up to MPI to decide whether outgoing messages will be buffered. MPI may buffer outgoing messages. In such a case, the send call may complete before a matching receive is invoked. On the other hand, buffer space may be unavailable, or MPI may choose not to buffer outgoing messages, for performance reasons. In this case, the send call will not complete until a matching receive has been posted, and the data has been moved to the
Thus, a send in standard mode can be started whether or not a matching receive has
been posted. It may complete before a matching receive is posted. The standard mode send
is non-local: successful completion of the send operation may depend on the occurrence of
a matching receive.
The main misconception you have is that you think MPI_Send uses buffering if MPI_Recv has not been called by the receiver process. Actually, it usually depends on message size regardless if the matching receive has been called.
If buffering is used, the user's send buffer is released after the data is copied to a temporary buffer. Then, the program can continue its execution regardless the corresponding receive has been issued or not.


Does MPI_Ssend/MPI_Issend use a system buffer?

According to the documentation, MPI_Ssend and MPI_Issend are a blocking and a non-blocking send operations, both synchronous. The MPI specification says that a synchronous send completes when the receiver has started to receive the message and after that it is safe to update the send buffer:
The functions MPI_WAIT and MPI_TEST are used to complete a nonblocking
communication. The completion of a send operation indicates that the
sender is now free to update the locations in the send buffer (the
send operation itself leaves the content of the send buffer
unchanged). It does not indicate that the message has been received,
rather, it may have been buffered by the communication subsystem.
However, if a synchronous mode send was used, the completion of the
send operation indicates that a matching receive was initiated, and
that the message will eventually be received by this matching receive.
Bearing in mind that a synchronous send is considered to be completed when it's just started to be received, I am not sure of the following:
It is possible that only a part of the data has been read from the send buffer at the moment when MPI_Ssend or MPI_Issend signal about send completion? For example, the first N bytes have been sent and received while the next M bytes are still being sent.
How can the caller be safe to modify the data until the whole message is received? Does it mean that the data is necessarily copied to the system buffer? As far as I understand, the MPI standard permits the use of a system buffer but does not require it. Moreover, from here I read that MPI_Issend() doesn't ever buffer data locally.
MPI_Ssend() (or the MPI_Wait() related to MPI_Issend()) returns when :
the receiver has started to receive the message
and the send buffer can be reused
the second condition is met if the message was fully received, or the MPI library buffers the data locally.
I did not read that the MPI standard prohibits data buffering.
From the standard, MPI 3.1 chpt 3.4 page 37
A send that uses the synchronous mode can be started whether or not a matching
receive was posted. However, the send will complete successfully only if a matching receive is
posted, and the receive operation has started to receive the message sent by the synchronous
send. Thus, the completion of a synchronous send not only indicates that the send buffer
can be reused, but it also indicates that the receiver has reached a certain point in its
execution, namely that it has started executing the matching receive. If both sends and
receives are blocking operations then the use of the synchronous mode provides synchronous
communication semantics: a communication does not complete at either end before both
processes rendezvous at the communication. A send executed in this mode is non-local.

what does `TCPBacklogDrop` means when using `netstat -s`

Recently I am debugging a problem on unix system, by using command
netstat -s
and I get an output with
$ netstat -s
// other fields
// other fields
TCPBacklogDrop: 368504
// other fields
// other fields
I have searched for a while to understand what does this field means, and got mainly two different answers:
This means that your tcp-date-receive-buffer is full, and there are some packages overflow
This means your tcp-accept-buffer is full, and there are some disconnections
Which is the correct one? any offical document to support it?
Interpretation #2 is referring to the queue of sockets waiting to be accepted, possibly because its size is set (more or less) by the value of the parameter named backlog to listen. This interpretation, however, is not correct.
To understand why interpretation #1 is correct (although incomplete), we will need to consult the source. First note that the string "TCPBacklogDrop"is associated with the Linux identifier LINUX_MIB_TCPBACKLOGDROP (see, e.g., this). This is incremented here in tcp_add_backlog.
Roughly speaking, there are 3 queues associated with the receive side of an established TCP socket. If the application is blocked on a read when a packet arrives, it will generally be sent to the prequeue for processing in user space in the application process. If it can't be put on the prequeue, and the socket is not locked, it will be placed in the receive queue. However, if the socket is locked, it will be placed in the backlog queue for subsequent processing.
If you follow through the code you will see that the call to sk_add_backlog called from tcp_add_backlog will return -ENOBUFS if the receive queue is full (including that which is in the backlog queue) and the packet will be dropped and the counter incremented. I say this interpretation is incomplete because this is not the only place where a packet could be dropped when the "receive queue" is full (which we now understand to be not as straightforward as a single queue).
I wouldn't expect such drops to be frequent and/or problematic under normal operating conditions as the sender's TCP stack should honor the advertised window of the receiver and not send data exceeding the capacity of the receive queue (with the exception of zero window probes and older kernel versions whose calculations could cause drops when the receive window was not actually full). If it is somehow indicative of a problem, I would start worrying about malicious clients (some form of DDOS maybe) or some failure causing a sockets lock to be held for an extended period of time.

MPI standard 3: when synchronous send is complete?

In the MPI Standard Section 3.4 (page 37):
the synchronous send completion means
1. the send-buffer can be reused
2. the receiver has started to receive data.
The standard says "has started" instead of "has completed", so I have a question about this: Imagine a case:
The sender calls MPI_Ssend, then a receiver is matched and has started to receive data. At this time, the send is complete and returned. As the MPI standard said, the send-buffer can be reused, so the sender modifies some data of the send-buffer. At the same time, the receiver is receiving data very slowly (e.g. network is very bad), so how can we guarantee the data finally received by the receiver is same as the original data stored in sender's send-buffer?
Ssend is synchronous. It means that Ssend cannot return before the corresponding Recv is called.
Ssend is Blocking. It means that the function return only when it is safe to touch the "send-buffer".
Synchronous and blocking are 2 different thing, I know it can be confusing.
Most implementation of Send works as follow (MPICH,OpenMPI,CRAY-MPI):
For small message the send-buffer is copied to the memory which is reserved for MPI. As soon as the copy is done the send return.
For large message, no copy are done, therefore the Send return once the entire send-buffer has been send to the network (which cannot be done before the Revc has been called, to avoid to overload the network memory)
So a MPI_Send is: Blocking, asynchronous for small message,synchronous for large one.
A Ssend works as follow:
As soon as the Recv is started AND the send-buffer is either copied or fully in the network, the Ssend return.
Ssend should be avoided as much as one can. As it slow down the communication (due to the fact that the network need to tell the sender that the recv has started)

Does MPI_Probe return as soon as possible?

Suppose my MPI process is waiting for a very big message, and I am waiting for it with MPI_Probe. Is it correct to suppose the MPI_Probe call will return as soon as the process receives the first notice of the message from the network (like a header with the size or something like)?
I.e., will it return much faster than if I was waiting for the message with MPI_Recv, because it wouldn't need to receive the full message?
The standard is fairly silent on this matter (MPI-3.0, section 3.8.1), but does offer this:
The MPI implementation of MPI_PROBE and MPI_IPROBE needs to guarantee progress:
if a call to MPI_PROBE has been issued by a process, and a send that matches the probe
has been initiated by some process, then the call to MPI_PROBE will return, unless the
message is received by another concurrent receive operation (that is executed by another
thread at the probing process).
Since both MPI_PROBE and MPI_RECV will engage the progress engine, I would doubt there is much difference between the two functions, aside from a memory copy. By engaging the progress engine, it's likely the message will be received (internally) by the MPI implementation. The last step of copying it into the user's buffer can be avoided in MPI_PROBE.
If you are worried about performance, then avoiding MPI_ANY_SOURCE and MPI_ANY_TAG if possible will help most implementations (certainly MPICH) take a faster path.

unix network process

I was wondering how tcp/ip communication is implemented in unix. When you do a send over the socket, does the tcp/level work (assembling packets, crc, etc) get executed in the same execution context as the calling code?
Or, what seems more likely, a message is sent to some other daemon process responsible for tcp communication? This process then takes the message and performs the requested work of copying memory buffers and assembling packets etc.? So, the calling code resumes execution right away and tcp work is done in parallel? Is this correct?
Details would be appreciated. Thanks!
The TCP/IP stack is part of your kernel. What happens is that you call a helper method which prepares a "kernel trap". This is a special kind of exception which puts the CPU into a mode with more privileges ("kernel mode"). Inside of the trap, the kernel examines the parameters of the exception. One of them is the number of the function to call.
When the function is called, it copies the data into a kernel buffer and prepares everything for the data to be processed. Then it returns from the trap, the CPU restores registers and its original mode and execution of your code resumes.
Some kernel thread will pick up the copy of the data and use the network driver to send it out, do all the error handling, etc.
So, yes, after copying the necessary data, your code resumes and the actual data transfer happens in parallel.
Note that this is for TCP packets. The TCP protocol does all the error handling and handshaking for you, so you can give it all the data and it will know what to do. If there is a problem with the connection, you'll notice only after a while since the TCP protocol can handle short network outages by itself. That means you'll have "sent" some data already before you'll get an error. That means you will get the error code for the first packet only after the Nth call to send() or when you try to close the connection (the close() will hang until the receiver has acknowledged all packets).
The UDP protocol doesn't buffer. When the call returns, the packet is on it's way. But it's "fire and forget", so you only know that the driver has put it on the wire. If you want to know whether it has arrived somewhere, you must figure out a way to achieve that yourself. The usual approach is have the receiver send an ack UDP packet back (which also might get lost).
No - there is no parallel execution. It is true that the execution context when you're making a system call is not the same as your usual execution context. When you make a system call, such as for sending a packet over the network, you must switch into the kernel's context - the kernel's own memory map and stack, instead of the virtual memory you get inside your process.
But there are no daemon processes magically dispatching your call. The rest of the execution of your program has to wait for the system call to finish and return whatever values it will return. This is why you can count on return values being available right away when you return from the system call - values like the number of bytes actually read from the socket or written to a file.
I tried to find a nice explanation for how the context switch to kernel space works. Here's a nice in-depth one that even focuses on architecture-specific implementation:
