How to hide a file in Atom - atom-editor

I have a really huge webpack compiled javascript file in my project, and I'd like for it to be hidden in Atom since I keep clicking on it by accident, making Atom freeze.
How do I hide specific files in Github Atom Editor?

A quick way to hide a file would be to add it to the ignore-list in settings (open preferences, go to settings, under Core Settings you'll find Ignored Names).
Then to hide those from the tree view go to Packages, search for tree-view, open it's settings and make sure that Hide Ignored Names is checked.
If you're using a git-repository, for example, and don't need the file to be checked into the repository, it'd be cleaner to just add the file to .gitignore. Atom respects git-ignores and also hides them from the tree-view (as long as Hide VCS Ignored Names in the tree-view-settings is enabled).


Is there any way to open local file directly from 'Elements > Styles' tab in Chrome devtools?

I'm using the Chrome devtools persistence feature with browser-sync and sass.
I set a Workspace pointing to my scss folder and I can edit scss files from Chrome and have all css files created correctly, applied to browser real-time and saved in hard drive.
However when I select an element on the Elements > Styles tab and make some changes, the changed file is the http://localhost:3000... one so changes are not kept. Then I still have to find the local file in the Sources tab to copy these changes.
I'm not sure if this is the best we can get but if we could either open the local file directly from the Elements > Style tab instead of the http://localhost:3000... file or somehow automatically copy any changes in the http://localhost:3000... file to local file the workflow would be even easier and faster.
Does any one knows how to accomplish that, even using some app/extension?
From Rohit answer I found that if I turn off css source maps in devtools settings then it is correctly synced, showing the green circle on the Elements > Style and keep my changes, although it still pointing to file.
However then it only changes this file, not the specific partials/*.scss file and if I run sass compiler it overrides the css with the old code.
With the css source maps on Chrome finds my partial scss correctly but doesn't show the green circle so it's not synced and doesn't keep changes.
The problem seems to be with syncing scss files instead of css.
I was trying with a Workspace pointing to my root scss folder, also tried pointing it to the direct parent of the file beeing edited and still not syncing corretly.
This is a shot in the dark but,I beleive if you add the parent folder of the files you are working on from Devtools > Sources Tab > Filesystem tab > Add folder to workspace.
Like so :
Then navigate to your folder, and add reload the page. After reloading if you see green
like so:
It means it is synced and will update without you going to the sources tab.
Adding the root of my project to the Workspace synced scss files correctly. Now when I click an element on the Element > Styles tab, Quick source opens the right file at the right scss rule but doesn't follow my changes in the Element > Styles tab (as it does using pure css) and I still need to copy changes to Quick source or edit there directly, save and wait sass compilation to apply changes on screen.
The workflow is much easier now but I'm not choosing this as the correct anwser because is not "as live as css" yet and maybe someone knows how to do this final step.
PS: browser-sync is not needed in this setup, just something to compile sass and Chrome apply changes automatically.

How do you close the CSS preview view in Eclipse?

When I load up a CSS file in Eclipse, it splits the source with this annoying preview window with various elements showing how they look in the document. I cannot figure out how to remove this view, and only show the source code.
For those down voting: It clearly states in the about page that questions about "Software development tools" are allowed.
You can change Eclipse's settings to open *.css files with a different editor.
See Eclipse help: Associating editors with file types.

How to specify Code Style settings in a Qt Creator `.pro.shared` file?

I can see from the documentation on how to create a .pro.shared file that standardizes Editor settings.
But: is it possible to standardize Qt Creator's "Code Style" settings in a .pro.shared file, and if so, what is the syntax?
There is currently no UI way of doing that, not sure if we will add one at some point.
So you will need to do this manually: Set it up for a user, close the project to make sure the .user file is saved and copy copy the file into a .shared file. Remove everything you do not want to share (keep ProjectExplorer.Project.Updater.FileVersion!), while keeping the XML structure intact. You are a developer, I am sure you will manage:-)
Oh, make sure to use the oldest Qt Creator you want to support (IIRC this was introduced in 2.5, so going older than that won't help) to create the template. Creator will upgrade settings while reading them but it can not downgrade, so .shared files that are too new are going to be ignored.

Advanced Custom Syntax Coloring for Aptana Studio 3 (.less)

I would like to add syntax highlighting for .less for Aptana Studio 3. I found XText but it only seems to work with Eclipse. Apatana doesn't seem to give too many leads into how to do this on their forums, so does anyone have any experience working with creating custom syntax highlighting or know of a solution for including .less syntax detection and highlighting already?
If you just want syntax highlighting, you could get Aptana to treat .less files as .css files.
To do this, open the Aptana preferences window and find the File Associations tab. You can do this by typing 'File Associations' into the search/filter bar, choose the opption listed under General > Editors.
From here, you can add a new file type, giving it the type: '*.less'. This will add the file type and may add some default associated editors.
Click on Add... to add a new associated editor, choosing the 'CSS Source Editor' option. When you press OK, it should be added to the list and be selected, click on Default to take it to the top of the list.
Now, when you open a .less file in Aptana, you'll have CSS syntax highlighting and autocomplete.

How to modify base_properties in Plone custom skin

I want to change some of the built-in styles contained in a Plone 4 installation, and a reading of the docs tells me that the best way to do this is to copy the base_properties.props file to SOMEWHERE in the file tree, and then to modify it.
A thorough search of this Plone system shows two base_properties.props files, neither of them in the file tree of my custom skin. So, I guess the first problem is to figure out WHICH of these files is active. I am not sure - how to tell easily?
The next problem is WHERE to copy this file into my custom skin file tree. The existing folders are: Skins\custom_images, Skins\custom_js, Skins\custom_styles, Skins\custom_templates. Should the base_properties file then go in the Skins\ root?
I want to change the defaults for things like evenRowBackgroundColor - without modifying the main base_properties file, as I gather that will make site maintenance a bit more difficult down the road.
Sorry if this is rudimentary, but I find myself spending lots of time figuring out how Plone works - and not too much time actually doing any styling...
In a default Plone 4 installation neither of the base_properties.props files is active, because the default "Sunburst" theme doesn't use base properties.
If you're using the Classic theme, then you want to copy base_properties.props from the classic_styles skin layer in the plonetheme.classic egg.
As for the question of which folder to copy into, I would probably put it in custom_styles, since it is related to the styles applied. It doesn't really matter though as long as these custom skin layers are ordered above the layer that you are copying the file from. To check on the order of the layers, go to portal_skins in the ZMI and click on the Properties tab. This lists the layers of each skin, in order of precedence.
As David Glick says:"To check on the order of the layers, go to portal_skins in the ZMI and click on the Properties tab. This lists the layers of each skin, in order of precedence."
But you want to select the default skin for which you are using basic properties and save it at the bottom. I couldn't get the Sumburst Theme to work so I went classic and used that as default and modified it's basic properties.
What are the full paths of the files that you found? That should give you a clue as to which one you should use.
skins/custom_styles is the preferred location although all of them will work.
