How do you close the CSS preview view in Eclipse? - css

When I load up a CSS file in Eclipse, it splits the source with this annoying preview window with various elements showing how they look in the document. I cannot figure out how to remove this view, and only show the source code.
For those down voting: It clearly states in the about page that questions about "Software development tools" are allowed.

You can change Eclipse's settings to open *.css files with a different editor.
See Eclipse help: Associating editors with file types.


Can I somehow download or aquire the discord css file?

I would like to create a website to go hand in hand with my discord bot. I thought it would look nice, if they similar styling, to keep the whole thing more as a unit(I would also not have to worry about button-, checkbox-, etc. styles). As an example, I would like my buttons to have the typical discord-appearance of the blue button with white text and rounded edges(I assume you use dark mode). I of course did some research myself, but couldnt find a library or a standalone css-file that includes all the styles. So my question to you is: do you know a library or link that includes the css-stylesheet? Could I copy the stylesheet from the official discord-websites source-code alternatively?
I am thankful for every suggestion! :)
You can use this chrome extension to download all the source files for a webpage:
The files would be downloaded into a .zip file. You can then extract it's contents and get the CSS file

Why does chrome style inspector show style from .scss?

When I use the 'styles' tab of the Google Chrome developer tools, it reports one of my styles as coming from the .scss file. How is this possible - I thought all .scss had to be flattened and read from a .css file:
When you compile your sass into css, you have an option to generate a source map file. At the end of the css file you will find a reference to a map file which will be located in the same folder location as your css, with a .map extension.
This is used by chrome inspector to help development. You can turn it off in chrome inspector or just remove the reference to the source map from the css or remove the option to generate the source map in the first place.
If you just want chrome to show the css and are happy to keep the source map file you can just turn off the option. To turn off the option in Chrome Developer Tools, open up inspector and go to Settings. Look in the Sources category within the Preferences section, and untick "Enable css source maps"

How to hide a file in Atom

I have a really huge webpack compiled javascript file in my project, and I'd like for it to be hidden in Atom since I keep clicking on it by accident, making Atom freeze.
How do I hide specific files in Github Atom Editor?
A quick way to hide a file would be to add it to the ignore-list in settings (open preferences, go to settings, under Core Settings you'll find Ignored Names).
Then to hide those from the tree view go to Packages, search for tree-view, open it's settings and make sure that Hide Ignored Names is checked.
If you're using a git-repository, for example, and don't need the file to be checked into the repository, it'd be cleaner to just add the file to .gitignore. Atom respects git-ignores and also hides them from the tree-view (as long as Hide VCS Ignored Names in the tree-view-settings is enabled).

Advanced Custom Syntax Coloring for Aptana Studio 3 (.less)

I would like to add syntax highlighting for .less for Aptana Studio 3. I found XText but it only seems to work with Eclipse. Apatana doesn't seem to give too many leads into how to do this on their forums, so does anyone have any experience working with creating custom syntax highlighting or know of a solution for including .less syntax detection and highlighting already?
If you just want syntax highlighting, you could get Aptana to treat .less files as .css files.
To do this, open the Aptana preferences window and find the File Associations tab. You can do this by typing 'File Associations' into the search/filter bar, choose the opption listed under General > Editors.
From here, you can add a new file type, giving it the type: '*.less'. This will add the file type and may add some default associated editors.
Click on Add... to add a new associated editor, choosing the 'CSS Source Editor' option. When you press OK, it should be added to the list and be selected, click on Default to take it to the top of the list.
Now, when you open a .less file in Aptana, you'll have CSS syntax highlighting and autocomplete.

Project or Workspace specific Indentation in Xcode4

Is there any way to setup different indentation values for a specific project or workspace?
I've started working on a new project that uses a different indentation level then I've been using, and I would love to be able to set a custom value for that project, or setup a workspace for it, so that I don't have to think about changing indentation values when moving between projects. I've searched around but haven't had any luck finding any discussion about it.
I came across this question/answer: Is it possible to set indent settings in Xcode per project (or per file, even)? This is the exact same problem that I have, however the solution does not seem to be available in Xcode 4.
Open the file inspector by choosing View > Utilities > File Inspector. Select the project file from the project navigator. Use the Text Settings section in the file inspector to set the indentation for the project.
