Visual studio 2012 doesn't work when hitting play button -

I have a project that I have run many times without issue. Yesterday for some reason when I hit the play button it looks like it is compiling in the output window but then it just sits there. The hour glass is showing on the cursor but no response from VS. At times it will open internet explorer but then it will continually show "Waiting for localhost" on the tab. I did delete the *.suo file and it didn't seem to fix it.
I'm running visual studio professional 2012 Version 11.0.61219.00 Update 5.
My .net framwork version is 4.6.01055.
Thank you for any help.

Try rebuilding your project but if that doesn't work it is a high chance that something is wrong with your code and it we will need to see it.

I followed the steps in this link and it fixed my issue. It was a symbol loading issue. So far I tried a couple of projects and they loaded pretty quick. Thanks again for help everyone.
Visual Studio Debugging/Loading Very Slow


Visual Studio 2015 windows disappear when trying to debug

hoping somebody has run into this issue and knows a fix as it's driving me up the wall...
I mainly write web applications at my place of work and we've recently got our upgrade to Visual Studio 2015 Professional (Version 14.0.23107.0).
Since my first fresh install (and subsequent reinstalls) whenever I attach to a process to debug all my code windows disappear. If I click on the "Windows" menu bar item then I can still see those that have disappeared, but when I try to open them they refuse to appear.
If a breakpoint was get hit on one of those "missing" files then I would get the standard "browse to find source" window you often get when using 3rd party libraries.
What I have to do at the moment is place all my break points, close all my windows and then attach to my w3p.exe process. It's pretty annoying and I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this?
For reference, I'm using IIS 7.5.7600 on Windows 7 Professional on SP1.
Below is an example image of what I see when, on a brand new ASP.NET 4.6 project, when I place a breakpoint on the Index method in HomeController. If I click "Browse and find HomeController.cs" absolutely nothing happens.
Does anyone know what I can do to alleviate this issue?
EDIT: Also happens when debugging straight from Visual Studio using IISExpress

ASP Project on Visual Studio bad performance while debuging

I have a ASP Project running Visual Studio 2013 having very bad Performance while debuging/running the Project. The same Project running on a normal IIS Server is super fast with no Problems. Other Projects are running also super fast with no Problems (also on VS2013).
I have already tryed the following:
Delete All Breakpoints does nothing.
Debug or Release version, doesn't matter.
start without Debugging has the same problem.
Putting my project on a full IIS implementation on a web server runs it super fast with no problems.
Clean Solution, or deleting the .suo also do nothing
comment all the CodeBehind and the JavaScript
the solution with symbol loading from Visual Studio debugging/loading very slow also dont work.
Another often mentioned solution is to deactivate Intellitrace, but I don't found how to do that in VS2013 (the Intellitrace MenuItem in the Tools/Options Menu is missing)
There are many empty ScriptDocuments created while running, dont know if that has anything to do with the Problem.
Thanks for any Ideas!
This may sound strange, I had the same problem and tried all suggestions I found on the internet. The cause for me was I has a blank DVD in my drive. I found this by looking at where Visual Studio was trying to load the symbols from "my d drive (dvd)". After I ejected the blank DVD it was back to normal. This was very strange but just saying, check where VS is trying to load the symbols from in the output window. Hope this save someone from running round in circles.

Visual Studio 2008 Solution Explorer going crazy when trying to run

I am attempting to run a web project in vs2008, however it just hangs before launching the ASP.NET development server.
The vertical scroll bar in the solution explorer starts moving up as if lots of new items are appearing (like when the script documents node is filled) and then moves back to the bottom and then moves up again.
I can run the project if I right click on an aspx page and 'View in Browser'.
Anyone had a similar issue?
There are few weird bugs comes free with each edition of VS. Dont worry about that. Instead directly running from Development Server, use local IIS hosting. Sometimes because of CSS issues, gets embeded when you switch betch Design and Source windows. Still MS is fixing those bugs. But I can suggest, go your own way...

Visual Studio 2008 - The breakpoint cannot be hit

I know that many people have had this problem... but I am now having it and cannot solve the issue. VS 2008 is randomly giving me an error after working on a project for weeks. When I set a debug point, I get a warning: The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.
I have re-built the solution with no debug points and re-tried. I have also tried to Load Symbols from path and that has not worked either... Can someone please help walk me through the necessary steps to getting my debug function working again.
Delete the solutions suo file. This has fixed weird debugging problems with breakpoints every time for me. Note, you will lose your solution settings, such as bookmarks, breakpoints, and such.
1) Does creating a new project work? If so, you have a corrupted settings somewhere. Moving your files over to your new project would be the easiest procedure to resolve your issue.
2) Does taking your solution to another PC work? If so, then you have an issue with your environment.
Try these checks in order:
1) Select your Configuration Manager, check if your CPU is "Any" or your "x86" or "x64" depending on your hardware.
2) Try remove all the other configuration other than Debug. Add a new Configuration based on your Debug and the CPU as Any
3) Drastic move.. close your visual studio and run the following
devenv /ResetSettings
4) Even more drastic move...
devenv /Setup
Good luck
There is a hotfix for Visual Studio SP1 regarding debugging issues here. It did fix issues I had with catching breakpoints in multithreaded source code. It also fixes other potential causes for breakpoints to be missed, so it is definitely worth a try.
Also, have a look at this SO question.
I run into this occasionally and each time the solution is a bit different. This time I was using a different user profile to develop than I normally do in Visual Studio 2008 and found that I couldn't debug (breakpoints cannot be hit) shortly thereafter - on a solution with 2 projects. I ended up doing 2 things but I think the latter did the trick for me.
In the main projects properties, go to the Advanced Compile
Options button on the Compile tab and ensure the "Generate debug
info:" is set to Full.
Right-click on the main project and
select "Set as a startup project"

Why does Visual Studio 2005/2008 keep 'forgetting' to color code and format?

Does any else have a problem where when using VS2005 or VS2008, it suddenly 'forgets' to color code and format the text for you? All of a sudden it acts like its a plain old notepad editor. Sometimes if I save and re-open the file, or else re-start Visual studio altogether, it suddenly 'remembers'. I thought maybe this was because of a bad install on my machine, but recently upgraded to a new one, brand new fresh install with all service packs - and we are right back to the erratic behaviour....
Is this a known problem? Is there a workaround (i.e. a key combo I can hit to tell it to do its thing?)
PS: This happens for me when doing with VB code - not sure if it affects other flavors of the tool...
EDIT: This is a clean install of VS2008 on Vista, but also have had it on XP. No addins on either setup, problem happens routinely.
Sometimes something similar to this happens to me in VB.Net. In my case it has alway been the backgroundcompiler service that has stopped working for one reason or another. Haven't found anything that helps besides restarting visual studio.
I got this often when working on large web projects (> 1K pages and 4K total files) and most often on ashx files.
At the same time, I would lose intellisense, This was happening because the files I was adding were not getting marked as "Compile" in the file properties -> build option.
I never found the cause (assumed it was overburdening the solution) but I found that it would stay fixed for longer if I deleted the SUO file periodically (it was getting into the 1MB range).
Since coming to a new company, new PC, etc, I have not had this problem but then again I'm not working on as large of a web project.
I use C# in VS2008, and haven't had any problems. Maybe this is VB.NET related?
I used to see the problem with "Web Sites". I have since changed most of my projects to "Web Applications" and haven't seen the issue in a while.
I had a similar issue with VS 2003. I use VS 2008 right now and this doesn't happen anymore.
