Trouble deploying my app to an IIS 7 server -

I'm having trouble deploying my ASP.NET application to a remote IIS 7 server.
the app When tested Visual Studio 2012 the app runs properly without any issue.
I've written the app to have a couple of pages and some classes to support it.
They are all on the same namespaces. However, I deploy it on an IIS 7 server on another machine it seems to not able to recognize the classes that I've wrote to include with the application.
Here's the solution explorer to show the layout of my project:
And here's the error that I've got when deploying it to the remote IIS:
Here's the Error on my remote IIS
Any help is appreaciated. Thanks.
// Addtiionally===========================
I don't think the issue is because of the wrong version of framework running on the iis server or that it's not compiled right on VS. I've checked on IIS Netmgr the application pool is all runing on v4 of .NET. I've renamed the extension method to : IsNullOrEmptyOrWhieSpacesz (with a z at the back) it's still showing the same error.. but with the z at the back also. Somehow I think I deployed my wrong.. I just copied the whole folder that has the aspx file onto my IIS folder. It could be why iis is not seeing my extention method classes.


Unable to run Core 6.0 Web site hosted on IIS 10 Windows Server 2019 - getting 500 internal server error

I built Core 6.0 Web application in Visual Studio 2022. I did publish to a local folder from Visual studio and hosted the application in IIS 10 Windows Server 2019 (This is a new VM. Enabled IIS and installed .netcore 6.0 Hosting Bundle) by creating a new application under default web site. The application is configured to use inProcess hosting. The application pool is set to No Managed Code. Installed necessary SSL certificate and also propogated the DNS. When I try to access the website from the browser I get an error This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.HTTP ERROR 500.
I set stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout. I do see a stdout file getting created under logs but the file is empty.
I tried many things suggested online but couldnt rectify this error. I am not sure what I am missing. Hoping someone can throw light on this issue.

Unable to run migrated web application in VS2013

I have an ASP.Net web application developed in Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 3.5). I have copied this solution to another root folder (both on my Win7 64b machine) and upgraded the copy to VS2013 (Professional) and .Net451, but when I try to debug the web app in VS2013 I get an Access Denied error ("Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration. Verify that you have permission to view this directory or page based on the credentials you supplied and the authentication methods enabled on the Web server"). I don't have this issue runing the original from VS2008 on the same machine.
Apart from the changes mentioned above the two are a straight code copy.
In VS2008 the project Web properties are: Use Visual Studio Development Server, auto-assign port, Virtual path = /
In VS2013 the project Web properties are: Server=IIS Express, Project URL=http://localhost:63064/ (and I have clicked on Create Virtual Directory)
I can see this must be some sort of security issue, but what extra needs to be done to get a VS2008 web app, upgraded to VS2013, to run within the VS2013 IDE?
Postscript: If I start the web app without debugging (ctrl-F5) I get "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."
It turns out that the simple solution is configure the web app properties in VS2013 to use the local webserver (IIS) instead of IISExpress, and also to run VS2013 as administrator (but this is not necessary for VS2008). So obviously it is an IIS permissions thing but IIS is common and hasn't been changed - so what has changed in VS2013 to make this necessary? I don't really want to run VS2013 as administrator if I can avoid that.

How to publish ASP.NET Core 5 Web Site to IIS?

I installed Visual Studio 2015 RC and created the sample Web Site project.
I published it in Visual Studio using its publishing tool to file system. The output is:
I tried to target IIS both this folder and wwwroot folder but nothing changed. I always receive an Access is Denied error.
Checked the permissions. They are OK. I'm always able to run my other web sites...
I want to publish it targeting clrcore. But I already tried to publish it using clr and failed there too. It is the same error.
How is the publishing process should be when I want to run a coreclr website in IIS? And I don't even know if it is possible to serve a coreclr project on IIS.
By the way there is nothing about .NET Core in application pools dialog in IIS. So I don't know what could my poor IIS do here.
There are full instructions from MS:
You need to install HTTP platform Handler. Other than that, if you could get a standard MVC 5 app to work, you should be ok. The only change I needed to make was installing the plstform handler.
Of Course, In VS I publised to a folder, then copied the contents to the Web server. The root folder to the site must point to the wwwroot and the approot will be at the same level.
As far as I know, You can't host ASP.NET Core 5 Web Site on IIS, it works with self hosting only.

Local IIS Website Errors

I am using Visual studio web developer 4.0, in which I am creating a locally ISS hosted website.
My problem is while I am opening the website from visual studio I am getting errors such as:
ASP.NET 4.0 has not been registered on the webserver. You need to manually configure your web server for 4.0 in order for your site to run correctly...
When I am trying to serve a debug website I am getting the error:
Unable to start debugging on the server. Could not start debugging. More information my available by starting the project without debugging.
Then I navigated to my startup page without debugging and then the error in browser is
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map.
I have tried registering with aspnet_regiis -1. I'm using windows 8.
You have two options:
Manually configure web server for 4.0
Reinstall .NET framework
Number two is recommended.

MVC3 RC app deployed on IIS 6 giving "403 forbidden" error

I've deployed a very simple MVC3 RC app to an IIS 6 + Windows 2003 server. I'm just getting a "403 forbidden" error when trying to accesss the root. Right now the app is only one page, so there are no others to try out.
I noticed there is no longer a default.aspx in the root to handle default requests, could this maybe be the problem? Or is there some special config needed for IIS 6?
I've just deployed an MVC3 RC app on IIS6.0+win2003 server recently,
To get the route works correct ,all your should do is to intall .net framework4.0.
see this blog post from Haacked:
It depends. If you are using extensionless routes then yes there's a special config.
Must read:
Also, I installed Webmatrix via Web Platform Installer just to make sure that I had all that I needed. Went through 2 reboots and voila~
I had the same problem with Windows Server 2003 IIS6 running a MVC4 app for the first time - in the end a .NET 4 repair (I downloaded the dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe file from Microsoft and executed it) did the trick!
Recently I again had the same problem on a rebuilt server and this time I had forgotten to check Web Service Extensions (bottom "folder" in IIS6) and found that ASP.NET v4 was Prohibited. I changed it to allowed, restarted IIS Admin Service from Services and it started working.
