Analytics reports with User-ID is not accurate - google-analytics

I implemented on my site the User-ID in Google Analytics to really accurate reports. However, to my surprise, when generating a custom report with my custom dimensions in places that I know that have been accessed by one person analytics shows incorrect values (the value 2 in the example image).
What can I do to fix this?
(more details)
I'm already using a view with the configured User-ID, and analytics is receiving data about two weeks this way. I know the information I'm sending is correct since checked with the extension of the chrome "Assistant Tag".
I have some "Custom Dimensions" to separate my users by divisions of sectors used internally in the company.
My problem is that to generate the report based on that "Custom Dimensions" in areas where I know they were only accessed by a single user in the report is presented as 2.
I would like to have a report that shows to me the access number no matter how many times the same user access to the same url it appears in the report as a single user.


Reporting URL of downloads in Data Studio when using Google Analytics 4 automatic enhanced measurement events?

I have setup a new Google Analytics 4 property and have enabled enhanced tracking, which records all downloads automatically. When using Google Data Studio, I can see 'file_download' events (so it's definitely working) and use this data to build my report.
I need to create a report that shows which files were downloaded each month for a specific page only. It's really easy to get the total number of downloads which occurred on that page, however, I can't for the life of me find any way to report what the destination URL or file name was.
According to the Analytics support pages, the event has a number of useful parameters (file_extension, file_name, link_classes, link_domain, link_id, link_text, link_url), however, I can't see any related options for these in the Data Studio reports.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. At this point, I'm almost tempted to disable the automatic tracking and do it all manually via Tag Manager again.
It is possible create reports with the useful parameters. However, you need to register the parameters in Google Analytics first.
To register the customer dimensions, navigate to "All events", click "Manage Custom Definitions", and add custom dimensions for each parameter. This article goes through the details of registering custom dimensions: In this example, I've registered three dimensions (one for each parameter):
Once the dimensions are registered, Google Analytics will record the dimensions going forward. You should be able to create reports on these dimensions in Data Studio the next day. Here's the example reports:

Metrics and dimensions are not showing up for hits of type 'event'

I have a fully functional and working code (written in C#) which purpose is to track some hits to the specified GA property. This code has been tested and still works successfully. It adds some predefined dimensions (like App Version) to each hit and a several custom metrics to a certain hit types (like event with a certain Event Action).
So far so good everything works flawlessly when taking into account the first property to which these hits are being sent. Also everything is fine when I set up a brand new GA property and track my hits to it - that is, I'm able to see events in Realtime reports, and events show up in custom reports after a while so that I can see my custom metrics.
The issue is that when I try to send absolutely the same hits to the existing property which had been created and configured ages ago - there is no both dimensions (even predefined) and custom metrics in my custom reports. I see these events in realtime and behavior reports, and I'm even able to create a custom report against events count - but that's it. I'm able to use for example Day of the month as a primary dimension, but when I try to use App Version as a dimension or my custom metrics as report metrics - it says "There is no data for this view.".
I've already tried everything I could, have read almost every post about custom definitions in Google and viewed almost each related SO question and answer - still with no luck.
We use measurement protocol
There is a correct User Agent being sent with each hit
17 days has passed since my first attempt to track these hits with existing property
There is no filters and segments at all
There is only one view
For me it looks like a property misconfiguration, but I've inspected each configuration page (I have all possible rights granted) and have not found anything related.
Will appreciate any help with this issue.
UPD: The hit itself (with the sensitive data replaced):
UPD: Here is what I'm trying to achieve (screenshot was made at the test property, where everything works like a charm):

"There is no data for this view." in reports with custom dimensions in Measurement Protocol of Google Analytics

Our application needs to gather usage data through the Measurement Protocol of Google Analytics.
We can successfully send "appview" hits to the Google Analytics server, and get a proper response by it (a GIF image). The appview hits appear on the GA Dashboard, along with the country of origin, session duration, etc.
We also have several custom dimensions and metrics that we want track for each hit. We have set those up in the GA Admin panel with the correct scope, index and active state. We have 3 Hit-scoped dimensions, 3 User-leveled dimensions and 1 Hit-scoped metric, all set to Active state.
We send the dimensions and metrics as described in the docs at
Custom Dimensions / Metrics
attached to the hits they apply for, like so:
...&cm1*=3 <--for the metric
...&cd6*=15 <--for the dimensions (some dimensions have numeric values, others are text)
The problem is that those metrics and dimensions don't show up in our custom reports: the reports always say "There is no data for this view.". For example, we have a report that has one dimension and one metric, without any filters, set to "Any view". It doesn't matter if the Type of the report is Explorer, Flat Table or Map Overlay, it never shows anything.
There have been several days since the hits were received and appeared in the dashboard, but the reports are still empty. So scratch out any processing lag.
We tried sending "event" hits instead of "appview" hits - again, the hits show up in the Dashboard, but the reports are empty.
We cannot get any useful insights without using dimensions and metrics - so there is no way to get by without this.
Because of reasons too long to describe, we cannot use any of the Google-provided Analytics libraries.
Is there anything else we need to do to see data in those reports?
When using the measurement protocol you need to that the profile is not set to exclude bot and spiders.
Go to the google analytics website under the admin and the settings under the profile in question.
Beyond that check the realtime reports you should see the hits coming in. You will need to wait 24 -48 hours for data to appear in the standard reports due to data processing lag.

How to Unlock the Not Set Keywords in Google Analytics?

I am getting “not set” in keyword report section of Google analytics data. May I know any method to retrieve the search terms/ keywords from the not set data?
May I know what are the factors that can result in showing the “not set” result in Google analytics?
any help
You can't Unlock it:
(not set) is a placeholder name that Analytics uses when it hasn't received any information for the dimension you have selected. Occasionally, information related to a click can be lost even if auto-tagging is enabled. As a result, you may see some (not set) entries instead of keyword, ad-content, or campaign information that could not be collected.
Which report exactly are you having a problem with?
If you mean that you want to see what users are Searching the Google website on to come to your website. You are going to have a problem Google has stopped sending this information, they want to make things more secure for users.

Track where 404s come from in Google Analytics?

I want to figure out how visitors are getting to my /error404 page. I want to see what URL they attempted to visit (e.g., before they received the 404, so I can see what content my users think I have.
You can get by without touching your source files--as long as your error pages/templates are tagged, that's all you need, configuration-wise.
As an aside, our error page template all look about the same so to clearly allow a person viewing the GA data to distinguish the various error pages, we annotate them by passing in a descriptive string to _trackPageview(), e.g.,
Needless to say, this annotation is just for GA, it isn't shown to the user.
So w/r/t viewing the information you are after--i.e., page paths in which one of your error pages is the terminus--you can use either the GA data browser or either of the two GA APIs.
Using the GA Data Export API
I would code my Request this way:
# or if your API client does not require URL encoding, then:
If you haven't used the GA Data Export API, the Data Feed page shows a complete API Request that you can use as a template.
In addition, Google's Data Feed Query Explorer is a decent sandbox to interactively test the queries that comprise your Requests.
Using the GA data browser
From the main Dashboard, on the left-hand side panel, click Content, then click Overview underneath it. To the right, in the main window, you will see a heading under the Pageviews chart, called Navigation Analysis, this has two linked options under it, Navigation Summary and Entrance Paths. clicking the latter will reveal the view shown below. In the textbox, just enter the name of your error page to get the entrance path for that error page.
Finally, relying on your server access log for this information is less reliable for all of the usual reasons (caching, etc.), in addition, given your question is specific to GA, i assume you already use GA, so modifying your config file, and parsing the activity log, if you are not already doing so, is a lot of trouble, compared to getting a more accurate count of the same data through a channel (GA) you have already set up.
You don't need google analytics for this - just expand the logging of your webserver to log referer data for this specific page. With this information you can see where the majority of people are coming from.
