i have two tables namely 1.caccount and 2.upload. 1.caccount is use for register users. 2.upload is use for post a job when user is logged in. i put columnname uid in both tables at beginning.that will use to show only jobs that posted by particular user. now i want to display number of jobs posted by particular user? how to count that particular user is posting a this amount of job? sorry for my bad english. thanks in advance.
this is a screenshot for caccount table
this is a screenshot for upload table
this is a main page where i have to display count of positions offer by particular user or company
Use this:
select count(*)
from upload
where uid = <the user id>;
I have a question when using the User ID feature to track users across devices/browsers.
If I activate the transfer service from GA to Bigquery in which field will I get that information. Would it use the same fullVisitorId column or a new one will be created?
The field is called userId.
More info can be found here. Please note that for this data to appear in BigQuery, you must make sure to select the User ID view when setting up the GA/BigQuery link.
The GUID will be new field and can be found as a custom dimension.
So firstly I have no code to show as I'm trying to get my head around how to do this first.
So I have a website that has 3 account pages (Patient, Doctor, Admin) that have 3 different pages for these. There is 3 tables named Patient, Doctor and Admin with account/log in and registered details in them. There is also a field in each of these tables called Role and for Patient table I have the word Patient in the field for each record and the same for Doctor and Admin.
In my login page I need to grab these to determine their login. So if patient is logged in then in the masterpage the patient accountlink will turn visible and so on.
How do i grab all 3 of these roles and determine an if, store in session, and use the session in the masterpage to show whichever link.
Sorry if this is confusing.
What you need to do is have one main table where all the login details go. In this table, have a column called Role and when a new account is made, make it also input into the table, the role of the person.
If you need the other tables for other things, then use an if else statement to also make the information be input into the table that matches its role. (so that means, info input into two tables). This makes it a lot easier.
Then, on the page where the user is redirected after they log in, this is where you write the code to check for the user's role.
sql = "SELECT Role From tablename WHERE username = '"& textbox.text &"'"
Search the main table using the username of the user to find the role and then use an if statement to make the specific links show.
If sql = Patient then
<code here>
Else if sql = Admin then
<code here>
Else if sql = Doctor then
<code here>
End if
Im new to asp and i need u guys to guide me pls? Okay, lets just straight to the point. How to display current user who logged in to the system their own data? Like my system is about tracking expenses spent by user monthly. So, once user entered the expenses, prices for that particular month, it will be stored in db of course. But the tricky part here is when the user log in again, they should be able to view back their own records. So, basically i have a drop down menu which is used for month, Jan-Dec, grid view which to view all the particular user's records, view button (when user choose month,they click on the button and the grid view will show the expenses for that particular month) and thats all. So, if you guys have any idea, solution, pls tell me how. I would be appreciated if you could gimme the step by step to do that. Thank you.
|username|Month|Expense1|price 1| Expense2|Price2|....//this is the eg of my db structure
P/s: i dont know how to use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name. If you could guide me by gimme the steps, that would be great! Thank you again.
Firstly, You must be having a Login form to login and view monthly expense and make new entries.
Now you can follow the below steps and make all your application working.
Assuming you have created the database to store new users information with there passwords and expenses table storing data related to the expense with respect to particular user after login.
once the user is logged in to your application. You can store the
User ID in Session.
This session can help you to take are which user is logged in or there are no users logged in currently to your application
since you have the database filled with all the details related to
expense. After login check if you have any user id in your session
or your session is null or not.
if you find any User ID session just pass this as a SqlParameter to your store Procedure and fetch all the records of this User id.
If you find any records bind your results to grid view. Otherwise display no records found and give a provision to Add new Expense Detail.
If you are using MemberShip API for Maintaining User Account and Login then you can user the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name get the User ID from this name using MemberShip class in System.Web.Security namespace.
Hope the above steps are clear and you follow the functionality properly, to solve your problem.
In any social network, you can follow a person, a post or anything, everything you followed will be displayed in your wall, now I wanna implement the same feature in asp.net mvc, but I have problem on design table to query all following things of a user. This is tables I designed:
So when a user followed other user,a new record will be pushed on Following table with followingId is userId, and source is "User" table, the same as with following a post with followingId is postId and source is "Post" table.
The problem is when fetch data from what your following, the query join many tables to return result if user followed more things than a Post, and Other User (such as a Tag, a Topic...). this will be not good performance and query time to return data to user.
Do you have any idea about this ? I'm very appreciate to hear your solution, thanks a lot!
Your database design is flawed, instead of one "link" table with a string to identify where the "Followed thing" resides makes it hard to query effectively.
Instead you need one link table per thing linked. SO in your simplified example you might have
[UserFollowingUser(id, userId, followedUserId]
Therefore to get all users following a post, or all posts followed by a user, or get all users following a particular user, or get all users followed by a particular user is easy as pie.
I am trying to create a block which displays the users who have created most number of content(nodes) in the site... how can I do this? for example "List of users who have written most number of articles"
Check User Activity Module.
You can get the data with a simple SQL query on the node table. My SQL is a little rusty but it would be something like this:
SELECT uid, count(nid) FROM node WHERE type = 'whatever' GROUP BY uid ORDER BY count(nid) DESC
First result will be the user will the most nodes of type whatever, second result user with the second most nodes, etc. etc. Then just parse the results and shove it into a block. I'm not going to write how to do all that though :)