Users who have created most number of content (node) drupal - drupal

I am trying to create a block which displays the users who have created most number of content(nodes) in the site... how can I do this? for example "List of users who have written most number of articles"

Check User Activity Module.

You can get the data with a simple SQL query on the node table. My SQL is a little rusty but it would be something like this:
SELECT uid, count(nid) FROM node WHERE type = 'whatever' GROUP BY uid ORDER BY count(nid) DESC
First result will be the user will the most nodes of type whatever, second result user with the second most nodes, etc. etc. Then just parse the results and shove it into a block. I'm not going to write how to do all that though :)


Find User IDs not on OPRDEFN in PeopleSoft FIN

Our former security admin team off-boarded terminated users by deleting their user profiles from the system. We have changed that policy but there is potential for duplicates. I am attempting to find user ids on the various module tables that are not on the OPRDEFN but having no luck.
I would like to query the major tables to return a list of all user ids to compare to the current OPRDEFN. From there, I can either have them added or create a reference list the admins to use prior to creating a new user id.
Does anyone have any tips or already written SQL? I am not the best SQL writer, I've tried several different things but nothings works.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here you have a list of tables using the OPRID field. I have already formatted it in a way you can just run the result to get the Oprids.
Also, consider other columns like OPERATOR
Also, you may just look at PSACCESSLOG, it will show you when someone access, so you may save time by querying it only

What's the best way to store users in DynamoDB so I can get one efficiently, and a related group as well?

I have users for my website that need to log in. In order to do that, I have to check the database for them, by email address or a hash of their email.
Some of my users have an online course in common.
Others are all on the same project.
There are multiple projects and courses.
How might I set up my table so that I can grab individual users, and efficiently query related groups of users?
I'm thinking...
PK = user#mysite
SK =
projects = [1,2,3]
courses = [101,202,303]
I can get any user user with a get PK = user#mysite, SK =
But if I query, I have to filter two attributes, and I feel like I'm no longer very efficient.
If I set up users like this on the other hand:
PK =
SK = 1#2#3#101#202#303
projects = [1,2,3]
courses = [101,202,303]
Then I can get PK = and that's unique on its own.
And I can query SK contains 101 for example if I want all the 101 course students.
But I have to maintain this weird # deliminated list of things in the SK string.
Am I thinking about this the right way?
You want to find items which possess a value in an attribute holding a list of values. So do I sometimes! But there is not an index for that.
You can, however, solve this by adding new items to the table.
Your main item would have the email address as both the PK and the SK. It includes attributes listing the courses and projects, and all the other metadata about that user.
For each course, you insert additional items where the course id is the PK and the member emails are the various SKs in that item collection. Same for projects.
Given an email, you can find all about them with a get item. Given a course or project you can find all matching emails with a query against the course or project id. Do a batch get items then if you need all the data about each email.
When someone adds or drops a course or project, you update the main item as well as add/remove the additional indexed items.
Should you want to query by course X and project Y you can pull the matching results to the client and join in the client on email address.
In one of your designs you're proposing a contains against the SK, which is not a supported operator against SKs so that design wouldn't work.

Voting on items - how to design database/aws-lambda to minimize AWS costs

I'm working on a website that mostly displays items created by registered users. So I'd say 95% of API calls are to read a single item and 5% are to store a single item. System is designed with AWS API Gateway that calls AWS Lambda function which manipulates data in DynamoDB.
My next step is to implement voting system (upvote/downvote) with basic fetaures:
Each registered user can vote only once per item, and later is only allowed to change that vote.
number of votes needs to be displayed to all users next to every item.
items have only single-item views, and are (almost) never displayed in a list view.
only list view I need is "top 100 items by votes" but it is ok to calculate this once per day and serve cached version
My goal is to design a database/lambda to minimize costs of AWS. It's easy to make the logic work but I'm not sure if my solution is the optimal one:
My items table currently has hashkey slug and sortkey version
I created items-votes table with hashkey slug and sortkey user and also voted field (containing -1 or 1)
I added field votes to items table
API call to upvote/downvote inserts to item-votes table but before checks constraints that user has not already voted that way. Then in second query updates items table with updated votes count. (so 1 API call and 2 db queries)
old API call to show an item stays the same but grabs new votes count too (1 API call and 1 db query)
I was wondering if this can be done even better with avoiding new items-votes table and storing user votes inside items table? It looks like it is possible to save one query that way, and half the lambda execution time but I'm worried it might make that table too big/complex. Each user field is a 10 chars user ID so if item gets thousands of votes I'm not sure how Lambda/DynamoDB will behave compared to original solution.
I don't expect thousands of votes any time soon, but it is not impossible to happen to a few items and I'd like to avoid situation where I need to migrate to different solution in the near future.
I would suggest to have a SET DynamoDB (i.e. SS) attribute to maintain the list of users who voted against the item. Something like below:-
upvotes : ['user1', 'user2']
downvotes : ['user1', 'user2']
When you update the votes using UpdateExpression, you can use ADD operator which adds users to SET only if it doesn't exists.
ADD - Adds the specified value to the item, if the attribute does not
already exist. If the attribute does exist, then the behavior of ADD
depends on the data type of the attribute:
If the existing data type is a set and if Value is also a set, then
Value is added to the existing set. For example, if the attribute
value is the set [1,2], and the ADD action specified [3], then the
final attribute value is [1,2,3]. An error occurs if an ADD action is
specified for a set attribute and the attribute type specified does
not match the existing set type. Both sets must have the same
primitive data type. For example, if the existing data type is a set
of strings, the Value must also be a set of strings.
This way you don't need to check whether the user already upvote or downvote for the item or not.
Only thing you may need to ensure is that the same user shouldn't be present on upvote and downvote set. Probably, you can use REMOVE or ConditionExpression to achieve this.

how to count particular values from same column in mysql

i have two tables namely 1.caccount and 2.upload. 1.caccount is use for register users. 2.upload is use for post a job when user is logged in. i put columnname uid in both tables at beginning.that will use to show only jobs that posted by particular user. now i want to display number of jobs posted by particular user? how to count that particular user is posting a this amount of job? sorry for my bad english. thanks in advance.
this is a screenshot for caccount table
this is a screenshot for upload table
this is a main page where i have to display count of positions offer by particular user or company
Use this:
select count(*)
from upload
where uid = <the user id>;

Implement "follow person, post" feature in mvc

In any social network, you can follow a person, a post or anything, everything you followed will be displayed in your wall, now I wanna implement the same feature in mvc, but I have problem on design table to query all following things of a user. This is tables I designed:
So when a user followed other user,a new record will be pushed on Following table with followingId is userId, and source is "User" table, the same as with following a post with followingId is postId and source is "Post" table.
The problem is when fetch data from what your following, the query join many tables to return result if user followed more things than a Post, and Other User (such as a Tag, a Topic...). this will be not good performance and query time to return data to user.
Do you have any idea about this ? I'm very appreciate to hear your solution, thanks a lot!
Your database design is flawed, instead of one "link" table with a string to identify where the "Followed thing" resides makes it hard to query effectively.
Instead you need one link table per thing linked. SO in your simplified example you might have
[UserFollowingUser(id, userId, followedUserId]
Therefore to get all users following a post, or all posts followed by a user, or get all users following a particular user, or get all users followed by a particular user is easy as pie.
