Can linter-flake8 ignore files by using a project-wide .flake8rc? - atom-editor

I'm using Atom and linter-flake8 for my project. I have a set of huge generated Python files and I want them ignored by linter-flake8. These files are placed in a folder called generated/, inside the project root folder. At the same level with the generated/ folder, I placed a .flake8rc with the following content:
and configured linter-flake8 to use this file (via Preferences in Atom). However, it still parses those files. What am I doing wrong?
PS: If I run flake8 --exclude=generated/ . in bash, in the project root folder, it works fine and ignores my files.


Can js file be compiled in a different folder from the source folder?

I'm building an Obsidian plugin, and it uses esbuild to bundle ts file to js file. The ts file is located at D:\foo1\foo2\..., and I want the js file to be at D:\bar1\bar2\.... The reason for this is because I want the source folder is in a different folder than the plugin folder, so that when syncing it to mobile I don't have to exclude the source files.
I was suggested to edit the esbuild.config.mjs file, and I find in the documentation that beside the outfile config there are also outdir, outbase. However, these are the results when I'm using them:
outdir: 'D:\Quả Cầu\B Nội dung\Knowledge graphs\Cây vấn đề\.obsidian\plugins\dotmaker'
error: Failed to create output directory: mkdir D:\GitHub\Obsidian\dotmaker\D:Quả CầuB Nội dungKnowledge graphsCây vấn đề.obsidianpluginsdotmaker: The directory name is invalid.
outbase: 'D:\Quả Cầu\B Nội dung\Knowledge graphs\Cây vấn đề\.obsidian\plugins\dotmaker',
It prints the js content in the terminal, but the real file isn't changed.
It seems that I can only create the js file inside the source folder. Is that possible?
You didn't correctly format the content of the outdir setting. When using backslashes \ as path separator on windows, you have to escape them. Ie use
outdir: 'D:\\Quả Cầu\\B Nội dung\\Knowledge graphs\\Cây vấn đề\\.obsidian\\plugins\\dotmaker'

Unable to read xml file when using exe4j to package jar into exe

Recently I encountered a problem when using exe4j to package the jar into exe. My xml configuration file is placed in the same directory of the exe, but after the package is completed, the exe will look for the xml file from the temporary folder.
These are the instructions in the exe4j help documentation
For some applications (especially GUI applications) you might want to change >the working directory to a specific directory relative to the executable, for >example to read config files that are in a fixed location. To do so, please >select the Change working directory to: checkbox and enter a directory relative >to the executable in the adjacent text field. To change the current directory >to the same directory where the executable is located, please enter a single >dot.
The error when i running the exe :
[ERROR] In Log's init,cann't read config file, file=/C:/Users/**/AppData/Local/Temp/e4jEA8.tmp_dir1543543191//sys_log.xml
Why is the program not looking for this xml from the exe's sibling directory, and how can I find it from this directory?
If you are using the "JAR in EXE" mode, use
to get the parent directory of the executable.

Qt renaming path of the project

sometimes when I rename the path to a qt project, it cannot be run even though I clean qmake and rebuild it!!! the path does not contain any space. and the project is completely correct and I know that the error is for path renaming , for example when I rename :
it cannot be build and says that some include file is missing(but the file is there!).
what is the problem?
I work with dynamic qt5.2 on windows 7.
when I copy the project folder to a new directory( a path upper than current path) then the project can be build and run.
When you rename the path to the project, go to the project folder and delete the file with .pro.user extension. Open the project and Qt will ask you to configure the project. Choose the required kit, build and run the project.It should build successfully now
If you have changed path multiple times the .pro.user file is created multiple times delete all files with this extension and compile

Why can't my mxmlc find the SDK home?

I am trying to compile from the command line with mxmlc.
I am using a config file so am running something like this:
d:\myProject>mxmlc -load-config=myProject-config.xml
My config file includes reference to files that are located in the SDK underneath $FLEX_HOME\frameworks such as the \themes and \libs folder.
But mxmlc complains that it cannot find these files.
I have a %FLEX_HOME% environment variable defined and pointing to the top level of the SDK which includes the \frameworks and \bin folders directly underneath. I also have %FLEX_HOME%\bin on the %path%.
What am I doing wrong?

How do I create a jar file, which includes xml and html files?

I am trying to create a jar file which includes some class and java files needed, but I also would like to include some extra xml, xsl, html, txt (README) files.
I am using Eclipse on Windows XP.
Is there an easy way for me to set up a directory structure and package all my files into a jar?
Add the files to a source folder and they can be included in the jar.
One common way is to have, at the root of your project, a src folder. Within that, folders for java files, and others. something like:
Then you can make each of those subfolders a source folder (Right click, Use as Source Folder) and they should be available to add to the jar.
A .jar is nothing but a ZIP archive, so you can use any program capable of creating ZIPs. Just make sure that you include the manifest and all the class files.
I just added all the files into my Eclipse project (including the txt, html, xml, etc files).
Then I used Eclipse to File->Export->Jar File->Next
Check the "Export Java source files and resources" box.
If you're using Ant, you can use the jar task (see the examples section for how to include/exclude certain files, etc.)
If you move to an ANT (or Maven, for you Maven fans) then you can automate the Jar building very nicely, and also use it outside of Eclipse (e.g., in an automated build environment). All you need to do is copy the files from your src, jsp, foobar and resources locations into a build staging folder, then Jar the resulting files using ANT's Jar task.
<target name="makejar" depends="compile, copyfiles">
<jar destfile="${jars.dir}/myjarfile.jar" index="true" basedir="${build.dir}" />
One thing I look down on is including non-source (except package.html files for Javadoc) within the src folder. If you feel you have to do this to achieve something, then you are doing it wrong.
