Importing data to google analytics with R - r

I would like to automate the data upload to GoogleAnalytics with R, but cannot find the way to do it.
So far I have done this:
Get google auth token based on googleAuthR package:
token <- Authentication$public_fields$token
Generate url to the upload endpoint:
url.template <- "$i/webproperties/%2$s/customDataSources/%3$s/uploads"
url <- sprintf(url.template,,, data.source)
Call POST using httr package:
httr::POST(url = url,
body = list(y = httr::upload_file("ga-product-import.csv")),
config = token,
encode = "multipart"
So far I am getting 400 response.
I also tried this:
f <- gar_api_generator(url,
data_parse_function = function(x) x)
f(the_body = list(y = httr::upload_file("ga-product-import.csv")))
but getting this error:
Error : No method asJSON S3 class: form_file Error in
the_request$status_code : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

The library googleAnalyticsR depends on googleAuthR, and has a cost data upload function with help found at ?ga_custom_upload


POST request in R

Trying to send POST request in R but didn't work. I tried:
token_endpoint = '...'
client_id = '...'
client_secret = 'pgGj9n4Sdl8cfM4cKNnjYcLVGSIyQxhm3ydCX3IRbdc='
scope = 'icdapi_access'
grant_type = 'client_credentials'
r <- POST(token_endpoint, add_headers('client_id'= client_id,
'client_secret'= client_secret,
'scope'= scope,
'grant_type'= grant_type))
with package httr following a Python version of this
but I don't know where to find access_token in r
Also I don't know where should I
Essentially, you need to retrieve the content object in your response data and have it parsed. Consider sending JSON content type as a config parameter (i.e., unnamed parameter). Since it is json, convert the content with rawToChar and pass it into jsonlite::fromJSON(). You may need to dig inside api_json to retrieve needed data.
response <- httr::POST(
'client_id'= client_id,
'client_secret'= client_secret,
'scope'= scope,
'grant_type'= grant_type)
api_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(response$content))

R - Translate GET requests in Postman with body raw to GET requests in R

I have a question about to add body to GET request.
In Postman, I easily add body raw json to tab Body
In R, I use httr::GETand I can not find any option to add them. I try to use option query, but it return error 500 "Missing parameter username"
This is my code (sorry about fake data):
api <- ".........................../users/authorize"
query <- list("username": "xxxxx", "password": "xxxxxxxxxxxx")
resp <- GET(api, query = query)
# Error: Internal Server Error (HTTP 500).
content(resp, type = "text", encoding = "utf-8")
# [1] "{\"status\":\"0\",\"error_code\":\"S002\",\"errors\":\"Missing param [username].\"}"
Can anybody help me to this case? Thank you so much.
Try this:
resp <- httr::POST(body = query, encode = "json")

Updating Google Tag Manager container via API using R: invalidArgument error

I am trying to write an R script to programmatically update a Google Tag Manager container via API and I have hit a bit of a wall getting it to work, as it keeps returning an invalid argument error. The problem is that I can't quite figure out what the problem is.
The documentation for the API call is here:
Here's the code:
url_base <- ''
url_path <- paste('accounts',account_id,'containers',container_id,sep='/')
api_url <- paste(url_base,url_path,sep='/')
#since the instructions indicate that the request body parameters are all optional, let's just send a new name
call <- PUT(api_url,
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", gtm_token$credentials$access_token)),
encode = 'json',
body = list(name = 'new name'))
call_content <- content(call,'parsed')
This is a pretty standard API call to the GTM API, and in fact I have written a bunch of functions for other GTM API methods that work in the same way, so I am a bit perplexed as to why this one keeps failing:
[1] "global"
[1] "invalidArgument"
[1] "Bad Request"
[1] 400
[1] "Bad Request"
It seems like the issue is in the message body, but it's not clear if the issue is down to the API expecting different information / more parameters, when the documentation suggests that all of the parameters are optional.
OK, so the documentation is lacking here. This works if you include a name at least. Here's a working function:
gtm_containers_update <- function(account_id,container_id,container_name,usage_context,domain_name,notes,token) {
#create the post url
api_url <- paste('','accounts',account_id,'containers',container_id,sep='/')
#create the list with required components
call_body <- list(name = container_name,
usageContext = list(usage_context),
notes = notes,
domainName = domain_name)
call <- POST(url,
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token$credentials$access_token)),
encode = 'json',
body = call_body)
print(paste('Status code:',call$status_code))

AWS API authentication in R : Missing Authentication Token

I need to authenticate AWS API in R. I tried using aws.signature package to do the same and I am getting 403 response with error Missing Authentication Token . It seems that I am missing some necessary parameters. Looking for assistance to debug the below code or ways to authenticate AWS API in R.
# To create aws signature for authentication for the rest API call
# validate arguments and setup request URL
current <- Sys.time()
d_timestamp <- format(current, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ", tz = "UTC")
hdrs <- list(`Content-Type` = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Host = "",
`x-amz-date` = d_timestamp)
params <- signature_v4_auth(
datetime = d_timestamp,
region = "eu-central-1",
service = "execute-api",
verb = "GET",
action = "iMetaAPI",
query_args = list(),
canonical_headers = hdrs,
request_body = "json",
key = "***************",
secret = "*****************",
session_token = NULL,
query = FALSE,
algorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256",
verbose = TRUE)
a <- GET("",
query = params)
A few things:
request_body needs to be the actual body. You're doing a GET() so it should just be NULL or "".
The response from signature_v4_auth() is a list but you don't need all of its elements - probably just the hds$Authorization <- params$SignatureHeader element.
The actual errors you're getting is because you haven't passed the headers. You need to pass the headers to GET() with something like:, hdrs) so you can do:
a <- GET("",, headers))
That will probably work, or you'll at least get a more informative error.

Failing HTTP request to Google Sheets API using googleAuthR, httr, and jsonlite

I'm attempting to request data from a google spreadsheet using the googleAuthR. I need to use this library instead of Jenny Bryan's googlesheets because the request is part of a shiny app with multiple user authentication. When the request range does not contain spaces (e.g. "Sheet1!A:B" the request succeeds. However, when the tab name contains spaces (e.g. "'Sheet 1'!A:B" or "\'Sheet 1\'!A:B", the request fails and throws this error:
Request Status Code: 400
Error : lexical error: invalid char in json text.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=en>
(right here) ------^
Mark Edmondson's googleAuthR uses jsonlite for parsing JSON. I assume this error is coming from jsonlite, but I'm at a loss for how to fix it. Here is a minimal example to recreate the issue:
# scopes
options("googleAuthR.scopes.selected" = "")
# client id and secret
options("googleAuthR.client_id" = "XXXX")
options("googleAuthR.client_secret" = "XXXX")
# request
get_data <- function(spreadsheetId, range) {
l <- googleAuthR::gar_api_generator(
baseURI = "",
http_header = 'GET',
path_args = list(spreadsheets = spreadsheetId,
values = range),
pars_args = list(majorDimension = 'ROWS',
valueRenderOption = 'UNFORMATTED_VALUE'),
data_parse_function = function(x) x)
req <- l()
# authenticate
gar_auth(new_user = TRUE)
# input
spreadsheet_id <- "XXXX"
range <- "'Sheet 1'!A:B"
# get data
df <- get_data(spreadsheet_id, range)
How should I format range variable for the request to work? Thanks in advance for the help.
Use URLencode() to percent-encode spaces.
Using options(googleAuthR.verbose = 1) shows that the GET request was of the form:
GET /v4/spreadsheets/.../values/'Sheet 1'!A:B?majorDimension=ROWS&valueRenderOption=UNFORMATTED_VALUE HTTP/1.1
I had assumed the space would be encoded, but I guess not. In this github issue from August 2016, Mark states URLencode() was going to be the default for later versions of googleAuthR. Not sure if that will still happen, but it's an easy fix in the meantime.
