Want to add custom field at time of update cart in woocommerce - wordpress

I want to add a new custom field in woocomerce cart while updating cart on cart page for indivdual cart items(not on product page).
how can i do this? Can any one suggest me a filter/action for this i am new with woocomerce. thanks.

Make a condition wrt your product ID at cart page and create a custom field.
Hope this link can help you in creating the field.


Displaying a custom drop down list in a Woocommerce product table

I would like to display a custom drop down list in a woo-commerce product table for customer's to make a selection before adding product to cart. I have installed the Advanced Custom Field plugin and the Woo-commerce Product Table Pro. I do not want to use woo-commerce's product variation feature.
Does anyone know how I can display the custom drop down list I created in the product table?
You just need WC Fields Factory Woocommerce extension which helps to add custom fields to your Product Page, using which you can gather additional information from the users while they adding the product to Cart.

How to add total sum to woocommerce cart section

I customized the "checkout" page and added cart section to that page.(Just copy and paste cart table from "cart" to "checkout" page)
I'm using storefront child theme and custom "cart","checkout" page templates are in here.
What I want is to add the total sum section below cart table. Something like this.
How can I handle this one?
For the total part WooCommerce has another template called "cart-totals.php".
So you might need to add its content too.

Issue in add the product to cart when price field is empty

I am using https://wisdmlabs.com/woocommerce-user-specific-pricing-extension/ plugin in my site. Using this plugin i have add variations and price for each products. But i have one issue here. I can’t able to add the product to cart when the regular price field is empty.
What can i do for this?

from where add to cart code works

I am new for the wordpress and I am using woocommerce plugin to create an ecommerce website through it.
I want to know that from where the add to cart functionality is being taking place either by template or by some specific function invloved in attempting the add to cart functionality . I am searching for this as I have to add some custom fields other then provided by the woocommerce.
I have to add the field "material type and description" for the product which is being dynamically generated at the client end.and I have to add that dynamically generated values to the cart and also I have to add this to the Database table as well . so that it will be available through the checkout page.
Please hemp me to solve the Issue.
As I have search to display the cart "cart.php template "is available but it is not showing the code for add to cart.

drupal add to inquiry cart

I am trying to create product catalog website in which I need to include a functionality similar to add to cart.
any visitor can add the products to inquiry cart and at the end instead of checkout he can submit the order for all the products which he have already collected in the inquiry cart.
See the ubercart module - http://drupal.org/project/ubercart
