Connect to virtual machine through bridged port - networking

In my setup, I have a virtual machine in VMWare for development purposes using a bridged adapter. I can connect to it from another computer, but not from the host machine. My host is located at and the guest is Both can connect to the internet, but not to eachother. Upon pinging one IP from the other, I get a Request timed out from my host (Windows 10) and Destination Host Unreachable from the guest (Ubuntu Server 16.04.1). Is this a limitation of the bridged connector? Or is there some config that I have missed in making this happen?
EDIT: I am connected to my router using an ethernet cable, and the network is listed as a 'private' one

Can you connect to your host computer from the other (Non-VM) computer?
This sounds to me like your host computer is blocking incoming and outgoing pings which is probably a firewall issue. Try ensuring that you're on a "private" network instead of a "public" network.
The best way to check is by going to the Network and Sharing Center and looking for your bridged adapter. If it says Private network (or Domain network) That's not your problem. If it says Public network, you'll have to change it.
The easiest way to change it is to make sure that's the only network you're connected to and go to "Network" (Just type it in the address bar of any explorer window) A yellow bar will drop down telling you that you're not allowing file sharing on public networks. Click on it and you can get a box that lets you either share files on public networks (NO!!!) or change the network you're connected to, to a private network. (Yes!)
Hope that fixes your problem!


How can I open my local TCP port to public?

I have a TCP Server for a my personal chat, I want to expand my connection beyond my local network and I want to open my port: 28752 to my IP public of pc to enter wherever I want only when my computer is on.
I have seen different solutions for example DMZ to associate my local IP to public IP, but i want to do this without modifying to router's setting I wanted to do it from a program. Is it possible?
It is possible to open up ports. But it depends on the OS in which you are trying to accomplish it. You can use the linux iptables to manipulate the ports opened and closed to any linux machine. IptablesSome examples . The ports should also be opened on the firewall layer outside the VM. eg: It could be AWS access policy, Security group, MAC's security firewall. Your laptop, when connected to the internet, will have a public IP address, you can share that public IP. But these IP address will change when you get connected to a different router. You can use AWS cli commands to assign a static IP address for your machine and expose it publicly. At the least minimum, you would need a public DNS server to expose your IP publicly. Easy way to achieve this is by putting in web server on cloud. Without a domain , you cant expose your IP. Once you have finalized on the domain (eg: AWS Route 53, Ingree IP from K8 etc), you can change/manipulate them from your program. It need not be language specific.

Cannot establish network link between host and VM on Hyper-V

I'm having trouble creating a network link between my Hyper-V host machine and its VM (both are running Windows 10).
I created an virtual external switch for both the host and VM so that both can access the internet and download programs and Windows updates, but I could not get them to communicate with each other directly. My research told me to create a virtual internal switch in Hyper-V and then have the devices be able to access each other that way (presumably by doing something like typing \\host_machine_IP\c$ into an explorer window once the network connection had been made). But once I created the virtual internal switch and assigned static IP address to both the host and VM on it, I still could not ping the host from the VM, or vice versa.
Am I missing a step? Let me know what more details you guys need.
By default you would have Windows Firewall blocking your communications until you confirm network profile to be other than Public. Try selecting a home\work network location profile via Control Panel > Network and Sharing canter. Or disable the firewall on the machine you try connecting to. Otherwise you should have no communication problem with the setup described, provided the subnet is the same for both machines.

How To Access FileZilla Remotely?

I've Created My Own FileZilla FTP server and I wanted to access it from my local Network.
So I've done that. but there are Two Problems I'm Facing right now.
Problem 1:- Can't connect ON PC which is connected with same Router But with LAN
My father's PC is connected with LAN And My Laptop is Connected with WiFi
So over WiFi with Any Device I can connect to my Server but when I try to connect my FTP to my father's PC (which is connected on LAN and with same Router)
I can't connect it
Problem 2:- Can't connect it Remotely
I want to access my this FTP server with Internet so that I can connect it with Remotely. I've referred on so many websites. but Can't Find a complete step by step Tutorial... I've Configured my FTP but still Can't connect it with Internet for remote access.. plzz help me out.
Thanks In Advance...
Problem 1: As you say wifi-connected devices can access the server, so there are different cases you shall check, as where my experience reaches, these two might be the reasons:
Is client/network isolation enabled in your router's wifi settings? This can be checked and solved by accessing your router's management console.
Is your father's PC on a different subnet (XXX.XXX.SUBNET.XXX)? If so, you have two choices, changing all devices' subnet masks to (This might be applicable in your router's DHCP settings too.), or changing your father's PC's IP address to match the local subnet.
Problem 2: This has two solutions, both need resources that might not be worth it, but yet:
Connect to a virtual private network on the cloud (VPN), this way, your PC will become a part of a private network. You can connect other devices from other networks which can access the VPN server to the private network, so your PC and the device will now be in a same network like in your home network.
Some ISPs provide static IP addresses or internet plans with static IPs. Check if the internet plan you use is so, if not, you might be able to rent an IP address from them. With static IPs your network can be accessed from the internet. Anyway there might be a bit of effort needed to ensure that your PC is accessed in the first place.
And just letting you know, this question must be moved to the Super-User Forums.

How do I connect one computer to two networks

I need to access the internet and a completely separate private network from a single Windows 7 computer. Each network is connected to my computer with its own network interface card.
The private network uses the '' address space and provides its own DNS services. This network is not connected to the Internet and I do not want to connect it to the Internet in a way, other than being able to access both from my computer.
Basic routing is not that big deal. The problem is that no one wants to have to deal with IP addresses to get everywhere.
My default gateway points to the Internet and the default gateway is blank on the network interface for my private network.
My DNS server points to the Internet.
The show stopper at this point is figuring out a way to have my system use the DNS server on my private network for the DNS suffix used on my private network and still allow everything else to go out on the Internet.
Is there any way to make this work?
In the properties of the network interface card connected to the private LAN have you gone into the TCP properties and set a search domain and DNS server under the DNS tab? If you only need to hit a few hosts on the private LAN host file entries are also an option.

Setting up local wireless server using WAMP

My goal is to have two laptops in a network. One is acting as a server, serving webpages to the other. The catch here is that neither is connected to the outside internet.
What I have done so far is setup WAMP on the server laptop, and it successfully serves web pages on localhost. Now I want to access these pages on the other laptop.
To do this, I had the server create an ad-hoc network and connected the other laptop to it, but I'm stuck - and I'm worried I'm not on the right track. I followed this tutorial but in the end I figured out that just explained how to spoof a text URL as an IP address, and not really what I was looking for.
So I guess I have two questions:
Is my method the best way to do this (with ad-hoc networks)? Is there some way to connect a laptop to a wireless router and have the laptop act as a server to another laptop?
If my WAMP and ad-hoc network should work, how do I connect other laptops to my server through the ad-hoc network?
I would suggest the first option: get a wifi router. Then you can assign static IP adresses from the routers private network or use DHCP server on the router. Hopefully you will have an option to reserve IP adresses on DHCP server so you dont have to check every time what IP adress the laptop acting as a server got. You use this address to access your web server. Also, you can use this router later as a gateway to the internet if you want.
In ad hoc mode you will probably get an address from link-local scope, and you can check it by running ipconfig as #Robadob already suggested.
On your hosting laptop open cmd and call ipconfig look for the internal IP address on the network interface your hosting the ad-hoc network.
Enter that IP address into the browser on your client laptops web browser instead of localhost.
If that doesn't work, try other ip addresses listed by ipconfig (incase you used the wrong) and then check the properties of your ad-hoc network, windows firewall and any other firewall software to disable anything that might be blocking it.
An ad-hoc network is suitable option for what your doing, most people would probably use a switch or router though, however that requires hardware you probably don't have.
