JGit TreeFilters behaving unexpectedly - jgit

I have been trying to use JGits's TreeFilters to obtain all files with a specific suffix except for one specific file. However, the filters do not work as I would expect. Can someone please explain? (I know that implementing my own TreeFilter as a workaround is easy.)
Result (as expected): All files with suffix .xml.
Result (as expected): dir/sub-dir/pom.xml
Result (as expected): All files except dir/sub-dir/pom.xml
So I combined these filters with AndTreeFilter in order to obtain my desired result:
Expected result: All files with suffix .xml except dir/sub-dir/pom.xml
Actual result: All files with suffix .xml that are not in dir.
So I further investigated:
Result (as expected): dir/sub-dir/pom.xml
Result (as expected): Empty
Expected result: All files with suffix .xml
Actual result: All files with suffix .xml that are not in dir.
Result (as expected): All files with suffix .xml.


relative path too long when absolute path is not (which leads to errors in certain functions)

I have set up a certain relative path in one of my scripts. E.g. like below:
starting_dir <- "C:/Users/USER/long folder name 1/long folder name 2/"
From this path I want to navigate around a bit to save some files in folder some levels above (and down again), e.g. like:
folder_change <- "../long folder name test/"
file_name <- "very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong name.txt"
If I glue that together, it would give me the following ABSOLUTE path:
normalizePath(paste0(folder_change, file_name))
"C:\\Users\\USER\\long folder name 1\\long folder name test\\very looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong name.txt"
(Note: it will give you a warning because the file itself does not yet exist, but we can ignore that for now.)
And running nchar() around that path gives me a length of 237 characters, which is still below Windows' limit of 260 characters.
However, if I increase the file name by just one character (note: it might be more or less characters for you depending on how long your USER name in the path is!), then the path would not be a valid Windows path anymore and it would give me a non-working path
file_name <- "very looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong nameX.txt"
normalizePath(paste0(folder_change, file_name))
This would lead to the following output (not how it stops showing the the full beginning of the path):
[1] "../long folder name test/very looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong nameX.txt"
along with a warning file or extension cannot be found.
So specifiying the path in absolute terms works, doing it with relatives paths does not.
The problem is that I run a few function where I glue together a relative path, and these error because the relative path is not valid.
I'm confused about this behaviour, because the actual path is valid and works.
What can I do about it?

Avoid rendering of specific .md files from blogdown::serve_site()

I have a file located at
I have it there because it's quite easy to do htmltools::includeMarkdown("data_for_posts/my_file.md") and recycle this file in different posts.
My problem is that when I serve_site() this creates a public/post/data_for_posts/index.html, which means, it gets posted to my website (as a January 1 of 0001). I guess I could change the date to year 10000, but I would rather handle it the way I handle the .Rmd and other files, as suggested here
I have tried to modify my config.toml but have not managed to solve the issue.
ignoreFiles = ["\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_files$", "_cache$", "content/post/data_for_posts/my_file.md"]
Here are a couple techniques that I use to do this:
Rename data_for_posts/my_file.md so it uses a file extension that hugo does not interpret as a known markup language, for example change .md to .markd or mdn.[*]
Rename data_for_posts/my_file.md so it includes a string that you will never use in a real content file, for example data_for_posts-UNPUBLISHED/my_file.md. Then add that string (UNPUBLISHED or whatever) to your config ignoreFiles list.[**]
[*] In the content/ directory, a file with one of the following file extensions will be interpreted by hugo as containing a known markup language: .ad, .adoc, .asciidoc, .htm, .html, .markdown, .md, .mdown, .mmark, .pdc, .pandoc, .org, or .rst (this is an excerpt of something I wrote).
[**] The strings listed in ignoreFiles seem to be case sensitive so I like to use all-upper-case characters in my ignored file names (because I never use upper-case chars in real content file names). Also note that there is no need to specify the path and my experience is that path delimiters (/ or \) cause problems.

How to specify output name for qt5_add_translation?

I want to generate a plenty *.qm for plenty *.ts files for different languages using qt5_add_translation. All the *.ts files are named using *.de_DE.ts/*.fr_FR.ts/etc convention. But qt5_add_translation produce output, using only basename until first ., not the last one.
There is no possibility to pass options to lrelease using qt5_add_translation(QM_FILES "${PROJECT_NAME}.de_DE.ts" OPTIONS -qm "${PROJECT_NAME}.de_DE.qm") syntax.
Also setting OUTPUT_NAME property for source *.ts file is not working:
Producing filename in the case is still "${PROJECT_NAME}.qm", not "${PROJECT_NAME}.de_DE.qm"
How to override producing name for resulting *.qm file?
Surely I can make custom command and use it for my purposes, but I prefer to use ready qt5_add_translation.
Looking at /usr/local/Qt-5.9.2/lib/cmake/Qt5LinguistTools/Qt5LinguistToolsMacros.cmake I conclude, that there is no way to achieve desired using ready to use qt5_add_translation, because of using get_filename_component(qm ${_abs_FILE} NAME_WE) to get filename:
NAME_WE = File name without directory or longest extension
For my purposes there is need to use combination of ABSOLUTE (to get filename w/ full suffix), then to apply multiple times EXT in combination with NAME_WE to extract filename w/o shortest extension.
I ended up with the below custom function add_translation to replace qt5_add_translation:
function(ADD_TRANSLATION _qm_files)
foreach(_basename ${ARGN})
set(qm "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_basename}.qm")
OUTPUT "${qm}"
ARGS -markuntranslated "Not translated!" -nounfinished -removeidentical -compress "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_basename}.ts" -qm "${qm}"
list(APPEND ${_qm_files} "${qm}")
set(${_qm_files} ${${_qm_files}} PARENT_SCOPE)
It accepts basenames of *.ts files and produces list of resulting *.qm files: both in current source directory.
Please upgrade to Qt 5.9.4 or newer. The handling of .ts files with dots in the name has been fixed there, see also https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-64317 .

R test if a file exists, and is not a directory

I have an R script that takes a file as input, and I want a general way to know whether the input is a file that exists, and is not a directory.
In Python you would do it this way: How do I check whether a file exists using Python?, but I was struggling to find anything similar in R.
What I'd like is something like below, assuming that the file.txt actually exists:
input.good = "~/directory/file.txt"
input.bad = "~/directory/"
is.file(input.good) # should return TRUE
is.file(input.bad) #should return FALSE
R has something called file.exists(), but this doesn't distinguish files from directories.
There is a dir.exists function in all recent versions of R.
file.exists(f) && !dir.exists(f)
The solution is to use file_test()
This gives shell-style file tests, and can distinguish files from folders.
input.good = "~/directory/file.txt"
input.bad = "~/directory/"
file_test("-f", input.good) # returns TRUE
file_test("-f", input.bad) #returns FALSE
From the manual:
file_test(op, x, y) Arguments
op a character string specifying the test to be performed. Unary
tests (only x is used) are "-f" (existence and not being a directory),
"-d" (existence and directory) and "-x" (executable as a file or
searchable as a directory). Binary tests are "-nt" (strictly newer
than, using the modification dates) and "-ot" (strictly older than):
in both cases the test is false unless both files exist.
x, y character vectors giving file paths.
You can also use is_file(path) from the fs package.

remove log information from report and save report in desire location

I am new to robot framework and wanted to see if i can get any simple code for custom report. I am also fine with answer to my problem. I went through all questions related to report but could not find any specific answer to my problem. currently my report contains log and wanted to see if i can remove log information from reports and save report in specific location. I just want to get PASS/FAIL information in my report. Can any one give me example how i can overcome this problem? I also need to know how i can save my report in different location. Any example would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
There is a tool called Rebot which is part of Robot Framework.
By default, Robot Framework creates XML reports. The XML reports are automatically converted into HTML reports by Rebot.
You can set the location of the output files in the execution by specifying the parameter --outputdir (and thus set a different base directory for outputs).
From the documentaiton:
All output files can be set using an absolute path, in which case they are created to the specified place, but in other cases, the path is considered relative to the output directory. The default output directory is the directory where the execution is started from, but it can be altered with the --outputdir (-d) option. The path set with this option is, again, relative to the execution directory, but can naturally be given also as an absolute path. Regardless of how a path to an individual output file is obtained, its parent directory is created automatically, if it does not exist already.
You can call Rebot yourself to control this conversion.
You can also run Rebot after the test was run in order to create new output on a different location.
See documentation in:
The following example shows how to store the HTML reports in a different location and including only partial data:
rebot --include smoke --name Smoke_Tests c:\results\output.xml --outputdir c:\version1.0\reports
In the example above, we process the file c:\results\output.xml, create a new report called Smoke_Tests that includes only tests with the tag smoke and save it to the output folder c:\version1.0\reports
In addition you can also set the location of the log file (HTML) from the execution.
The command line option --log (-l) determines where log files are created.
The command line option --report (-r) determines where report files are created
Removing log lines can be done a bit differently. If you run rebot --help you'll get the following options:
--removekeywords all|passed|for|wuks|name: * Remove keyword data
from all generated outputs. Keywords containing
warnings are not removed except in `all` mode.
all: remove data from all keywords
passed: remove data only from keywords in passed
test cases and suites
for: remove passed iterations from for loops
wuks: remove all but the last failing keyword
inside `BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`
name:: remove data from keywords that match
the given pattern. The pattern is matched
against the full name of the keyword (e.g.
'MyLib.Keyword', 'resource.Second Keyword'),
is case, space, and underscore insensitive,
and may contain `*` and `?` as wildcards.
Examples: --removekeywords name:Lib.HugeKw
--removekeywords name:myresource.*
--flattenkeywords for|foritem|name: * Flattens matching keywords
in all generated outputs. Matching keywords get all
log messages from their child keywords and children
are discarded otherwise.
for: flatten for loops fully
foritem: flatten individual for loop iterations
name:: flatten matched keywords using same
matching rules as with
`--removekeywords name:`
