Error in the tcp segment area inside a IP packet? - networking

Inside an IP network IPv4 protocol is being used. When a datagram is being transported through the network (TTL=2), an error occurs inside the field which contains TCP-segment with the address of a web page. What will be the reaction of the router when reading such datagram?
I'm battling with this question for two days now.
What I know:
the router only reads the header of the datagram and if the checksum fails the datagram is being discarded by the router,
TTL is always decremented by one by the router if the header checksum is OK, after the -1, the datagram is being forwarded to the next router in the network
Based on this two points I conclude that the datagram will go further and TTL will be 1 and new checksum will be calculated by the router.
However there are three other possible answers to the questions:
The router sends ICMP to source with the error
the router repairs the mistake based on the header checksum and then forward the datagram
the router sends the datagram out of the network (discards the datagram)
Any help with clearing this problem?

The exact algorithms that must be implemented by IPv4 routers is described in RFC 1812 - Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers. According to the IETF RFC Index it still applies ("Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE").
The forwarding algorithm can be found in Section 5.2.1. The constraints determining the dependencies between the steps are (quoting):
(1) A router MUST verify the IP header, as described in section
[5.2.2], before performing any actions based on the contents of
the header. This allows the router to detect and discard bad
packets before the expenditure of other resources.
(2) Processing of certain IP options requires that the router
its IP address into the option. [...]
(3) The router cannot check and decrement the TTL before checking
whether the packet should be delivered to the router itself, for
reasons mentioned in Section [].
(4) More generally, when a packet is delivered locally to the
its IP header MUST NOT be modified in any way [...].
The actual steps performed when receiving a packet are (quoting):
(1) The router receives the IP packet (plus additional information
about it, as described in Section [3.1]) from the Link Layer.
(2) The router validates the IP header, as described in Section
[5.2.2]. Note that IP reassembly is not done, except on IP
fragments to be queued for local delivery in step (4).
(3) The router performs most of the processing of any IP options.
described in Section [5.2.4], some IP options require additional
processing after the routing decision has been made.
(4) The router examines the destination IP address of the IP
datagram, as described in Section [5.2.3], to determine how it
should continue to process the IP datagram. There are three
o The IP datagram is destined for the router, and should be
queued for local delivery, doing reassembly if needed.
o The IP datagram is not destined for the router, and should be
queued for forwarding.
o The IP datagram should be queued for forwarding, but (a copy)
must also be queued for local delivery.
So it is clear that checksum verification of the IPv4 header is performed first. The exact steps are described in Section 5.2.2 IP Header Validation, but they are not important here. What matters is that only the IP header is checked, not the content. Therefore the router cannot detect the error.
Based on this two points I conclude that the datagram will go further and TTL will be 1 and new checksum will be calculated by the router.
As for the other options:
The router sends ICMP to source with the error
No, there is no Time Exceeded error. As for other ICMP errors, there are none that signal to the sender packet corruption. So even if the router could detect packet corruption (say if the corrupted bit was in the IP header), it would still not send an ICMP message.
The router repairs the mistake based on the header checksum and then forward the datagram
No, the checksumming performed in IPv4 and TCP only allows error detection, not correction.
The router sends the datagram out of the network (discards the datagram)
It does not discard it because it does not detect the error.
Regarding what I said in the comment about link layer error detection, there are usually two sources of errors in transit: (1) from the transmission medium (interference, damaged cable, improperly connected plug etc.) and (2) from forwarding devices themselves (defective memory chips, firmware bugs, cosmic rays hitting a chip etc.). The link layer can usually detect and may even correct errors from (1), but obviously not from (2). So the scenario described in the question is indeed possible if a device malfunction corrupted the packet contents.


Regarding ICMP "Fragmentation needed, DF bit set" or ICMP packet too big message

I'm injecting ICMP "Fragmentation needed, DF bit set" into the server and ideally server should start sending packets with the size mentioned in the field 'next-hop MTU' in ICMP. But this is not working.
Here is the server code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket # Import socket module
import time
import os
range= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
host = '' # Get local machine name
port = 12349 # Reserve a port for your service.
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port
rand_string = os.urandom(1600)
s.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection.
while True:
c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.
print 'Got connection from', addr
for i in range:
Here is the client code:
#!/usr/bin/python # This is file
import socket # Import socket module
s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
host = '' # Get local machine name
port = 12348 # Reserve a port for your service.
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.connect((host, port))
while 1:
print s.recv(1024)
Scapy to inject ICMP:
###[ IP ]###
version= 4
ihl= None
tos= 0x0
len= None
id= 1
flags= DF
frag= 0
ttl= 64
proto= ip
chksum= None
###[ ICMP ]###
type= dest-unreach
code= fragmentation-needed
chksum= None
unused= 1300
Unused field shows as next-hop MTU in wireshark. Is server smart enough to check that DF Bit was not set when it was communicating with client and it is still receiving ICMP "Fragmentation needed, DF bit set" message? If it is not then why is server not reducing its packet size from 1500 to 1300?
First of all, let's answer your first question (is ICMP sent over TCP?).
ICMP runs directly over IP, as specified in RFC 792:
ICMP messages are sent using the basic IP header.
This can be a bit confusing as ICMP is classified as a network layer protocol rather than a transport layer protocol but it makes sense when taking into account that it's merely an addition to IP to carry error, routing and control messages and data. Thus, it can't rely on the TCP layer to transfer itself since the TCP layer depends on the IP layer which ICMP helps to manage and troubleshoot.
Now, let's deal with your second question (How does TCP come to know about the MTU if ICMP isn't sent over TCP?). I've tried to answer this question to the best of my understanding, with reliance on official specifications, but perhaps the best approach would be to analyze some open source network stack implementation in order to see what's really going on...
The TCP layer may come to know of the path's MTU value even though the ICMP message is not layered upon TCP. It's up to the implementation of OS the network stack to notify the TCP layer of the MTU so it can then use this value to update its MSS value.
RFC 1122 requires that the ICMP message includes the IP header as well as the first 8 bytes of the problematic datagram that triggered that ICMP message:
Every ICMP error message includes the Internet header and at least the first 8 data octets of the datagram that triggered the error; more than 8 octets MAY be sent; this header and data MUST be unchanged from the received datagram.
In those cases where the Internet layer is required to pass an ICMP error message to the transport layer, the IP protocol number MUST be extracted from the original header and used to select the appropriate transport protocol entity to handle the error.
This illustrates how the OS can pinpoint the TCP connection whose MSS should be updated, as these 8 bytes include the source and destination ports.
RFC 1122 also states that there MUST be a mechanism by which the transport layer can learn the maximum transport-layer message size that may be sent for a given {source, destination, TOS} triplet. Therefore, I assume that once an ICMP Fragmentation needed and DF set error message is received, the MTU value is somehow made available to the TCP layer that can use it to update its MSS value.
Furthermore, I think that the application layer that instantiated the TCP connection and taking use of it may handle such messages as well and fragment the packets at a higher level. The application may open a socket that expects ICMP messages and act accordingly when such are received. However, fragmenting packets at the application layer is totally transparent to the TCP & IP layers. Note that most applications would allow the TCP & IP layers to handle this situation by themselves.
However, once an ICMP Fragmentation needed and DF set error message is received by a host, its behavior as dictated by the lower layers is not conclusive.
RFC 5927, section 2.2 refers to RFC 1122, section which states that TCP should abort the connection when an ICMP Fragmentation needed and DF set error message is passed up from the IP layer, since it signifies a hard error condition. The RFC states that the host should implement this behavior, but it is not a must (section 4.2.5). This RFC also states in section that a Destination Unreachable message that is received MUST be reported to the TCP layer. Implementing both of these would result in the destruction of a TCP connection when an ICMP Fragmentation needed and DF set error message is received on that connection, which doesn't make any sense, and is clearly not the desired behavior.
On the other hand, RFC 1191 states this in regard to the required behavior:
RFC 1191 does not outline a specific behavior that is expected from the sending
host, because different applications may have different requirements, and
different implementation architectures may favor different strategies [This
leaves a room for this method-OA].
The only required behavior is that a host must attempt to avoid sending more
messages with the same PMTU value in the near future. A host can either
cease setting the Don't Fragment bit in the IP header (and allow
fragmentation by the routers in the way) or reduce the datagram size. The
better strategy would be to lower the message size because fragmentation
will cause more traffic and consume more Internet resources.
For conclusion, I think that the specification is not definitive in regard to the required behavior from a host upon receipt of an ICMP Fragmentation needed and DF set error message. My guess is that both layers (IP & TCP) are notified of the message in order to update their MTU & MSS values, respectively and that one of them takes upon the responsibility of retransmitting the problematic packet in smaller chunks.
Lastly, regarding your implementation, I think that for full compliance with RFC 1122, you should update the ICMP message to include the IP header of the problematic packet, as well as its next 8 bytes (though you may include more than just the first 8 bytes). Moreover, you should verify that the ICMP message is received before the corresponding ACK for the packet to which that ICMP message refers. In fact, just in order to be on the safe side, I would abolish that ACK altogether.
Here is a sample implementation of how the ICMP message should be built. If sending the ICMP message as a response to one of the TCP packets fails, I suggest you try sending the ICMP message before even receiving the TCP packet to which it relates at first, in order to assure it is received before the ACK. Only if that fails as well, try abolishing the ACK altogether.
The way i understand it, the host receives a "ICMP Fragmentation needed and DF set" but the message can come from a intermediate device(router) in the path, thus the host cant directly matched the icmp response with a current session, the icmp only contains the destination ip and mtu limit.
The host then adds a entry to the routing table for the destination ip that records the route and mtu with a expiry of 10min.
This can be observed on linux by asking for the specific route with ip route get x.x.x.x after doing a tracepath or ping that triggers the icmp response.
$ ip route get 10.x.y.z
10.z.y.z via 10.a.b.1 dev eth0 src 10.a.b.100
cache expires 598sec mtu 1300

Packet switching vs fragmentation at ip layer

packet switching is a protocol, where a message received from tcp layer is divided into packets only at sender machine ip layer and each packet is sent individually on different routes with an identification field set in ip header to help use re-assemble at destination machine.
Where as
fragmentation at ip layer is done on sender machine or any of the, on the way layer 3 device ip layer and fragmentation field is set in ip header to help use re-assemble at destination machine only.
My question:
is my understanding correct?
In packet switching, If message could not be re-assembled due to missing packet at destination, based on identification field, that message is discarded at ip layer of destination machine and tcp layer of sender machine will take care of retransmission of that message, am i correct?
packet switching is a protocol
No. Packet switching is an alternative to circuit switching at the physical layer.
where a message received from tcp layer is divided into packets only at sender machine ip layer and each packet is sent individually on different routes with an identification field set in ip header to help use re-assemble at destination machine.
None of this is correct as a description of packet switching. Packet switching implies the existence of packets, period. It doesn't impose any of these constraints.
Whereas fragmentation at ip layer is done on sender machine or any of the
... intermediate nodes
on the way layer 3 device ip layer
Layer 2
and fragmentation field is set in ip header to help use re-assemble at destination machine only.
My question:
is my understanding correct?
No. You seem to think that packet switching and fragmentation are in some kind of opposition. They aren't. Fragmentation is an extension of packet switching if anything, not an alternative to it.
In packet switching, If message could not be re-assembled due to missing packet at destination, based on identification field, that message is discarded at ip layer of destination machine and tcp layer of sender machine will take care of retransmission of that message, am i correct?
No. Again you're confused about what packet switching is. Your remark applies pretty well to TCP, but that's because of the semantics of TCP, not because of packet switching.

What is local per flow state

I was reading a paper related to network security and they have mentioned something called local per flow state maintained by routers. I didn't get what this means. I googled for a while but couldn't get a decent answer. Any suggestions?
A flow is a sequence of packets from a source to a certain destination (it can be a unicast, multicast or broadcast destination, if the network protocol supports it) at a certain point in time. Details depend on the context, particularly on the network and transport protocol. For TCP and IP, for example, a particular packet flow is identified by the protocol (TCP), the source and destination port numbers and the source and destination IP addresses. If security is applied (e.g. IPSec), then it might make things more complicated since it may introduce e.g. tunnels, which basically create flows inside a flow.
What you mention, per flow state on a router, means that the router stores these data (usually for a certain time) to be able to identify packet flows. A router typically does this for e.g. connection tracking or to be able to make filtering decisions (e.g. rejecting incoming packets not belonging to a flow established by a computer on the internal network).
So for instance, when I open a new browser window and type in it, this will create a new flow with the following parameters:
transport protocol: TCP
source port: the source TCP port allocated to the web browser, e.g. 12345
destination port: 80
source IP: my computer's IP address, e.g.
destination IP: the IP address was resolved to, e.g.
for example a voice call consists of many consecutive packets all part of the same communication.
We call this sequence of packets a flow. More specifically:
Flow: A collection of datagrams belonging to the same end-to-end communication, e.g.
a TCP connection.
per flow state is not maintained by routers/switches they just route packets individually. they treat each packet unique though they might be going to same destination hence, no per flow state is maintained

Relationship between TCP and IP Packets

So I have trouble finding a source that describes whether the TCP Packet is the payload of the IP Datagram or vice versa. I imagine the TCP Packet must be the payload because presumably the router can divide the IP Datagram therefore splitting up the TCP Packet and then the final router would have to reassamble them. Am I right?
If by "payload" you're referring to the data that comes after an IP header, then TCP is the "payload" of an IP packet when receiving data, since it's an upper level protocol.
The proper term for networking is actually encapsulation though.
It basically works by adding on progressive layers of protocols as information travels down from the application to the wire. After transmission, the packets are re-assembled and then the packets are error checked, the headers are stripped off, and what you are referring to as the "payload" becomes the next chunk of information that is checked. Once all of the outer protocol layers are stripped off the server/client has the information that directly corresponds to what the application sent.
Tcp\IP are two important proctocols. Tcp is connection oriented, while IP is a connection-less protocol. IP stands for a logical address, which works as packet address. The source packet has destination address for its destination. Tcp works with this logical address and helps the packets to reach their destinations, and provides acknowledgement when packet reached to its destination.

Why do we say the IP protocol in TCP/IP suite is connectionless?

Why is the IP called a connectionless protocol? If so, what is the connection-oriented protocol then?
Update - 1 - 20:21 2010/12/26
I think, to better answer my question, it would be better to explain what "connection" actually means, both physically and logically.
Update - 2 - 9:59 AM 2/1/2013
Based on all the answers below, I come to the feeling that the 'connection' mentioned here should be considered as a set of actions/arrangements/disciplines. Thus it's more an abstract concept rather than a concrete object.
Update - 3 - 11:35 AM 6/18/2015
Here's a more physical explanation:
IP protocol is connectionless in that all packets in IP network are routed independently, they may not necessarily go through the same route, while in a virtual circuit network which is connection oriented, all packets go through the same route. This single route is what 'virtual circuit' means.
With connection, because there's only 1 route, all data packets will arrive in the same order as they are sent out.
Without connection, it is not guaranteed all data packets will arrive
in the same order as they are sent out.
Update - 4 - 9:55 AM 2016/1/20/Wed
One of the characteristics of connection-oriented is that the packet order is preserved. TCP use a sequence number to achieve that but IP has no such facility. Thus TCP is connection-oriented while IP is connection-less.
The basic idea is pretty simple: with IP (on its own -- no TCP, UDP, etc.) you're just sending a packet of data. You simply send some data onto the net with a destination address, but that's it. By itself, IP gives:
no assurance that it'll be delivered
no way to find out if it was
nothing to let the destination know to expect a packet
much of anything else
All it does is specify a minimal packet format so you can get some data from one point to another (e.g., routers know the packet format, so they can look at the destination and send the packet on its next hop).
TCP is connection oriented. Establishing a connection means that at the beginning of a TCP conversation, it does a "three way handshake" so (in particular) the destination knows that a connection with the source has been established. It keeps track of that address internally, so it can/will/does expect more packets from it, and be able to send replies to (for example) acknowledge each packet it receives. The source and destination also cooperate to serial number all the packets for the acknowledgment scheme, so each end knows whether packets it sent were received at the other end. This doesn't involve much physically, but logically it involves allocating some memory on both ends. That includes memory for metadata like the next packet serial number to use, as well as payload data for possible re-transmission until the other side acknowledges receipt of that packet.
TCP/IP means "TCP over IP".
TCP provides the "connection-oriented" logic, ordering and control
IP provides getting packets from A to B however it can: "connectionless"
UDP is connection less but at the same level as TCP
Other protocols such as ICMP (used by ping) can run over IP but have nothing to do with TCP
"connection-oriented" mean established end to end connection. For example, you pick up the telephone, call someone = you have a connection.
"connection-less" means "send it, see what happens". For example, sending a letter via snail mail.a
So IP gets your packets from A to B, maybe, in any order, not always eventually. TCP sorts them out, acknowledges them, requests a resends and provides the "connection"
Connectionless means that no effort is made to set up a dedicated end-to-end connection, While Connection-Oriented means that when devices communicate, they perform handshaking to set up an end-to-end connection.
IP is an example of the Connectionless protocols , in this kind of protocols you usually send informations in one direction, from source to destination without checking to see if the destination is still there, or if it is prepared to receive the information . Connectionless protocols (Like IP and UDP) are used for example with the Video Conferencing when you don't care if some packets are lost , while you have to use a Connection-Oriented protocol (Like TCP) when you send a File because you want to insure that all the packets are sent successfully (actually we use FTP to transfer Files). Edit :
In telecommunication and computing in
general, a connection is the
successful completion of necessary
arrangements so that two or more
parties (for example, people or
programs) can communicate at a long
distance. In this usage, the term has
a strong physical (hardware)
connotation although logical
(software) elements are usually
involved as well.
The physical connection is layer 1 of
the OSI model, and is the medium
through which the data is transfered.
i.e., cables
The logical connection is layer 3 of
the OSI model, and is the network
portion. Using the Internetwork
Protocol (IP), each host is assigned a
32 bit IP address. e.g.
TCP is the connection part of TCP/IP. IP's the addressing.
Or, as an analogy, IP is the address written on the envelope, TCP is the postal system which uses the address as part of the work of getting the envelope from point A to point B.
When two hosts want to communicate using connection oriented protocol, one of them must first initiate a connection and the other must accept it. Logically a connection is made between a port in one host and other port in the other host. Software in one host must perform a connect socket operation, and the other must perform an accept socket operation. Physically the initiator host sends a SYN packet, which contains all four connection identifying numbers (source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port). The other receives it and sends SYN-ACK, the initiator sends an ACK, then the connection are established. After the connection established, then the data could be transferred, in both directions.
In the other hand, connectionless protocol means that we don't need to establish connection to send data. It means the first packet being sent from one host to another could contain data payloads. Of course for upper layer protocols such as UDP, the recipient must be ready first, (e.g.) it must perform a listen udp socket operation.
The connectionless IP became foundation for TCP in the layer above
In TCP, at minimal 2x round trip times are required to send just one packet of data. That is : a->b for SYN, b->a for SYN-ACK, a->b for ACK with DATA, b->a for ACK. For flow rate control, Nagle's algorithm is applied here.
In UDP, only 0.5 round trip times are required : a->b with DATA. But be prepared that some packets could be silently lost and there is no flow control being done. Packets could be sent in the rate that are larger than the capability of the receiving system.
In my knowledge, every layer makes a fool of the one above it. The TCP gets an HTTP message from the Application layer and breaks it into packets. Lets call them data packets. The IP gets these packets one by one from TCP and throws it towards the destination; also, it collects an incoming packet and delivers it to TCP. Now, TCP after sending a packet, waits for an acknowledgement packet from the other side. If it comes, it says the above layer, hey, I have established a connection and now we can communicate! The whole communication process goes on between the TCP layers on both the sides sending and receiving different types of packets with each other (such as data packet, acknowledgement packet, synchronization packet , blah blah packet). It uses other tricks (all packet sending) to ensure the actual data packets to be delivered in ordered as they were broken and assembled. After assembling, it transfers them to the above application layer. That fool thinks that it has got an HTTP message in an established connection but in reality, just packets are being transferred.
I just came across this question today. It was bouncing around in my head all day and didn't make any sense. IP doesn't handle transport. Why would anyone even think of IP as connectionless or connection oriented? It is technically connectionless because it offers no reliability, no guaranteed delivery. But so is my toaster. My toaster offers no guaranteed delivery, so why not call aa toaster connectionless too?
In the end, I found out it's just some stupid title that someone somewhere attached to IP and it stuck, and now everyone calls IP connectionless and has no good reason for it.
Calling IP connectionless implies there is another layer 3 protocol that is connection oriented, but as far as I know, there isn't and it is just plain stupid to specify that IP is connectionless. MAC is connectionless. LLC is connectionless. But that is useless, technically correct info.
