Finding LinkedIn Username from LinkedIn ID - linkedin

I have a database of LinkedIn IDs, however I need to find their LinkedIn Usernames. I would welcome if you can advise how can I do that.

That information is not available via any LinkedIn API calls. The member ID that you retrieve should be sufficient for all your needs.


Get messages and contacts from Linkedin

I would like to do some analytics on my Linkedin account.
I would like to get a list of my messages and my contacts.
Is there an API for this, or is there any other way to get them - export or something....
Contacts API provides a complete list of the authenticated user's address book on LinkedInhere
Not sure if LinkedIn allow the enumeration of ones messages. However, sending, deleting, archiving messages are possible.
LinkedIn Messages API:
LinkedIn Contacts API:

Users can sign-up on our portal using linkedin but we are unable to access their linkedin ID. How do track the linkedin ID with email address?

We are a platform that facilitates companies to hire analytics talent on demand. We only allow users to login to our platform with their Linkedin IDs so that we can validate their profile details and score them. Currently, the Linkedin API doesnot give us even the Linkedin-id of the user to help us manually check the profile. How can we correct this?
Ask for the r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress scopes as part of the OAuth flow. Then make GET calls to and*(handle~))
to gather this information. See the documentation for more details.
However, please read LinkedIn's API Terms of Use to ensure your application is an acceptable use case. Also, the profile data you can receive is quite limits, so it may not give you the fields you want.

Linkedin API: Cannot get positions for one specific linkedin user

We are using Linkedin Api to load information about linkedin users to our product. The thing is, it fails for one specific user.
I would like help with this problem. I have the users linkedin id but I don't know if it's wise to write it herer.
How can Linkedin help me with this?
Rikard Skelander

how can I use the linkedin search feature in my app

I want to use the linkedin search feature to look for candidates within only the linkedin population, is there any way to do that through there API?
LinkedIn does not currently provide access to any search-related APIs to the public.

LinkedIn API - What is the "Specialties" field?

In the LinkedIn API for "Sign in with LinkedIn", access is provided to several basic profile fields of a user, including "specialties." Does anyone have a sense of what this field refers to? LinkedIn got rid of "specialties" as an entry in their profile, so I'm wondering what data the API would be pulling for the "specialties" field?
The specialties field has been removed from the API, but the change hasn't been documented. Take a look here.
