LinkedIn API - What is the "Specialties" field? - linkedin

In the LinkedIn API for "Sign in with LinkedIn", access is provided to several basic profile fields of a user, including "specialties." Does anyone have a sense of what this field refers to? LinkedIn got rid of "specialties" as an entry in their profile, so I'm wondering what data the API would be pulling for the "specialties" field?

The specialties field has been removed from the API, but the change hasn't been documented. Take a look here.


Items missing from LinkedIn API

We are looking to resolve 2 issues we are experiencing with the API we are using.
Since we upgraded to the new API, the feed no longer includes:
Profile headline
Original profile picture
How can I get these?
Also when we use Linkedin Social Sign On. Users see a message that says:
"[our business] would like to post, comment and like posts on your behalf".
We do not wish to post, comment and like posts on our customers behalf.
Is there a way to remove this messaging?
[our business] would like to post, comment and like posts on your behalf
The permission scope associated with this message is w_member_social. If you do not need this permission, remove it from the scope parameter in your requests to retrieve an access token.

Missing meeting organizer display name when getting events from Google Calendar API v3

When querying events via the Google Calendar API (V3), I am unable to see the display name of the organizer of the event. The email field is populated however there is no display name.
From previous research I can only find mentions that in order to get the display name to populate, the GSuite user must also activate Google+ on the user's account. Is this seriously the only way to do it? Or are there any other API calls I can use to maybe retrieve this data?
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
You can check Daimto's answer from this SO post.
Display name is only added via the web view if it is a gmail account
and google has some way of knowing what the users name is. This might
also work if the user organizer has said user in their google contacts
google might be able to grab it that way as well.

Finding LinkedIn Username from LinkedIn ID

I have a database of LinkedIn IDs, however I need to find their LinkedIn Usernames. I would welcome if you can advise how can I do that.
That information is not available via any LinkedIn API calls. The member ID that you retrieve should be sufficient for all your needs.

Why do I have access to the LinkedIn Full Profile without having to go through the "Apply with LinkedIn" API?

The LinkedIn Developer documentation states that full profile information is only accessible when calling the "Apply with LinkedIn" API.
But in practice, when doing a simple test using my own LinkedIn profile I manage to access the Full Profile fields via a "Sign in with LinkedIn" call (I use the JavaScript SDK btw).
That's all very nice because it means that I can access more fields than I expected via the "Sign in with LinkedIn" API, but isn't that a security bug?
PS: If you're a LinkedIn developer, there is a typo error on the Basic Profile fields page: field specialities should be spelled specialties.
you are accessing the data for your own profile that's y u can access all fields .. if you try to access any one else's full profile then you can't retrieve data from those profile . data retrieval of those profiles are limited to basic profile fields only
#JustinKominar's comment is the answer:
There is a blog post ( that explains that the recently announced changes to LinkedIn's API program will take effect on May 12th, 2015. You still have access because we are still in the transition period between the announcement and formal change. Presently, all previously documented capabilities are still available to you.

How to fetch admin profile details of a company page using Company API - Linkedin

Is there a way to fetch Admin profile details/Company page owner details using Companies API?
or Vice-versa, to fetch Company Pages the user owns (Not his employers) using Profile API?
I read the documentation and could find a way for it, any help is highly appreciated.
According to the LinkedIn API docs (last example in the Overview section), you can get all the companies a use is an admin for with the following call:
