Assigning roles to members in Firebase project - firebase

I am adding members in my Firebase project through console with the role of "Project Editor" which have all view permissions acc to docs. But by login as a member I am not able to see the Analytics. I tried changing role to "Project Owner" but still Analytics are not visible.
I am working with Firebase for the first time and new with the roles concept. Please help if anyone have solution to this.
Thanks in advance.

What do you mean by the term "not visible", are you seeing a plain blank screen or the dashboards are there but no data yet?
I'd suggest you to try the following workarounds:
If you have multiple Google accounts logged in at the same time, please logged them out and use only the account for Firebase. Also, use Google Chrome incognito mode.
Turn off Ad blockers or check if the Analytics domain is disabled by your Network administrator.
Open the Google Chrome developer mode, then check if there's any error logs or stack trace on the console. Reach out to the Firebase Support team by creating a ticket here.
Hope this helps.

Got the solution
I tried other gmail id that is with "" domain rather than my "" domain and the analytics is now visible that is previously only blank white screen.
It is because in company domain there are some restriction on user access.


Google Analytics 4: No permissions error in the More Tagging settings

I created a GA4 property with one Web Data Stream, but when I try to access the "More Tagging Settings" it opens up the section but it shows the message "You do not have permission to access these settings". The user has admin access at all levels (account, property).
I have already researched this online and tried the different solutions offered:
Making sure I'm not logged into any other Google account
Use an incognito window
Try granting a different user full access to the GA4 property and try with that other user.
I continue getting the same message.
Has anyone experienced this and been able to fix it?
GA4 permissions error
The ticket I raised in the Google support community has a workaround that just worked for me. Create a Tag Manager container.

Google OAuth 2.0 not working for Google Workspace (G Suite) Accounts

I have created a project at Google Developer Console. And I have followed the steps to create an OAuth Consent screen to ask users for their consent to let me use their email address and Google Calendar for my App. App is still at Test Mode, and everything is working fine.
But for the users of Google Workspace (G Suite) ( the consent screen is not working. It just ends up saying that Something went wrong and ... the request is malformed.... I am sure it isn't malformed, because it is just working fine for non-workspace ( users.
I got it working later by Manage Domain Wide Delegation by logging into the Google Workspace Admin account and manually setting up my Apps's service account Client ID and Scopes. The process allowed users of that (non-admin) email to get my consent screen working.
But this is not practical. I can't ask every email address user to contact their Google Workspace Admins and add my app to the domain wide delegation area manually.
There are apps and services out there which connected to my non-admin Google Workspace account without having my Admin do it for me.
So there must be some way to get my consent screen work on email addresses hosted at Google Workspace without involving the Admin account or Domain wide delegation stuff.
How can I get it done? Please help, I can't find any solution online.
EDIT More banging head in the wall, but no similar issues found on the internet. So what I feel like is that I need to wait for my OAuth application to be approved for production for it to work for Google Workspace accounts. PLEASE HELP if you know there is some other issue and I can try to fix...
Looks like there was some temporary issue with Google. I emailed them, and the issue was fixed.

Weird Google Analytics Issues

I have several properties set up with Google Analytics. Today when I signed in to Google and went to the Google Analytics homepage, it displayed a “Welcome” page, as if I was a first-time user. My analytics were nowhere to be seen. I was finally able to access my analytics account by using a different browser that still apparently had my login information cached. But it displayed as follows:
Note the percent sign between my name and domain. And what's the all about?
Using this weird login, I was able to successfully access my information. But I'm concerned about the next time I attempt to log in. Can anyone shed some light on this?
In troubleshoot issues with Google Accounts, you can read that you have a conflicting account.
How a conflicting account is created
A conflicting account is a personal Google Account that was created using the email address of a G Suite account. For this reason, any G Suite user could have two accounts with the same email address.
Try this to fix:

Firebase google auth won't let me choose the account to connect with

I have implemented Firebase Auth into my app to let my users connect with their Google accounts. So far so good, however once a user has chosen to connect with a specific account from the google account chooser popup, he won't be able to choose a different account the next time he logs in. The previously selected account will be automatically picked for the authentication.
I really don't find this behavior correct, so I am trying to fix it.
After some research I found that I can use setCustomParameters(prompt: "select_account") with the googleProvider, like so:
this.googleProvider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
prompt: "select_account",
More info here:
In my case, using the consent and select_account parameters don't seem to have any impact, the user does not get to choose which account to use.
Edit: It would seem that it works correctly with chrome, but not with firefox...
I have found the source of the issue, it is in fact not really an issue. The google account picker will only show up if you have other accounts registered onto the device/browser you are currently using. If you want to choose a different account that is not saved into your device/browser, you would first need to log into it via google.

How to change user in the appmaker editor

I created an App with the GSuite administrator account. But now when I go back I am my work user(rob) and have no access to the App I created.
If I then go to Google and switch accounts there is no issue for all other Google apps(drive, gmail etc) but Appmaker still shows me as rob.
How can I convince App Maker to work like all other Google apps and let me select the logged in user?
Most likely it happens because at this time App Maker doesn't provide users with account chooser widget like most other Google products. Here are some things to try to bypass this limitation:
use different chrome instances for better accounts separation ( - I would highly recommend this approach. I have about 10 different accounts and this feature saves me tons of time and gives peace of mind
use incognito window
log out from other accounts (in theory, when you open AM it will ask you to choose an account and re-login)
