cross hair cursor in pyqtgraph is slow - pyqtgraph

In a pyqtgraph.PlotWidget I have a curves plotted, about 2000 points each.
Also there is a cross-hair cursor implemented using InfiniteLines.
When the mouse moves the lines are moved using their setPos function.
Doing this causes all of the curves to be repainted.
This is slow, so the cursor lags way behind the user movements.
I've set the SignalProxy delay to 0, and also tried not using SignalProxy at all. It is the repaint of the curves that is causing the delay.
Is there any way to move the lines without causing a repaint of all the curves?


Fading effect with QCPItemTracer

I have been able to use QCPItemTracer to trace a specific point on my data when plotting. How do I achieve a fade out effect? That is, as the next point is plotted, the last n points fade out slowly. Does Qt provide such a feature?
I'm not familiar with this class of QCustomPlot but it should be easy to implement what you are asking for your self. You just need to keep track of the last n points. When it comes to plotting this is often referred to as oscilloscope-type persistence.
Fade out effect is usually achieved by gradually changing either the alpha channel or the color value of the item you want to affect. The first is relatively easy but requires alpha support (QCustomPlot does support it) and decreases performance of your plotting tool. The second requires you to calculate a gradient starting with the color the point was originally plotted with and going all the way up/down to whatever background color you have selected for your plot. The gradient step can directly be derived from n.
For every n+1 point just iterate through the n points before that
For each of those points reduce the alpha or change the color
I'm presuming that fade out effect you want also needs to be distributed unequally among all points based on their age with point n (the youngest) being the least affected and point 0 (the oldest) being the most affected by the fade out effect like this (from left to right age of a point increase):

Antialiasing in Qt's QGraphicsScene make overlapping lines darker

When using anti-aliasing rendering in Qt's QGraphicsScene, there is a behavior that makes drawings appear not as expected: overlapping lines become darker. I could not see any description of this behavior in the documentation, and I cannot find a way to disable it.
For example if I want to draw such a polygon:
Because of the number of points, it is impossible not to have overlapping lines - fine. But because anti-aliasing is activated, some borders appear 'thicker' than others.
Is there any way to avoid this and have anti-aliased lines that can overlap and yet at the same time be rendered without getting darker?
I know of course that I can redefine the paint() function and draw manually individual lines that do not overlap, but this is what I want to avoid. I am using Pyside and this would significantly slow down the application, due to the high frequency at which paint() is being called.
EDIT Fixed by defining the object shape using QPainterPath / QGraphicsPathItem instead of QPolygon / QGraphicsPolygonItem. In that case the moveTo function allows to avoid lines that overlap.
Another thing you could try is adding half a pixel to your coordinates (not dimensions). This fixed the anti-aliasing issue for me.
XCoord = int(XValue) + 0.5
YCoord = int(XValue) + 0.5
Also make sure that before that you have integer pixel values.

How to write a Bezier curved path on the fly with one fixed point and one changing

If I have an object performing this CAKeyframe Animation path (it is just an oval shape in the upper region of an iphone..
UIBezierPath *trackPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:CGRectMake(20, 100, 280, 150)];
Now imagine that at anytime during this paths travels I want to create a smooth path from its current position at a point in time and some point at the bottom of the screen.
By the way I am assuming that once I have a path I can stop the current CAKeyframeAnimation and add this path to a new CAKeyframe animation, but maybe if this is incorrect you can give me pointers here as well please.
So I said to myself " looks like you are going to have to answer this one yourself as nobody even wants to edit it or say that it is a duplicate......"
So I was hoping for some easier or ready made way to do this. From what I have found there is no easy way. It seems the steps are going to be;
get the current position of the animated layer
calculate yourself with all your own code a nice smooth curve
add this path to an animation and animate it.
As for the calculation of a Bezier Curve I am still looking to find some class or code where points can be plugged into it and the two control points are produced for the UIBezier class to produce a curve.
In my case I am going to only animate "out" of my above questioned shape a determined points and thus have ready made smooth curves which I have prepared.
Animating a smooth exit from an oval at any point is very complicated and In my case just not worth it. So I have not done that.

How would you continuously improve the mandelbrot fractal?

I've seen many mandelbrot image generator drawing a low resolution fractal of the mandelbrot and then continuously improve the fractal. Is this a tiling algorithm? Here is an example:
Update: I've found this about recursively subdivide and calculate the mandelbrot: Maybe it's possible to use a kd-tree to subdivide the image?
Update 2:
Update 3:
Author of Fractal eXtreme and the randomascii blog post linked in the question here.
Fractal eXtreme does a few things to give a gradually improving fractal image:
Start from the middle, not from the top. This is a trivial change that many early fractal programs ignored. The center should be the area the user cares the most about. This can either be starting with a center line, or spiraling out. Spiraling out has more overhead so I only use it on computationally intense images.
Do an initial low-res pass with 8x8 blocks (calculating one pixel out of 64). This gives a coarse initial view that is gradually refined at 4x4, 2x2, then 1x1 resolutions. Note that each pass does three times as many pixels as all previous passes -- don't recalculate the original points. Subsequent passes also start at the center, because that is more important.
A multi-pass method lends itself well to guessing. If four pixels in two rows have the same value then the pixels in-between probably have the same value, so don't calculate them. This works extremely well on some images. A cleanup pass at the end to look for pixels that were miscalculated is necessary and usually finds a few errors, but I've never seen visible errors after the cleanup pass, and this can give a 10x+ speedup. This feature can be disabled. The success of this feature (guess percentage) can be viewed in the status window.
When zooming in (double-click to double the magnification) the previously calculated pixels can be used as a starting point so that only three quarters of the pixels need calculating. This doesn't work when the required precision increases but these discontinuities are rare.
More sophisticated algorithms are definitely possible. Curve following, for instances.
Having fast math also helps. The high-precision routines in FX are fully unwound assembly language (generated by C# code) that uses 64-bit multiplies.
FX also has a couple of checks for points within the two biggest bulbs, to avoid calculating them at all. It also watches for cycles in calculations -- if the exact same point shows up then the calculations will repeat.
To see this in action visit
I think that site is not as clever as you give it credit for. I think what happens on a zoom is this:
Take the previous image, scale it up using a standard interpolation method. This gives you the 'blurry' zoomed in image. Click the zoom in button several times to see this best
Then, in concentric circles starting from the central point, recalculate squares of the image in full resolution for the new zoom level. This 'sharpens' the image progressively from the centre outwards. Because you're probably looking at the centre, you see the improvement straight away.
You can more clearly see what it's doing by zooming far in, then dragging the image in a diagonal direction, so that almost all the screen is undrawn. When you release the drag, you will see the image rendered progressively in squares, in concentric circles from the new centre.
I haven't checked, but I don't think it's doing anything clever to treat in-set points differently - it's just that because an entirely-in-set square will be black both before and after rerendering, you can't see a difference.
The oldschool Mandelbrot rendering algorithm is the one that begins calculating pixels at the top-left position, goes right until it reaches the end of the screen then moves to the beginning of next line, like an ordinary typewriter machine (visually).
The linked algorithm is just calculating pixels in a different order, and when it calculates one, it quickly makes assumption about certain neighboring pixels and later goes back to properly redraw them. That's when you see improvement, think of it as displaying a progressive JPEG. If you zoom into the set, certain pixel values will remain the same (they don't need to be recalculated) the interim pixels will be guessed, quickly drawn and later recalculated.
A continuously improving Mandelbrot is just for your eyes, it will never finish earlier than a properly calculating per-pixel algorithm which can detect "islands".

Qt/PyQt - frequently drawing pixmap to widget, partly not drawing correctly

I'm working on a Qt based application (actually in PyQt but I don't think that's relevant here), part of which involves plotting a potentially continuous stream of data onto a graph in real time.
I've implemented this by creating a class derived from QWidget which buffers incoming data, and plots the graph every 30ms (by default). In __init__(), a QPixmap is created, and on every tick of a QTimer, (1) the graph is shifted to the left by the number of pixels that the new data will take up, (2) a rectangle painted in the space, (3) the points plotted, and (4) update() called on the widget, as follows (cut down):
# Amount of pixels to scroll
# The first point is not plotted now, so don't shift the graph for it
if (self.firstPoint()):
# Brush setup would be here...
pm.scroll(0-scroll, 0, scroll, 0, pm.width()-scroll, pm.height())
p.drawRect(pm.width()-scroll, 0, scroll, pm.height())
# pen setup etc happens here...
for point in points:
yValNew = self.graphHeight - (self.scalePoint(point))
# Skip first point
if (not(self.firstPoint())):
p.drawLine(pm.width()-offset-penw, self.yVal, pm.width()-offset, yValNew)
self.yVal = yValNew
Finally, the paintEvent simply draws the pixmap onto the widget:
p = QtGui.QPainter(self)
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, self.graphPixmap)
As far as I can see, this should work correctly, however, when data is received very fast (i.e. the entire graph is being plotted on each tick), and the widget is larger than a certain size (approx 700px), everything to the left of the 700px area lags considerably. This is perhaps best demonstrated in this video: (the video is a bit laggy due to the low frame rate, but the effect is visible)
Any ideas what could be causing this or things I could try?
I'm not 100% sure if this is the problem or not, but I thought I might make at least some contribution.
self.update() is an asynchronous call, which will cause a paint event at some point later when the main event loop is reached again. So it makes me wonder if your drawing is having problems because of the sync issue between when you are modifying your pixmap vs when its actually getting used in the paintEvent. Almost seems like what you would need for this exact code to work is a lock in your paintEvent, but thats pretty naughty sounding.
For a quick test, you might try forcing the event loop to flush right after your call to update:
Not sure that will fix it, but its worth a try.
This actually might be a proper situation to be using repaint() and causing a direct paint event, since you are doing an "animation" using a controlled framerate: self.repaint()
I noticed a similar question to yours, by someone trying to graph a heart monitor in real time:
Maybe you could try restructuring your code similar to that. Instead of splitting the painting into two stages, he is using a QLabel as the display widget, setting the pixmap into the QLabel, and painting the entire graph immediately instead of relying on calls to the widget.update()
