Fading effect with QCPItemTracer - qt

I have been able to use QCPItemTracer to trace a specific point on my data when plotting. How do I achieve a fade out effect? That is, as the next point is plotted, the last n points fade out slowly. Does Qt provide such a feature?

I'm not familiar with this class of QCustomPlot but it should be easy to implement what you are asking for your self. You just need to keep track of the last n points. When it comes to plotting this is often referred to as oscilloscope-type persistence.
Fade out effect is usually achieved by gradually changing either the alpha channel or the color value of the item you want to affect. The first is relatively easy but requires alpha support (QCustomPlot does support it) and decreases performance of your plotting tool. The second requires you to calculate a gradient starting with the color the point was originally plotted with and going all the way up/down to whatever background color you have selected for your plot. The gradient step can directly be derived from n.
For every n+1 point just iterate through the n points before that
For each of those points reduce the alpha or change the color
I'm presuming that fade out effect you want also needs to be distributed unequally among all points based on their age with point n (the youngest) being the least affected and point 0 (the oldest) being the most affected by the fade out effect like this (from left to right age of a point increase):


Rendering highly granular and "zoomed out" data

There was a gif on the internet where someone used some sort of CAD and drew multiple vector pictures in it. On the first frame they zoom-in on a tiny dot, revealing there a whole new different vector picture just on a different scale, and then they proceed to zoom-in further on another tiny dot, revealing another detailed picture, repeating several times. here is the link to the gif
Or another similar example: imagine you have a time-series with a granularity of a millisecond per sample and you zoom out to reveal years-worth of data.
My questions are: how such a fine-detailed data, in the end, gets rendered, when a huge amount of data ends up getting aliased into a single pixel.
Do you have to go through the whole dataset to render that pixel (i.e. in case of time-series: go through million records to just average them out into 1 line or in case of CAD render whole vector picture and blur it into tiny dot), or there are certain level-of-detail optimizations that can be applied so that you don't have to do this?
If so, how do they work and where one can learn about it?
This is a very well known problem in games development. In the following I am assuming you are using a scene graph, a node-based tree of objects.
Typical solutions involve a mix of these techniques:
Level Of Detail (LOD): multiple resolutions of the same model, which are shown or hidden so that only one is "visible" at any time. When to hide and show is usually determined by the distance between camera and object, but you could also include the scale of the object as a factor. Modern 3d/CAD software will sometimes offer you automatic "simplification" of models, which can be used as the low res LOD models.
At the lowest level, you could even just use the object's bounding
box. Checking whether a bounding box is in view is only around 1-7 point checks depending on how you check. And you can utilise object parenting for transitive bounding boxes.
Clipping: if a polygon is not rendered in the view port at all, no need to render it. In the GIF you posted, when the camera zooms in on a new scene, what is left from the larger model is a single polygon in the background.
Re-scaling of world coordinates: as you zoom in, the coordinates for vertices become sub-zero floating point numbers. Given you want all coordinates as precise as possible and given modern CPUs can only handle floats with 64 bits precision (and often use only 32 for better performance), it's a good idea to reset the scaling of the visible objects. What I mean by that is that as your camera zooms in to say 1/1000 of the previous view, you can scale up the bigger objects by a factor of 1000, and at the same time adjust the camera position and focal length. Any newly attached small model would use its original scale, thus preserving its precision.
This transition would be invisible to the viewer, but allows you to stay within well-defined 3d coordinates while being able to zoom in infinitely.
On a higher level: As you zoom into something and the camera gets closer to an object, it appears as if the world grows bigger relative to the view. While normally the camera space is moving and the world gets multiplied by the camera's matrix, the same effect can be achieved by changing the world coordinates instead of the camera.
First, you can use caching. With tiles, like it's done in cartography. You'll still need to go over all the points, but after that you'll be able zoom-in/zoom-out quite rapidly.
But if you don't have extra memory for cache (not so much actually, much less than the data itself), or don't have time to go over all the points you can use probabilistic approach.
It can be as simple as peeking only every other point (or every 10th point or whatever suits you). It yields decent results for some data. Again in cartography it works quite well for shorelines, but not so well for houses or administrative boarders - anything with a lot of straight lines.
Or you can take a more hardcore probabilistic approach: randomly peek some points, and if, for example, there're 100 data points that hit pixel one and only 50 hit pixel two, then you can more or less safely assume that if you'll continue to peek points still pixel one will be twice as likely to be hit that pixel two. So you can just give up and draw pixel one with a twice more heavy color.
Also consider how much data you can and want to put in a pixel. If you'll draw a pixel in black and white, then there're only 256 variants of color. And you don't need to be more precise. Or if you're going to draw a pixel in full color then you still need to ask yourself: will anyone notice the difference between something like rgb(123,12,54) and rgb(123,11,54)?

Cel shading/alpha shape in current visualization

I am playing around with rgl and I have created a 3D rendering of the mouse brain, in which structures can be isolated and coloured separately.
The original data is a 3D array containing evenly spaced voxels.
Every voxel is coded with a structure ID.
Every structure is rendered separately as a mesh by marching cubes, and smoothed using Laplacian smoothing as implemented by Rvcg.
Some of these structures can be quite small, and it would make sense to look at them within the context of the whole brain structure.
One of the options is to create a low-threshold mesh of the whole set of voxels, so that only the outer surface of the brain is included in the mesh.
This surface can be smoothed and represented using a low alpha in rgl::shade3d colouring faces. This however seems to be quite taxing for the viewport as it slows down rotation etc especially when alpha levels are quite low.
I was wondering if there is any way to implement some sort of cel shading in rgl, e.g. outlining in solid colours the alpha hull of the 2D projection to the viewport in real time.
In case my description was not clear, here's a photoshopped example of what I'd need.
Ideally I would not render the gray transparent shell, only the outline.
Cel shading example
Does anybody know how to do that without getting deep into OpenGL?
Rendering transparent surfaces is slow because OpenGL requires the triangles making them up to be sorted from back to front. The sort order changes as you rotate, so you'll be doing a lot of sorting.
I can't think of any fast way to render the outline you want. One thing that might work given that you are starting from evenly spaced voxels is to render the outside surface using front="points", back="points", size = 1. Doing this with the ?surface3d example gives this fake transparency:
If that's not transparent enough, you might be able to improve it by getting rid of lighting (lit = FALSE), plotting in a colour close to the background (color = "gray90"), or some other thing like that. Doing both of those gives this:
You may also be able to cull your data so the surface has fewer vertices.

How can I scale a glyph down vertically while keeping the vertical stroke widths the same (and not altering any of the horizontal dimensions)?

I'm using FontForge. I'm modifying the lower case q to make a straight-stalked 9. The q has 2 logical parts, the stalk, and the 'c'. The 'c' is too big vertically. How can I scale it down vertically while keeping the vertical stroke widths the same (and not altering any of the horizontal dimensions)?
I'm a novice with FontForge, so please spell out your explanation and provide step-by-step instructions. Thanks for your help.
It sounds like you want to decrease the x-height of the 'q' without changing stroke widths.
Font-forge provides a built-in tool to achieve this: Element > Styles > Change X-Height. You might like to experiment with this, but in practice it gives you very little control over the results and I would rarely use it.
Instead I would achieve this by directly modifying the nodes of the paths.
First, I would ensure that InterpolateCPsOnMotion is enabled. Double-click the pointer tool in your toolbox to access this setting.
This will help ensure that curves scale correctly (rather than distort) as you move control points. Now, I would select the nodes at the top and sides of the bowl of the q:
and use the down arrow key to move them down about half the distance you wish to decrease the height by. Then I would deselect the nodes at the side of the bowl:
and lower the remaining nodes the rest of the distance:
You will need to check the resulting appearance and possibly make tweaks to get it perfect. Note that this or any scaling technique can subtly distort the axis of modulated strokes, which you may wish to correct.
This technique presupposes that nodes are sensibly placed at the vertical and horizontal extrema of the bowl, and that you don't have extra nodes between these extrema. If you are not in this happy situation, you can add extrema by ctrl-shift-x and you can remove surplus nodes by selecting them and ctrl-m. If you can't remove extra nodes without significantly changing the shape of the bowl, you'll just have to modify these nodes by eye.
Another point: you say you're working from a "c". I'm not sure whether you just mean the C-shape of the bowl of the q, or whether you mean you are copying the actual glyph 'c'. Note that it is rare that the bowl of a 'q' will have exactly the same shape and weight as a 'c'. Typically the stroke will be somewhat lighter to achieve the right visual grey, and especial care will be taken where it intersects the stem. Often the two shapes will differ substantially.

Calculate a dynamic iteration value when zooming into a Mandelbrot

I'm trying to figure out how to automatically adjust the maximum iteration value when moving around in the Mandelbrot fractal.
All examples I've found uses a constant of 1000 or less but that's not enough when zooming into the fractal set.
Is there a way to determine the number of max_iterations based on for example where you are in the Mandelbrot space (x_start,x_end,y_start,y_end)?
One method I tried was to repetitively pre-process a small area in the region of the Mset boundary with increasing iterations until the percentage change in status from one repetition to the next was small. The problem was, that would vary in different places on the current map, since the "depth" varies across it. How to find the right place to do it? By logging the "deepest" boundary area during the previous generation (that will still be within the next zoom area).
But my best strategy was to avoid iterating wherever possible:
Away from the boundary of the Mset, areas of equal depth can be "contoured" and then filled with that depth. It was not an easy algorithm. Basically I followed a raster scan but when I detected a boundary of iteration change (examining all the neighbours to ensure I wasn't close the the edge of the Mset), I would switch to a curve-stitching method to iterate around a contour back to where it started (obviously not recalculating spots I already did), and then make a second pass filling in the raster lines within the countour with the iteration level. It was fraught with leaks but eventually I cracked it.
Within the Mset, I followed the same approach, because the very last thing you want to do is to plough across vast areas and hit the iteration limit.
The difficult area is close the the boundary, where the iteration results can't be related to smooth contours with the neighbours. The contour stitching method won't work here, since there is only ever 1 pixel of a particular depth.
Using the contour method also will have faults to the lower or Mset sides of this region, but since this area looks chaotic until you zoom deeper, I lived with that.
So having said all that, I simply set the iteration depth as high as I can tolerate, but perhaps you can combine my first paragraph with the area-filling techniques.
BTW colouring the region adjacent to the Mset looks terrible when an animated smooth playback of the zoom is attempted. For that reason I coloured this area in a grey scale, by comparing with neighbours. If there was too much difference, I coloured to 0x808080 at first, then adapted that depending on the predominance of the neighbours' depth. All requiring fine tuning!

Drawing an iso line of a 2D implicit scalar field

I have an implicit scalar field defined in 2D, for every point in 2D I can make it compute an exact scalar value but its a somewhat complex computation.
I would like to draw an iso-line of that surface, say the line of the '0' value. The function itself is continuous but the '0' iso-line can have multiple continuous instances and it is not guaranteed that all of them are connected.
Calculating the value for each pixel is not an option because that would take too much time - in the order of a few seconds and this needs to be as real time as possible.
What I'm currently using is a recursive division of space which can be thought of as a kind of quad-tree. I take an initial, very coarse sampling of the space and if I find a square which contains a transition from positive to negative values, I recursively divide it to 4 smaller squares and checks again, stopping at the pixel level. The positive-negative transition is detected by sampling a sqaure in its 4 corners.
This work fairly well, except when it doesn't. The iso-lines which are drawn sometimes get cut because the transition detection fails for transitions which happen in a small area of an edge and that don't cross a corner of a square.
Is there a better way to do iso-line drawing in this settings?
I've had a lot of success with the algorithms described here http://web.archive.org/web/20140718130446/http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2vrva/thesis.html
which discuss adaptive contouring (similar to that which you describe), and also some other issues with contour plotting in general.
There is no general way to guarantee finding all the contours of a function, without looking at every pixel. There could be a very small closed contour, where a region only about the size of a pixel where the function is positive, in a region where the function is generally negative. Unless you sample finely enough that you place a sample inside the positive region, there is no general way of knowing that it is there.
If your function is smooth enough, you may be able to guess where such small closed contours lie, because the modulus of the function gets small in a region surrounding them. The sampling could then be refined in these regions only.
