Is there any Http Caching for ASP.Net Web Forms? -

I have an ASP.Net Web Forms application. The blog post "CacheCow Series - Part 0: Getting started and caching basics" mentions that Output Caching uses HttpRuntime.Cache behind the scene -hence not HTTP caching. The request reaches the server and cached response is sent from the server (when the valid cached output is avaialble on the server). So the entire content is sent across the wire.
Is there any HTTP Caching available for ASP.Net Web Forms (where response content is not sent from the server, if cache is valid; but the client takes it from it's HTTP Cache after getting validity information (only) from the server)?
Is page output cache stored in ASP.NET cache object?
Things Caches Do - Ryan Tomayko -

Actually the OutputCache directive is used for both Client as Server side caching. When you set the Location of that directive to Any, Client, Downstream or ServerAndClient, proper cache response headers are set such that browsers or proxies won't request the same page again and serve the cached version of your page. But keep in mind that those clients are free to request those pages again.
Location options with their Cache-Control headers after setting directive:
<%# OutputCache Location="XXX" Duration="60" VaryByParam="none" %>
Client: private, max-age=60
Downstream: public, max-age=60
Any: public
ServerAndClient: private, max-age=60
Server: no-cache
No output directive: private


Common HTTP header to disable cache in server-sided web application

I have a php-based web application that does some internal caching of content fetched from another CMS.
When editors modify content in the CMS and then reload the web application's website, it will still deliver the cached content. (The CMS does not know of the web application, so there is no automatic cache invalidation possible.)
Now I would like to add a way for editors to use the web application without caching. This could be done with an URL GET parameter, as TYPO3 does it with no_cache=1.
This requires manual intervention.
It would be much cooler if there was a browser extension that could be used to toggle caching on/off, and which would just inject an HTTP header in the GET request. The web application would react to that header and internally disable caching.
So my question: Is such a HTTP header used in the wild? How is it called?
Yes, there is such a header: Cache-Control.
You might be familiar with this as a response header, but a client can also send it as a request header. In your case, you'd set Cache-Control: no-cache on the request. From RFC 7234:
The no-cache request directive indicates that a cache MUST NOT use
a stored response to satisfy the request without successful
validation on the origin server.

How can user set no-cache on browser requests?

I understand, to some degree, the HTTP(S) response cache-control: headers, and associated controls for caching but the request cache-control: headers? How does a user control his own request headers? If users are using a normal browser, they have no ability to manually tweak any request parameters outside of those the URL itself indirectly generates.
How is request cache-control even a thing? Is it only intended for programmatically generated (curl, wget, JavaScript) HTTP(S) requests? or interaction between caches and origins?
Most browsers don't give a lot of fine-grained cache control to users. They'll let you clear any local cache, which is purely a local operation. Many will also let you request a page with caching disabled; see Force browser to refresh css, javascript, etc for details.
To give a specific example, in Firefox requesting a page will send headers:
GET /... HTTP/1.1
However, if I use 'Reload current page', the request will include cache-control headers to request uncached data from upstream:
GET /... HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Similarly for a resource on that page referenced through <img src...>.
GET /... HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/webp,*/*
Cache-Control: max-age=0
As you suggest, this isn't fine-grained control; I'm not aware of any browsers that allow anything as complex as choosing the max-age for regular browsing.
However, it is a good example of the general cache-control header interacting with the browser's user-facing functionality.

`cache-control: max-age=0` in http request

I have one question: suppose in each http request there is a cache-control: max-age=0 header, so each request will go all the way to the origin web server.
Does it mean CDN is not useful anymore if all requests are like this?
from other post:
When sent by the user agent
I believe shahkalpesh's answer applies to the user agent side. You can also look at 13.2.6 Disambiguating Multiple Responses.
If a user agent sends a request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 (aka. "end-to-end revalidation"), then each cache along the way will revalidate its cache entry (eg. with the If-Not-Modified header) all the way to the origin server. If the reply is then 304 (Not Modified), the cached entity can be used.
On the other hand, sending a request with Cache-Control: no-cache (aka. "end-to-end reload") doesn't revalidate and the server MUST NOT use a cached copy when responding.
It makes sense and match my result.
when cache is not expired in chrome,it will send request to CDN,CDN will query this with if-modified-since with origin ,then serve the end user.
By setting the max-age to 0, you effectively expire your page in your CDN edge cache immediately. Therefore, your CDN always hit your origin and render the CDN useless as you suggested.
Noticed from your other question that you are using Akamai. If so, then you can use the Edge-Control header to override your cache-control if you don't have direct control over that value, but still want to be able to leverage CDN functionality.

ASP.NET MVC Website Partial SSL Authentication cookie not submitted in request

I'm trying to make a POC of which is possible to have a website that uses http and https. So i have a control in my master page that needs info if the user is authenticated or not. For this I want to use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated. If is authenticated shows info for authenticated users, if not appear the login control.
To authenticate the control make an AJAX POST request to the Login action that has the [RequireHttps] attribute. The URL used in the AJAX request is:
type: 'POST',
url: '#Url.Action("ModalLogIn", "Authentication", null, "https", Request.Url.Host + ":44300")',
By the way I'm using VS2013 IIS express with SSL enabled.
As you can see in my AJAX request i'm using the HTTPS in action url.
The request is made to the server using SSL and the response is made with success.
The problem is that in the subsequent requests the ASPXAUTH cookie is not passed in the request header. So the server does not get the user authentication info. The subsequent requests are made with no SSL, are simple HTTP requests.
I know that in security terms the authentication is still insecure because i'm expecting to pass the ASPXAUTH through HTTP, but like I said is a POC and I want to see if it is possible to make a simple authentication request using HTTPS and all the others using HTTP.
As requested this is the Response Headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Orig... *
Cache-Control private
Content-Length 15
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Date Sat, 26 Oct 2013 18:57:55 GMT
Server Microsoft-IIS/8.0
Set-Cookie ASP.NET_SessionId=j2a53htev0fjp1qq4bnoeo0l; path=/; HttpOnly
ASP.NET_SessionId=j2a53htev0fjp1qq4bnoeo0l; path=/; HttpOnly
IAC.CurrentLanguage=en; expires=Sun, 26-Oct-2014 19:57:55 GMT; path=/
.ASPXAUTH=730DEDBFD2DF873A5F2BD581AA0E25B685CAD12C26AEA63AD82484C932E26B617687A05BB403216CC5EFCF799970810059F9CA2CF829F953580AF81FF48102003C0129AB04424F0D011A733CAAF1DE00688E5A4C93DEA97338DD2B5E7EE752F3761A470D52449BEBCA74098912DE37AA8C1E293B1C5D44EB1F9E9384DAAEF289; path=/; HttpOnly
X-AspNet-Version 4.0.30319
X-AspNetMvc-Version 3.0
X-Powered-By ASP.NET
X-SourceFiles =?UTF-8?B?QzpcTXkgRGF0YVxCaXRidWNrZXRcaWFjLXdlYnNpdGVcaW1wbGVtZW50YXRpb25cZG90bmV0XElBQy5XZWJcQXV0aGVudGljYXRpb25cTW9kYWxMb2dJbg==?=
It might be that when you set the auth cookie, it is marked as "Secure".
Using the Chrome Developer Tools, click on 'Resources', then cookies. Under the 'Secure' column check if the cookie is marked. If it is, then this means that the browser will not send the auth cookie using a non-secure connection.
Just a shot in the dark, but try setting the ASPXAUTH cookie with an expiration date.
It's possible that the browser, upon receiving a session cookie, will only present the session cookie on connections using the same protocol (https) as when it was set. I know for sure that persistent cookies do not have this limitation.
Also, investigate whether port could be the issue. If your AJAX goes over 44300 and your web goes over 80 or 443, it's possible the cookie is lost because the browser considers secure cookies to be port-specific. The W3C spec doesn't say whether cookies are private with respect to port; browsers vary.
All things work perfect like that ajax request in HTTPS manner by JS. Related respond works correctly too. But it seems that you have not prepared Login page in SSL too! My meaning is :
public ActionResult Login()
return View();
Then Send request to HttpPost enabled Action. I believe that will work correctly. Unless you had some lack of requirements like MicrosoftMvcAjax.js and MicrosoftAjax.js in situations that you are using formal Microsoft ajax form by your ViewEngine (Perhaps by Razor). I think studying this Article can help you more.
Good Luck.

ASP.NET cache on client or server

If you set caching (as below) in an HTTP handler, will it be cached on the server or client or both?
For the following call:
it turns out that in addition to setting the Cache-Control: public HTTP header, it also enables server-side output caching.
This sets the http header, which means it will be cached by:
The client
A server "on the way" to the client, such as an ISA server
The code you used above will cache the content on the clients browser.
If the expiry date of the content is within the time specified then the browser (client side) will issue a 304 "Not Modified" i.e. The Content is cached and not re fetched from the server.
Hope this helps
Cache-Control: public to specify that the response is cacheable by clients and shared (proxy) caches.
