Visual studio language support for style has not install -

I am using visual studio 2015, my problem is on opening aspx file first time on project loading this warning popups.
Please Help me how to solve this issue.
i am attaching screen shot.


Solution builds fine in Visual Studio 2015, but fails in Visual Studio 2017

I recently switched to using Visual Studio Enterprise 2017. My solution builds just fine in Visual Studio Enterprise 2015, but when I try to build in 2017 I get an error.
Output window says:
"Could not determine where NuGet Package was created to. This
typically means that an error occurred while NuGet.exe was packing
Things I tried:
updating all Nuget packages to most recent version
deleting the solution and pulling it down from git again
Restoring Nuget packages ("All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore")
Are there still some bugs in Visual Studio 2017, or do I need to update something with Nuget?
At C:\Repos...\MyProject_CreateNewNuGetPackage\DoNotModify\New-NuGetPackage.ps1:1206 char:7
"Could not determine where NuGet Package was created to. This typically means that an error occurred while NuGet.exe was packing it..."
According to the error log, you can check the NuGetPackage.ps1 file, you will noticed that the parameter of $ProjectFilePath or $NuSpecFilePath is needed.
Besides, in the Visual Studio 2017 release note:
MSBuild support for .NET Core projects, with a simplified csproj
project format that makes it easier to edit by hand, without the need
to unload the project.
And in Visual Studio 2017, the NuGet 4.0 will be shipped as a part of Visual Studio. So when you have custom build task in the your project, you need to check the NuGet version and the parameter of ProjectFilePath or NuSpecFilePath.
If above could not help you, you can share your project file to us, we will follow it up.
Hope this can help you.

Build Task Failed Unexpectedly

I have error in my project
that is
The "ResolveComReference" task failed unexpectedly.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v12.0' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v12.0'
Can anyone help me regards this. I got stucked
I am using VS2012 and microsoft office 2007
This problem usually occurs as a result of a multi-program corruption involving Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, other Visual Studio versions, and Microsoft Web Tools for Visual Studio 2012.
Reinstalling Visual Studio is known to fix it, but however many victims of this issue have said that this doesn't fix the issue.
Instead copying the files from
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Web
over to
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web
seems to fix the problem in the majority of similar cases.
Other possible fixes:
Uninstall Web Tools 2013 and reinstall the Web Tools and Web Tools Extensions from here

Opening a .css file crashes Visual Studio?

When I open any .css file in any project in Visual Studio 2012, it immediately crashes.
I've tried restarting my computer, reinstalling Visual Studio, installing a Visual Studio update and uninstalling all of my Visual Studio extensions.
The problem started this morning - last night I had a power outage and my computer, which was running Visual Studio at the time, crashed.
I wish I could supply more details but this is all I have. The problem isn't specific to a project or a file, but (AFAIK) only to .css files.
Edit: Running Visual Studio in Safe Mode fixes the problem in some projects but not in all - specifically, in a standalone, standard website project I can edit .css files fine, but in my TFS-hosted team project I can't, which is making it impossible for me to work.. When exiting safe mode, .css files in general crash Visual Studio.
To clarify: The problem isn't that Visual Studio gives me some sort of error message when I try to load a .css file, Visual Studio just crashes. I've tried reinstalling, restarting, and repairing, nothing works. There have been similiar complaints that I've found but they all have something to do with some extension messing Visual Studio up.. The only extensions I had were Web Essentials and Resharper, both now uninstalled, and they worked fine until this morning.
i think it's better to try Visual Studio reset. Do you tired using any other software like Dreamweaver?

Visual Studio 2010 Plugin - How to add error in Error List Window

I have created one plugin in Visual Studio 2010. This plugin access all the .cs files and validate the code.Now my requirement is to show the error/warnings. And i want to show that in visual studio error list window.I googled for one day but no success. So can anyone give me a solution.
This is what you need: Writing to the VS ErrorList

VS 2010 does not open CSS files [duplicate]

I am unable to open CSS files in Visual Studio 2010 after adding to a project.
It shows the following error:
The operation could not be completed.Unspecified error.
Even if I try to edit embedded CSS in a webpage directly, IntelliSense doesn't appear.
I found the solution from here:
I was having the same issue and found that by going to the Tools -> Extension Manager -> Online Gallery and search for/install the "Web Standards Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 sp1" I was able to open CSS files again.
And it worked for me.
Probably it can happen after installing the Visual Studio LightSwitch beta
Windows Azure tools installed
SQL Server 2012 installed
Download this and install it if already installed then repair it and it'll fix the issue:
This happened to me after installing Adobe Cloud production suite. Web Standards Update did the trick.
There is dropdown box in the toolbar saying "XHTML 1.0 transition". Change it to HTML.
