how to display asp pages on server without iis -

Im using ssh&xming to upload files to my server. I have no access to the settings of the server, so I dont know if IIS is installed.
Im trying to run a project on my server, but all I get when Im trying to run the webpage is the source code.
how can I display the page? is there any way to install IIS on SSH without any access to the settings of the server? or to upload some other file to the server that can help run aspx files?
how to display asp pages on server without iis

No you cannot install IIS (or anything else) if you don't have administrator access to the server.
And no you cannot run aspx files without IIS. Maybe, just maybe there are ways to do that if you really wanted to, but I'm not aware of that. And why should you? That's like trying to make a boat fly while there are already airplanes available.


Support with hosting an ASP.NET application from my PC at work using IIS Express

I'm fairly new to developing with ASP.NET and in general. I have created a simple data-driven web application that will be used to display images the colors of which will be changed depending on certain criteria. I used Visual Studio 2019 to create it. When I test/run it from within VS 2019 using the "play" button, it runs perfectly and the page opens in my browser just as you would expect.
My issue is that I'm trying to deploy it to the IIS and host it from my machine here at work, so others can access the pages. I have published the application to a local file on my C:\ drive. I then open up IIS Manager and create the website by pointing to that local file. Now, when I choose to browse that site from the IIS manager, at first I was getting an error saying that access is denied.
Then I followed the instructions to configure the security on that local file folder to allow IIS_USRS to access the file, but when I run it, I just get a page that tries to load indefinitely.
What am I doing wrong? If I point the IIS Manager to the files after saving them to a location on my company's network, I again get the access is denied error.
Do I understand it correctly that IIS needs permission to access the files? If so, how do I configure it that way other than what I already tried? If I need to provide further information, please let me know. Thanks so much for your support.

Hiding Sourcecode on IIS Server (

I have a question about hiding or encoding the source code on a server which runs IIS.
At the moment the source code is available and visible for all users who are logged into the server where the IIS Server is running.
Is there a way to hide the Code (encode) with Visual Studio or any other software?
I think the aspx (or *.html) web site code can not be encoded but (for example) the *.vb code sites should be able to encode.
You can simply Publish the website
Build Menu => Publish Web Site
So the code behind files (*.aspx.cs) will get converted to dll(Bin/*.dll) file.
Refer this: Walkthrough: Publishing a Web Site
When you are ready to put your project live make sure that you.
Publish it.
When you publish it that you tell it to compile your code into a single library or code behind files.
If you want to protect your html as well then you should not select to make the site updateable.
These steps will protect your code but as for your web.config file you will need to look at some other articles on securing its info.
If you can, I would recommend ensuring that only the authorized people have access to the server and/or the code base running on the server. If that is the case then you should be ok.
Go to Build menu---> Click on Publish the Website.
then a folder get created on the base folder. and the encoded files are available there. That can be upload to the FTP account, then third party can't see the source code with the browser.

Getting You do not currently have a default Web page established for your users. when running VS2008 solution

I have website in VS2008. Created the Virtual directory in IIS 5.1. When I try and run the site to debug from Visual Studio I keep on getting:
Your Web service is now running.
You do not currently have a default Web page established for your users. Any users attempting to connect to your Web site from another machine are currently receiving an Under Construction page. Your Web server lists the following files as possible default Web pages: default.htm,default.asp,index.htm,iisstart.asp. Currently, only iisstart.asp exists.
To add documents to your default Web site, save files in c:\inetpub\wwwroot.
I have no idea why this is happening.
Can anyone help me?
If I understand correctly, it may be as simple as this:
In Solution Explorer, right-click on the page you want to be the default page and click "Set as Start Page".

QlikView blocks Scripts folder for / mvc pages on same server

We have a brand new WinServer2k8R2 with IIS7.5. Asp.Net site on it would not display any javascript files. Narrowed it down to QlikView.
When QlikView is installed on our server, it takes over the /Scripts/ folder on every website in IIS.
Is there any way to stop it from doing this, or restrict to only one website instead of all?
May have found a possible fix:
go to C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\WebServer\config.xml
and change the port on the DefaultUrl to anything other than 80: e.g.
unfortuanately I have not yet got QlikView working again

How to improve my pushover process

Currently, in order to push my website live I upload files to the server via FTP using FileZilla. If a user reloads the site when I'm pushing over the website DLL, they'll get a File is being used by another process type of error.
Are there any better pushover techniques I can make use of to get around this issue or any techniques that are generally better than using at FTP client to upload my site?
You can always upload an app_offline.htm file while you are deploying the new site. If you do this in an application the user will be directed to the app_offline.html file no matter what page they try to load/reload. When you're ready for them to access the site again you simply remove/delete/rename the file (i usually just rename it so it's a simple rename to get the site back into offline mode).
