I can use 'landing page URL path' dimension in google analytics reporting Multi channel funnels as you can see in the attached image
but i can't through the api, because its not mcf dimension according to the dimensions list
So will it be supported soon? and is there any workaround solution?
Thanks in advance
I'm trying to setup a Google Optimize Container for A/B testing + other. The issue I'm having is that I definitely need to link to Google Analytics in order to measure results. When I try and link to a Google Analytics property for this only the Universal Analytics properties I have (which I don't actually use) show up, but not the Google Analytics 4 property I'm actually using. Am I doing something wrong? Is the connection not actually implemented yet by Google?
TL;DR: Google Analytics 4 Properties don't show up as linkable in Google Optimize Container.
follow this step:
create a new property in. google analytics
Click on show advance
Activ Create a Universal Analytics property
Add your website address
Create both a Google Analytics 4 and a Universal Analytics property
UPDATE 2021/04/06:
Trying to link it in Google Optimize says Coming Soon. Looks like we just have to wait.
GA4 is not supported. As of right now you can't link a GA4 property to Google Optimize.
GA4 is not on this list https://support.google.com/optimize/answer/6315871?hl=en
This thread: https://support.google.com/optimize/thread/80704065?hl=en
I was able to get around this issue by adding an additional property to my GA4 account. You have the option during the creation process of the GA4 account to provide support for both GA4 and universal analytics. You can also add the support after the fact as well... just go into your admin section of Google Analytics and create a new property. After that, you will be able to connect Google Optimize and your GA4 account.
I believe #Kenneth Durrum was referring to creating a "Universal Analytics property" instead of a GA4 property. You can also create both as mentioned by #mohammad hossin rouhani, but Google Optimize will only work for the Universal property. Please refer tho the image below for selecting the Universal property on Admin console. (Added this as an answer since i was not able to attach the image on Kenneth's comments).
If you create a new Universal Analytics property, you can link it to your existing GA4 property under Admin > GA4 Setup Assistant
I use an I-Frame where there are 3 steps to complete an order. On the last step the conversion is recorded. The adword will link to the page which includes the I-Frame, from there the users has to go through the 3 steps in the I-Frame.
In the I-Frame the following functions are used: Multiple GA accounts (main website and I-Frame website), Google Enhanced E-Commerce, Adwords conversion on last page.
As you can see on the images below the conversions of Adwords doesn't show up in Google Analytics, in Google Adwords is everything OK.
Does anyone know where I have to look for to get the conversions of Adwords in Google Analytics?
Image 1:
Image 2:
What type of goal do you have this setup as in Analytics?
You can use the drop down filter to display different goals in your table view as shown here
You can also use the Explorer tabs above the chart to have your table display only goal 1, goal 2, or ecommerce related data.
Does that help?
It seems that you do not properly share the Google Analytics client ID between your main site and the iFrame (which I suppose is being served from a different host / domain). As a result of this, the conversions within the iFrame are being attributed to a referral coming from your main web site instead of Paid Search.
In order to provide the correct client ID to Google Analytics inside your iFrame, you need to pass it from the main web site. Have a look at the documentation for an idea on how to do this.
One of the basics is that conversions measured by adWords script is going to calculate the conversions with its own attribution model, which is going to be different from conversions being measured by analytics (defaut or custom model): https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2679221?hl=en
You can measure data on GA by setting up either a google analytics conversion or a goal tag on the last page.
Details here: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1722054?hl=en
Just getting started with GA. I've read about custom dimensions and metrics, but also about "trackers". They seem to do the same thing and yet I can't find any reference on how they are different, why there are both.
Trackers are the overall objects that Google Analytics uses to capture all tracking activities, be it custom metrics, dimensions etc.
Custom metrics and dimensions are objects that are set on a tracker, to be sent to your GA account.
The syntax is similar to setting custom metrics I suppose, but the sytax for all GA tracking is fairly similar for ease of development.
Does anyone know if it is possible to access the Google Analytics Content Grouping dimensions via the API?
It works now, you can see here in the Dimensions & Metrics Reference:
No, don't think you can yet.
It's not listed on their Dimensions & Metrics Reference
I'm curious to know if there is an easy way to creat a similar graph to embed google analytics into our cms for clients pages, so that they can see the same type of chart that google has on there analytics dashboard.
What exactly do you want? If you want to use data collected by Google Analytics, you can use its' Google Analytics Data Export API.
Yes - check out embeddedanalytics.com. You define the chart (metrics, dimensions, type) and simply embed a snippet of code into your site.
Disclosure: I work with embeddedanalytics.