Why don't YouTube videos play inline in iOS 10 beta 5? - youtube-iframe-api

I'm finding with the latest iOS 10 beta 5 that YouTube videos do not play inline on devices (my iPhone 6), but they do on the simulator.
I believe this is new behaviour changed from earlier iOS betas.
The videos play, but are shown full screen. For example, using the YouTube helper library, calling
[self.playerView loadWithVideoId:#"M7lc1UVf-VE" playerVars:#{ #"playsinline" : #(1) }];
Any ideas how to get the videos playing inline again?

Ok I ended up having to submit a bug through youtube for this which you can find here. The problem is that, according to the official webkit blog. They have deprecated the properties returned by playsinline which is 'webkit-playsinline' that is embedded into the iframe. Instead, after beta 2 they are now using 'playsinline' which youtube is not yet adding. Without this property being returned by youtube inside the iFrame. They best you can expect is the viewer will go full screen initially and allow the user to return to its normal inline-size while playing. Heres the excerpt from the blog.
A note about the playsinline attribute: this attribute has recently
been added to the HTML specification, and WebKit has adopted this new
attribute by unprefixing its legacy webkit-playsinline attribute. This
legacy attribute has been supported since iPhoneOS 4.0, and accordance
with our updated unprefixing policy, we’re pleased to have been able
to unprefix webkit-playsinline. Unfortunately, this change did not
make the cut-off for iOS 10 Developer Seed 2. If you would like to
experiment with this new policy with iOS Developer Seed 2, the
prefixed attribute will work, but we would encourage you to transition
to the unprefixed attribute when support for it is available in a
future seed.
Edit: This is now fixed as of Aug 25th, 2016! Hurray!

This is the relevant change in the WebKit source: https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/203752/trunk/Source/WebCore/html/MediaElementSession.cpp


arcore positional tracking in aframe?

Hi I'm new here and I want to make a WebAR application using A-Frame. I know the basics and all that but one major problem I'm having is being able to walk around in the scene using ARCore running in Chrome. Is this even possible? I found a WebVR application from 6 years ago that solved the problem of positional tracking but the code's so depreciated it doesn't work anymore. I would prefer using ARCore for tracking but if nothing else marker based tracking will work too.
Edit: here's the depreciated code on github https://github.com/AVGP/goggle-paper
Doesn't use ARCore but instead marker based tracking. Better than nothing I suppose.
As of today, support for ARCore via the web (and thus A-Frame) is only available on Chrome browser with some Android devices.
Here are some great examples of working projects that you can build from:
New features such as image tracking are only available on Chrome Canary (experimental). See this example for image marker tracking:
And associated documentation:

What rendering engine does google's pagespeed and mobile-friendly test use?

You'd think just "webkit", but the screenshots it shows me (and the issues it finds) are quite different to anything that I've seen via devtools device testing or using actual devices.
Is it maybe just an outdated version of webkit?
Without knowing what they're using it's hard to know how to fix the issues, and I feel they'll negatively affect my search index rankings if I don't.
1- You are right, it is webkit, however, it is a pretty much A stripped down version of Chrome for Android
2- What you see is the default android browser, you can use
Can I Use
and look at "Android Browser" to see whether or not your design is supported by the "mobile view" in PageSpeed
Long Version:
my understanding is this:
1- The view-port you see in PageSpeed represents what a person using the default browser in Android phones would see.
2- The Default Android browser - AKA "WebView" -
is based on the same code as Chrome for Android version
WebView does not have full feature parity with Chrome for Android
Source: Google

Web Audio Mobile Safari Lock Screen Controls

I have a web audio player that uses Soundmanager2. Right now play/pause work on the lock screen and prev/next do not work. I worked on iOS 7 but I couldn't figure out why.
I see lots of talk about setting the track image and player controls in a native app, but not in an audio web app. That said I'd like to know why it quit working in iOS8 and what I can do to add a track image?
Update: Controls do not work in iOS 8, only on iOS7.
I found this on http://www.schillmania.com/projects/soundmanager2/doc/download/:
Side note: The prior release's pre-emptive fix for iOS 8 ended up being a non-issue, as the official iOS 8 release did not use "OS 10" in the user-agent string. Nonetheless, SoundManager2 will now correctly identify iOS 10+ vs. incorrectly flagging it as "iOS 1".
Since this question was asked Mar 21 '14 at 20:20, and the heading above it was
"version = "V2.97a.20150601"" (6/1/15), which means the update came after this question, and the edit, so
it should be able to work now.

Embedded YouTube Video Does not Play in IE8

We use iframe to embed YouTube video to our web site.
I embedded <iframe id='player' src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/my-youtube-video-id" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>, to my site. The code works fine in most browsers, but not IE8 both Windows 7 or Windows XP (I haven't tested yet, but IE9 may have same problem). The video box just displays as black content.
And I also captured an JavaScript error from IE8
Message: Expected identifier, string or number
Line: 8
Char: 79
Code: 0
URI: http://www.youtube.com/embed/my-youtube-video-id
Then I opened the page generated by YouTube, the codes around that position is yt.setConfig({'POST_MESSAGE_ORIGIN': "*",'EVENT_ID': "my-youtube-video-id",});, char 79 is my-youtube-video-id. I remember IE would not like to take a JSON ended with a comma, is that so?
I'm having the same issue. This is a bug recently introduced by youtube which affects IE version 7, and IE version 8 compatibility mode. It looks like there may be a few workarounds but probably the safest answer is to fall back to the older object/embed code.
See this thread for more info:
I had the same problem and i solved this using the following Steps.
Download and Install Latest adobe Flash player from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
Click on " Tools - compatability View setting - check the first two check boxes (include update sites lists from microsoft and Display intranet sites in compatability view)
thats all
Muhammad Amjad iqbal

problem YouTube channel with IE browser

I had youtube channel where I had for in my web site to display this videos from youtube channel .I did my code well but I had a problem with IE browser the sound continuous after I closed the player as you must let the player work after it finished ,So what I can Do?
You probably didnt reset either the object or embed container or something.
Thing is that internet explorer embeds flash differently.
You probably just deleted the content element so it became invisible but did not unset the flash media.
consider using this widely used javascript library to take care of all that for you:
