Find the next power of two smaller than n in Julia - julia

I need to find the next power of two smaller than a given number in Julia.
i.e. smallerpoweroftwo(15) should return 8 but smallerpoweroftwo(17) should return 16
I have this so far but searching through the string of bits seems a bit hacky to me. Maybe its not ... Any ideas?
function smallerpoweroftwo(n::Int)
2^(length(bits(n)) - search(bits(n), '1'))
I was mainly thinking is there a more elegant way to do this just using bitwise arithmetic. Or is there a bit length function somewhere like in some other languages?

Julia's standard library has prevpow2 and nextpow2 functions:
help?> prevpow2
search: prevpow2 prevpow prevprod
The largest power of two not greater than n. Returns 0 for n==0, and returns -prevpow2(-n) for negative
help?> nextpow2
search: nextpow2 nextpow nextprod
The smallest power of two not less than n. Returns 0 for n==0, and returns -nextpow2(-n) for negative
The prevpow2 function should do what you want.

How about this?1
2^floor(Int, log(2,n-1))
1 added exponent to solution after comment by jverzani.


How can I improve the lindep function's applicability in Pari/GP for integral approximations?

While doing certain computations involving the Rogers L-function, the following result was generated by Wolfram Alpha:
I wanted to verify this result in Pari/GP by means of the lindep function, so I calculated the integral to 20 digits in WA, yielding:
Then, I used the following code in Pari/GP:
lindep([zeta(2), zeta(3), 11.3879638800312828875])
As pi^2 = 6*zeta(2), one would expect the output to be a vector along the lines of:
because that's the linear dependency suggested by WA's result. However, I got a very elaborate vector from Pari/GP:
[35237276454, -996904369, -4984618961]
I think the first vector should be the "right" output of the Pari code sample.
Why is the lindep function in Pari/GP not yielding the output one would expect in this case?
What can I do to make it give the vector that would be more appropriate in this situation?
It comes down to Pari treating your rounded values as exact. Since you must round your values, lindep's solution doesn't always come to the same solution as the true answer due to error.
You can try changing the accuracy of lindep using the second argument. The manual states that you should choose this to be smaller than the number of correct decimal digits. I believe this should solve the issue.
lindep(v, {flag = 0}) finds a small nontrivial integral linear
combination between components of v. If none can be found return an
empty vector.
If v is a vector with real/complex entries we use a floating point
(variable precision) LLL algorithm. If flag = 0 the accuracy is chosen
internally using a crude heuristic. If flag > 0 the computation is
done with an accuracy of flag decimal digits. To get meaningful
results in the latter case, the parameter flag should be smaller than
the number of correct decimal digits in the input.

How do I write this function x^.3*(1-x)^.7

I try to write
testFunc = function(x){x^0.3 * (1-x)^0.7}
but when I try
R returns NaN result (for any x>1). How can I solve this problem?
If you try to raise a negative floating-point value to a fractional exponent, you'll always get NaN. This is not necessarily the mathematically correct answer - for example, we know that the cube root of -8 (-8^(1/3)) "should" be -2 ((-2)^3 == -8). From ?"^":
Users are sometimes surprised by the value returned, for example
why ‘(-8)^(1/3)’ is ‘NaN’. For double inputs, R makes use of IEC
60559 arithmetic on all platforms, together with the C system
function ‘pow’ for the ‘^’ operator. The relevant standards
define the result in many corner cases. In particular, the result
in the example above is mandated by the C99 standard. On many
Unix-alike systems the command ‘man pow’ gives details of the
values in a large number of corner cases.
If you really want to raise negative values to fractional powers, you could use as.complex():
[1] -0.5877853+0.809017i
Your function would be
function(x){x^0.3 * as.complex(1-x)^0.7}
but you might need to rethink the mathematical foundations of whatever you're trying to do ...

How to mimic logical XOR in ZX Spectrum basic?

Sometimes when coding in ZX Spectrum Basic I need to evaluate logical expressions that are formed by two operands and a logical xor like this:
IF (left operand) xor (right operand) THEN
Since ZX Basic does only know NOT, OR and AND I have to resort to some sort of fancy calculation which includes multiple uses of left/right operands. This is awkward since it consumes time and memory, both sparse if you're working on an 8-bit machine. I wonder if there's a neat trick to mimic the xor operator.
To test the outcome I provide a small code sample:
5 DEF FN x(a,b)=(a ??? b) : REM the xor formula, change here
10 FOR a=-1 TO 1 : REM left operand
20 FOR b=-1 TO 1 : REM right operand
30 LET r=FN x(a,b) : REM compute xor
40 PRINT "a:";a;" b:";b;" => ";r
50 NEXT b
60 NEXT a
Can you help me find a performant solution? So far I tried DEF FN x(a,b)=(a AND NOT b) OR (b AND NOT a) but it's somewhat clumsy.
If you want to test your idea I suggest the BasinC v1.69 ZX emulator (Windows only).
As #Jeff pointed out most Basics, such as ZX one's, do consider zero values as false and non-zero ones as true.
I have adapted the sample to test with a variety of non-zero values.
The logical xor is semantically equivalent to not equal.
IF (left operand) <> (right operand) THEN
should work.
Edit: In the case of integer operands you can use
IF ((left operand) <> 0) <> ((right operand) <> 0) THEN
DEF FN x(a,b)=((NOT a) <> (NOT b))
Using NOT as coercion to a boolean value.
EDIT Previously had each side with NOT NOT which is unnecessary for establishing difference between the two, as one will still coerce!
EDIT 2 Added parens to sort out precedence issue.
Considering very interesting and fun this question and the answers in here, I would like to share the results of some performance tests (performed on an emulator):
elapsed times are in seconds , less is best.
the x1 test is only to see if the expression meets the requirements and includes the print out of results, the x256 repeat the same test 256times without printing any output; the without FN tests are the same but without factoring the expression in an FN statement.
I share also the code and test suite on github: for the benefit of all retro computing fanatics ( me) and share our opinions
Keep in mind, value are integer:
I think mathematical operation could be fun : (A-B)*(A-B) should work
It should be less time consuming based on simple operation.
Or with ABS : ABS (A-B)

Divisibility function in SML

I've been struggling with the basics of functional programming lately. I started writing small functions in SML, so far so good. Although, there is one problem I can not solve. It's on Project Euler ( and it simply asks for the smallest natural number that is divisible from all the numbers from 1 - n (where n is the argument of the function I'm trying to build).
Searching for the solution, I've found that through prime factorization, you analyze all the numbers from 1 to 10, and then keep the numbers where the highest power on a prime number occurs (after performing the prime factorization). Then you multiply them and you have your result (eg for n = 10, that number is 2520).
Can you help me on implementing this to an SML function?
Thank you for your time!
Since coding is not a spectator sport, it wouldn't be helpful for me to give you a complete working program; you'd have no way to learn from it. Instead, I'll show you how to get started, and start breaking down the pieces a bit.
Now, Mark Dickinson is right in his comments above that your proposed approach is neither the simplest nor the most efficient; nonetheless, it's quite workable, and plenty efficient enough to solve the Project Euler problem. (I tried it; the resulting program completed instantly.) So, I'll go with it.
To start with, if we're going to be operating on the prime decompositions of positive integers (that is: the results of factorizing them), we need to figure out how we're going to represent these decompositions. This isn't difficult, but it's very helpful to lay out all the details explicitly, so that when we write the functions that use them, we know exactly what assumptions we can make, what requirements we need to satisfy, and so on. (I can't tell you how many times I've seen code-writing attempts where different parts of the program disagree about what the data should look like, because the exact easiest form for one function to work with was a bit different from the exact easiest form for a different function to work with, and it was all done in an ad hoc way without really planning.)
You seem to have in mind an approach where a prime decomposition is a product of primes to the power of exponents: for example, 12 = 22 × 31. The simplest way to represent that in Standard ML is as a list of pairs: [(2,2),(3,1)]. But we should be a bit more precise than this; for example, we don't want 12 to sometimes be [(2,2),(3,1)] and sometimes [(3,1),(2,2)] and sometimes [(3,1),(5,0),(2,2)]. So, we can say something like "The prime decomposition of a positive integer is represented as a list of prime–exponent pairs, with the primes all being positive primes (2,3,5,7,…), the exponents all being positive integers (1,2,3,…), and the primes all being distinct and arranged in increasing order." This ensures a unique, easy-to-work-with representation. (N.B. 1 is represented by the empty list, nil.)
By the way, I should mention — when I tried this out, I found that everything was a little bit simpler if instead of storing exponents explicitly, I just repeated each prime the appropriate number of times, e.g. [2,2,3] for 12 = 2 × 2 × 3. (There was no single big complication with storing exponents explicitly, it just made a lot of little things a bit more finicky.) But the below breakdown is at a high level, and applies equally to either representation.
So, the overall algorithm is as follows:
Generate a list of the integers from 1 to 10, or 1 to 20.
This part is optional; you can just write the list by hand, if you want, so as to jump into the meatier part faster. But since your goal is to learn the basics of functional programming, you might as well do this using List.tabulate [documentation].
Use this to generate a list of the prime decompositions of these integers.
Specifically: you'll want to write a factorize or decompose function that takes a positive integer and returns its prime decomposition. You can then use map, a.k.a. [documentation], to apply this function to each element of your list of integers.
Note that this decompose function will need to keep track of the "next" prime as it's factoring the integer. In some languages, you would use a mutable local variable for this; but in Standard ML, the normal approach is to write a recursive helper function with a parameter for this purpose. Specifically, you can write a function helper such that, if n and p are positive integers, p ≥ 2, where n is not divisible by any prime less than p, then helper n p is the prime decomposition of n. Then you just write
fun helper n p = ...
fun decompose n = helper n 2
Use this to generate the prime decomposition of the least common multiple of these integers.
To start with, you'll probably want to write a lcmTwoDecompositions function that takes a pair of prime decompositions, and computes the least common multiple (still in prime-decomposition form). (Writing this pairwise function is much, much easier than trying to create a multi-way least-common-multiple function from scratch.)
Using lcmTwoDecompositions, you can then use foldl or foldr, a.k.a. List.foldl or List.foldr [documentation], to create a function that takes a list of zero or more prime decompositions instead of just a pair. This makes use of the fact that the least common multiple of { n1, n2, …, nN } is lcm(n1, lcm(n2, lcm(…, lcm(nN, 1)…))). (This is a variant of what Mark Dickinson mentions above.)
Use this to compute the least common multiple of these integers.
This just requires a recompose function that takes a prime decomposition and computes the corresponding integer.

rounding to the nearest zero, bitwise

I just wonder how can i round to the nearest zero bitwise? Previously, I perform the long division using a loop. However, since the number always divided by a number power by 2. I decide to use bit shifting. So, I can get result like this:
can I do this by performing the long division like usual?
if I use this kind of bit shifting, are the behavior different for different compiler? how about rounding up? I am using visual c++ 2010 compiler and gcc. thx
Bitwise shifts are equivalent to round-to-negative-infinity divisions by powers of two, meaning that the answer is never bigger than the unrounded value (so e.g. (-3) >> 1 is equal to -2).
For non-negative integers, this is equivalent to round-to-zero.
