I am trying to send alert from Logentries to Pingdom. Logentries support webhooks and Pingdom can integrate with External Services. Based on http://royal.pingdom.com/2015/02/10/integrate-nagios-pingdom/ I have figured out that it is possible to send data using
POST https://anonymous:anonymous#api.pingdom.com/api/3.0/ims.incidents?triggerid=SERVICE_ID&source=service&data_type=nagios&data={}
The problem is that I can't find any documentation regarding this endpoint. I'd like to use other than nagios data_type but I can't find which types and formats are supported.
I am having a hard time to find a documentation for web conversion tracking for Google Ads.
I would like to understand more about the HTTP POST request that is sent to Google.
I can see there is a good documentation for mobile apps:
Is there similar documentation for web? I would like to understand more how i could send conversions to Google creating manually my HTTP request.
I am aware of the Offline conversions API (https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/samples/upload-offline-conversion), but it doesn't support the new parameters as wbraid
I Possible trace how many requests an API key made on my gateway URL?
Because I need to create a report of the API usage.
I see you are using google clouds endpoints, in that case it is easier just to go with the google products:
Google cloud already provides all the metrics that you need.
Additionally to #Kram's response, if you need to monitor API usage per client (or not only per API key) you will need to create specific one GCP project per API client to able to track it
I am having some pages where I need to track page views and get data for reports. So I need to use some tracking events without using gtag.js.
I have tried solutions like GIF Request Parameters
But this solution was there in ga.js and its a legacy
The format used in your linked documentation is deprecated since Google introduced Universal Analytics in 2012.
However the current solution to send requests to Googke Analytics without a library, the Measurement Protocol, works broadly the same way. You have an endpoint (google-analytics.com/collect) and add the necessary parameters as described in the reference, depending on what kind of interaction you want to track. The endpoint returns a 200 http status and a gif (no matter if the request has actually been logged in analytics, this just confirms that you actually hit the server).
I was checking GA Measurement Protocol to send data to GA from backend.Which is working fine.Url i am using is:
(Please replace UA-XXXXXXX-1 with your own tracking id.)
Now i have a website which is GA enabled using javascript way.I checked in Chrome inspect that it sends information to google through url:
I can use this url too to send information to google from backend. What's special and new in Measurement Protocol because using this url too i can send data to google for analytics purposes?
I need to send data from backend to GA so please guide.
The measurement protocol is now the "backbone" for data collection for Universal Analytics for all versions (web, mobile etc). Unlike the gif-method it is well documented and it can be called from every device/programming language that can send http requests (it will still return a transparent gif, though).
The main reason for using the measurement protocol is that everything else is deprecated and Google has announced that support for older tracking methods will be dropped. It looks like your second example uses an older version of the Analytics tracking code, current versions send their calls to the https://www.google-analytics.com/collect endpoint. You should not invest a lot of effort in developing solutions based on deprecated technology, especially if it offers no advantages over the current versions.
Google measurement protocol is very useful when implementing distributed solution of a service like restful APIs.
The client is not known by the server, each client world wide can call the rest API so no javascript code is possible to be injected at the client.
Measurement protocol enabled us to track which kind of devices are calling our API, how many requests per endpoint, etc...
I have successfully written a tool to display upcoming calendar events on a website using Google's calendar API (v2). I am using the username/password method outlined at https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v2/developers_guide_dotnet#AuthClientLogin. Today an instance of this code would not return data or a decent error message. I finally logged into the web server and browsed directly to http://calendar.google.com and logged in using the credentials. I was challenged by Google's captcha and then my code worked.
How do I get around API calls being blocked by Google's captcha security? I don't want to have to re-code for magic cookies but I will if I have to. I have read some about generating tokens but I dont know if that is something I have to do once or every time the code is called.
If your app is a service that is getting used by many people, you might be running into API call bandwidth limitation. That is, google is limiting the number of API requests per time interval.
If this IS getting used by many people, you may have to upgrade to a paid account.