Remove a part of string containing another field in SQLite - sqlite

I need to remove a part of string in one column corresponding to another column.
I know I can use the REPLACE function for that, but not sure how to use it.
So, in my case, I want to remove the first part of the "name" column that is the same as the winery column.
Name: Family Wines Vintage Special
Winery: Family Wines
I want to obtain:
Name: Vintage Special
Winery: Family Wines
Possible problems:
the function needs to do nothing if Name and Winery are the same.
don't keep the space at begin of Name field after removing
if possible, clean the Name string if starts with coma (') or semicolon (;) after the removing OR use another query for that
Something like that:
UPDATE usr_wines SET name=REPLACE(name, winery, '') WHERE name LIKE '%' || winery;

To remove a character from the beginning of a text value, use the substr() function:
UPDATE usr_wines
SET Name = substr(Name, 2)
WHERE Name LIKE ',%';
The same can be done with a dynamic string:
UPDATE usr_wines
SET Name = substr(Name, length(Winery) + 1)
WHERE Name LIKE Winery || '%'
AND Name != Winery;


Using InStr in Access VBA to lookup a string value from another table

Very new to access VBA and would love some guidance on this.
I am searching through a string and looking for a particular substring in this field. This substring would have a value based on another table, ie
order = "Reference order QQ131415"
The problem is, there is no particular pattern for order numbers. Some are 7 digits, some are 10 and some have dashes in there.
There is a table i have access too that has these order numbers though, and I guess I am trying to use that table as a dictionary.
my very very basic Access VBA code is like this
' order= Instr(1, rst![order], qst![order_id],vbBinaryCompare)'
order is the string where i have the order id i am trying to extract
order_id is the actual id from a seperate table.
Is this something that Access VBA can handle?
So i think this will help you
You're not very clear in the sentence following on from "order=" with your code. Could you clear that up.
Instr(string1, String2, [ compare ])
string1 Required. String expression being searched.
string2 Required. String expression sought.
Instr returns a Variant (number in this case) specifying the position of the first occurrence of one string within another. So it should be:
Position= InStr(1, string1, string2, 1)
So you'd now know that the ordernumber starts at position x in Order. You'd then have to do a left(Order, Len(order) -x) to extract the string.
Youd do that in a nested loop because youll have to loop through your dictionary per record in Order.
Dim rsOrder as DAO.recordset
Dim rsOrderId as Dao.recordset
dim orderTest as integer
dim stringcapture as string
Set rsOrder = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("[SELECT STRING]")
Do until rsOrder.EOF or rsOrder.BOF
Order = rsOrder![OrderFieldName]
Set rsOrderId = Currentdb.OpenRecordSet("[SELECT STRING]")
Do Until rsOrderID.EOF or rsOrderID.BOF
OrderID = rsOrderID![OrderIDFieldName]
orderTest = Instr(1, Order, OrderID,1)
StringCapture = left(Order, Len(order) -OrderTest)
Something to that affect.

REGEXP_SUBSTR return all matches (mariaDB)

I need to get all the matches of a regular expression in a text field in a MariaDB table. As far as I know REGEXP_SUBSTR is the way to go to get the value of the match of a regular expression in a text field, but it always returns after the first match and I would like to get all matches.
Is there any way to do this in MariaDB?
An example of the content of the text field would be:
#Generation {
// 1
True =>
`CP?:24658` <= `CPV?:24658=57186`;
//`CP?23432:24658` <= `CPV?:24658=57186`
// 2
`CP?:24658` <> `CPV?:24658=57178` =>
`CP?:24656` <> `CPV?:24656=57169`;
And the select expression that I'm using right now is:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(textfield,'CP\\?(?:\\d*:)*24658') as my_match
from table
where id = 1243;
Which at the moment returns just the first match:
And I would like it to return all matches:
Use just REGEXP to find the interesting rows. Put those into a temp table
Repeatedly process the temp table -- but remove the SUBSTR as you use it.
What will you be doing with each substr? Maybe that will help us devise a better approach.

Replace new line from the end of string SQL and update columns

I have a table called Players with two columns Name and PlayerID. I am using SQLite under DB Browser for SQLite.
Unfortunately, all my player's names have a something like a "\n" (a newline) at the end of their Name.
I tried to use Update & Replace for all the names with the following query (I have like 450 rows in the table):
UPDATE Players
SET Name = REPLACE(Name,CHAR(10),'')
WHERE PlayerID <= 500
When I execute something like:
WHERE Players.Name LIKE 'Mark'
it'll return no rows because of the end line. Here 'Mark' has no "\n", so it won't be found.
If I execute:
WHERE Players.Name LIKE 'Mark
it will return my player. (after Mark I pressed enter)
I want to change all my rows from this format
to this
and save all the changes.
How can I solve my problem? What's wrong?
The problem was that I had /r at the end of each string, not \n. So I had to use CHAR(13) instead of CHAR(10).
UPDATE Players
SET Name = REPLACE(Name, CHAR(13), '')
Also to remove all line feed characters (\n) I used:
UPDATE Players
SET Name = REPLACE(Name, CHAR(10), '')
Moreover to remove all the spaces () I used:
UPDATE Players
SET Name = REPLACE(Name, ' ', '')

how to search for a particular string in the given string in oracle

I have a string with value as '12A,12B,12C,13,14'.
I want to check whether '2A' is available in the above string.
while trying my value '2A' checks in 12A and returns as matched.
Please give me a solution for this.
You can do something like this:
select * from table where ',' || col || ',' like '%,2A,%';
Commas are concatenated to the column to cover the cases where the element is present at the start or end of the string.

SQLite: replace part of a string with another one

I have a column named "tel". This column has some records that start with (for example) "0511" and I want to change it "0513". What is proper query?
You can use replace function
UPDATE table SET tel= replace( tel, '0511', '0513' ) WHERE tel LIKE '0511%';
Check the SQLite core functions here
In case you have a match after the first 4 digits of your tel number.
For example 051121505113
UPDATE table SET tel= replace(substr(tel,1,5), '0511', '0513' )||substr(tel,5)
WHERE tel LIKE '0511%';
UPDATE table
SET tel = REPLACE(tell, '0511', '0513')
WHERE tel like '%0511%'
In case there's a risk that '0511' exists within the rest if the string you can make sure to only replace 0511 at the start of the string like this:
UPDATE [table]
instr([tel], '0511') = 1 THEN
'0513' || substr([tel], 4)
WHERE [tel] LIKE '0511%';
