SQLite: replace part of a string with another one - sqlite

I have a column named "tel". This column has some records that start with (for example) "0511" and I want to change it "0513". What is proper query?

You can use replace function
UPDATE table SET tel= replace( tel, '0511', '0513' ) WHERE tel LIKE '0511%';
Check the SQLite core functions here
In case you have a match after the first 4 digits of your tel number.
For example 051121505113
UPDATE table SET tel= replace(substr(tel,1,5), '0511', '0513' )||substr(tel,5)
WHERE tel LIKE '0511%';

UPDATE table
SET tel = REPLACE(tell, '0511', '0513')
WHERE tel like '%0511%'

In case there's a risk that '0511' exists within the rest if the string you can make sure to only replace 0511 at the start of the string like this:
UPDATE [table]
instr([tel], '0511') = 1 THEN
'0513' || substr([tel], 4)
WHERE [tel] LIKE '0511%';


Converting a field to lower case and merging data in an sqlite database

I need to merge some randomly uppercased data that has been collected in an SQLite table key_val, such that key is always lowercase and no vals are lost. There is a unique compound index on key,val.
The initial data looks like this:
The result after the merge would be
In my programmer brain, I would
for each `key` with upper case letters;
if a lower cased `key` is found with the same value
then delete `key`
else update `key` to lower case
Re implementing the loop has a sub query for each row found with upper case letters, to check if the val already exists as a lower case key
If it does, I can delete the cased key.
From there I can UPDATE key = lower(key) as the "duplicates" have been removed.
The first cut of the programming method of finding the dupes is:
SELECT * FROM key_val as parent
WHERE parent.key != lower(parent.key)
AND 0 < (
SELECT count(s.val) FROM key_val as s
WHERE s.key = lower(parent.key) AND s.val = parent.val
ORDER BY parent.key DESC;
I'm assuming there's a better way to do this in SQLite? The ON CONFLICT functionality seems to me like it should be able to handle the dupe deletion on UPDATE but I'm not seeing it.
First delete all the duplicates:
DELETE FROM key_val AS k1
FROM key_val AS k2
WHERE LOWER(k2.key) = LOWER(k1.key) AND k2.val = k1.val AND k2.rowid < k1.rowid
by keeping only 1 combination of key and val with the min rowid.
It is not important if you kept the key with all lower chars or not, because the 2nd step is to update the table:
UPDATE key_val
SET key = LOWER(key);
See the demo.
Honestly it might just be easier to create a new table and then insert into it. As it seems you really just want a distinct select here, use:
INSERT INTO kev_val_new ("key", val)
FROM key_val;
Once you have populated the new table, you may drop the old one, and then rename the new one to the previous name:
DROP TABLE key_val;
ALTER TABLE key_val_new RENAME TO key_val;
I agree with #Tim that it would be easire to re-create table using simple select distict lower().. statement, but that's not always easy if table has dependant objects (indexes, triggers, views). In this case this can be done as sequence of two steps:
insert lowered keys which are not still there:
insert into t
select distinct lower(tr.key) as key, tr.val
from t as tr
left join t as ts on ts.key = lower(tr.key) and ts.val = tr.val
where ts.key is null;
now when we have all lowered keys - remove other keys:
delete from t where key <> lower(key);
See fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!5/84db50/11
However this method assumes that key is always populated (otherwise it would be a strange key)
If vals can be null then "ts.val = tr.val" should be replaced with more complex stuff like ifnull(ts.val, -1) = ifnull(tr.val, -1) where -1 is some unused value (can be different). If we can't assume any unused value like -1 then it should be more complex check for null / not null cases.

Incorrect default value passed to the SQL Server database

I have set my column to int not null default 1... but whenever I save my record, it sets default value for that record to be 0.
I am not setting it anywhere. I don't know where I am making a mistake.
I have debugged my code , and when I am passing new entity object it is setting default value for not null to 0 .May be it is something with LINQ, But I don't know how to handle it.I don't want to explicitly assign value.
For sql-server, you can use SQL Server Profiler to catch all the scripts you run into the DB.
This may show you some details
Try running this query, replacing the 'myTable' and 'myColumn' values with your actual TABLE and COLUMN names, and see what's returned:
OBJECT_NAME(C.object_id) AS [Table Name]
,C.Name AS [Column Name]
,DC.Name AS [Constraint Name]
,DC.Type_Desc AS [Constraint Type]
,DC.Definition AS [Default Value]
FROM sys.default_constraints DC
INNER JOIN sys.Columns C
ON DC.parent_column_id = C.column_id
AND DC.parent_object_id = C.object_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(DC.parent_object_id) = 'myTable'
AND COL_NAME(DC.parent_object_id,DC.parent_column_id) = 'myColumn'
Should return something like this:
[Table Name] [Column Name] [Constraint Name] [Constraint Type] [Default Value]
myTable myColumn DF_myTable_myColumn DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT ('0')
If the [Default Value] returned is indeed (1), then it means that you have set the constraint properly and something else is at play here. It might be a trigger, or some other automated DML that you've forgotten/didn't know about, or something else entirely.
I am not the world's biggest fan of using a TRIGGER, but in a case like this, it could be handy. I find that one of the best uses for a TRIGGER is debugging little stuff like this - because it lets you see what values are being passed into a table without having to scroll through mountains of profiler data. You could try something like this (again, switching out the myTable and myColumn values with your actual table and column names):
CREATE TABLE Default_Check
,Inserted_Value INT
CREATE TRIGGER Checking_Default ON myTable
INSERT INTO Default_Check (Inserted_Value)
SELECT I.myColumn
FROM Inserted I
This trigger would simply list the date/time of an update/insert done against your table, as well as the inserted value. After creating this, you could run a single INSERT statement, then check:
SELECT * FROM Default_Check;
If you see one row, only one action (insert/update) was done against the table. If you see two, something you don't expect is happening - you can check to see what. You will also see here when the 0 was inserted/updated.
When you're done, just make sure you DROP the trigger:
DROP TRIGGER Checking_Default;
You'll want to DROP the table, too, once it's become irrelevant:
DROP TABLE Default_Check;
If all of this still didn't help you, let me know.
In VB use
Property VariableName As Integer? = Nothing
In C# use
int? value = 0;
if (value == 0)
value = null;
Please check My Example:
create table emp ( ids int null, [DOJ] datetime NOT null)
1--Not working for Default Values
insert into emp
select '1',''
2 ---working for Default Values
insert into emp(ids) Values(13)
select * From emp

SQL Insert and Replace?

I have an SQL statement I run for my website that inserts data into an access database. Is there a way during the insert to replace a space " " if one of the date textboxes contains a space? I need to do this because it throws off my date queries if there is a space in one of the columns?
INSERT INTO tblOpen (DateColumn1, DateColumn2) Values (#Value1, #Value2)
You should use the 'datetime' type for your DateColumn. It solves all your problem. It is good to use proper variable for proper field.
If you mean heading and trailing spaces, then:
myString = myString.Trim()
in your vb.net code will be fine. Even though I would follow Steve's suggestion and converting to date.
As question was about replace, you can either use Replace()
INSERT INTO tblOpen (DateColumn1, DateColumn2)
Values (REPLACE(#Value1, ' ', ''), #Value2)
or LTrim() and RTrim()
INSERT INTO tblOpen (DateColumn1, DateColumn2)
Values (LTRIM(RTRIM(#Value1)), #Value2)
However if datatype is a datetime then it makes sense to convert to that type using
DateTime d = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox1.Text);
SqlParameter p = command.Parameters.Add("#Value1", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
p.Value = d;

SQL SELECT STATEMENT IN ASP written in Frontpage

Current select statement:
FROM vw_svc200_open
ORDER BY ::sortcolumn::
This works and all is well. But now I need to modify this select string to apply an extra filter.
FROM vw_svc200_open
ORDER BY ::sortcolumn::
So basically I need to have my select filter on customer number and if customer number is ABC123 then I also need it to filter on Contact person... The problem with the second SELECT (using the CASE statement) is that it throws an "error near =" on the THEN line.
The ::CUSTNMBR:: and ::CNTCPRSN:: are url string variables (What are those called again?).
Am I going to have to add some logic to the asp page (i.e. IF/Then) to set a variable, and then pass that variable to the *fp_sQry=* line?
I ended up using nested if statements to set the select statement.

Ordering SQL Server results by IN clause

I have a stored procedure which uses the IN clause. In my ASP.NET application, I have a multiline textbox that supplies values to the stored procedure. I want to be able to order by the values as they were entered in the textbox. I found out how to do this easily in mySQL (using FIELD function), but not a SQL Server equivalent.
So my query looks like:
Select * from myTable where item in #item
So I would be passing in values from my application like '113113','112112','114114' (in an arbitrary order). I want to order the results by that list.
Would a CASE statement be feasible? I wouldn't know how many items are coming in the textbox data.
How are you parameterising the IN clause?
As you are on SQL Server 2008 I would pass in a Table Valued Parameter with two columns item and sort_order and join on that instead. Then you can just add an ORDER BY sort_order onto the end.
From KM's comment above...
I know you didn't state it is comma seperated, but if it was a CSV or even if you have it space seperated you could do the following.
DECLARE #SomeTest varchar(100) --used to hold your values
SET #SomeTest = (SELECT '68,72,103') --just some test data
LoginID --change to your column names
Login --change to your source table name
FROM fn_IntegerInList(#SomeTest)
) n
n.InListID = Login.LoginID
And then create fn_IntegerInList():
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_IntegerInList] (#InListString ntext)
RETURNS #tblINList TABLE (InListID int, SortOrder int)
declare #length int
declare #startpos int
declare #ctr int
declare #val nvarchar(50)
declare #subs nvarchar(50)
declare #sort int
set #sort=1
set #startpos = 1
set #ctr = 1
select #length = datalength(#InListString)
while (#ctr <= #length)
select #val = substring(#InListString,#ctr,1)
if #val = N','
select #subs = substring(#InListString,#startpos,#ctr-#startpos)
insert into #tblINList values (#subs, #sort)
set #startpos = #ctr+1
if #ctr = #length
select #subs = substring(#InListString,#startpos,#ctr-#startpos)
insert into #tblINList values (#subs, #sort)
set #ctr = #ctr +1
set #sort = #sort + 1
This way your function creates a table that holds a sort order namely, SortOrder and the ID or number you are passing in. You can of course modify this so that you are looking for space rather then , values. Otherwise Martin has the right idea in his answer. Please note in my example I am using one of my tables, so you will need to change the name Login to whatever you are dealing with.
the same way you concatenate ('113113','112112','114114') to pass to the sql sentence in the where clausule you can concatenate
order by
case item
when '113113' then 1
when '112112' then 2
when '114114' then 3
to pass to your order by clausule
