Get Google Analytics A/B style results on any page of website? - google-analytics

I am trying to get the conversion rate for an individual page just like you get when running an A/B test. I want to find out how many times /page hits the goal of going to /thanks after a visitor is on it. I have tried a custom report but the only page that shows conversion rate stats is the actual thanks page. Any ideas?

You can create a custom segment of your users or sessions, who have visited a given page, or groups of pages. (Look for Conditions under Advanced group of New segment dialog.) You can filter your standard or custom reports for this segment only, and get the information, you are looking for.


Google analytics - Data Studio, show conversion rate if a page was viewed

I have our E-commerce Conversion Rate all set up and looking good in GA. I want to view the conversion rate of people who have viewed a specific page and add this information to a Datastudio report...
I have the metric in Datastudio as "E-commerce Conversion Rate" everything looks good and the data matches GA, however, I tried filtering based on the dimension "page" contains "/pageurl" but I don't get a valid result... What am I doing wrong?
Like I said I just want to see the conversion rate of users who have visited a certain page during their journey...
Thanks in advance!
I believe your issue is that the e-commerce conversion rate is not a pageview-level metric. So, when you try to add on a filter to contain users that went to a certain page, it won't work correctly.
It's like if you try to go into the All pages report in GA, you'll notice there is only a page value metric but no conversion rate.
You have two options depending on the report you are trying to make. You can change the filter to be landing page rather than just page or you can create a custom segment in GA that is a session containing a view of the particular page you are looking for.

Create a goal in Google Analytics from the last two visited pages where the last one is goal destination url

I have to calculate the conversion rate for an ecommerce website which had no defined goals for a long period of time. Aside that the success page had no distinct url than the order view page.
However I am able to identify a conversion by filtering the order-view pageviews -
where users are redirected after they place an order - by the traffic that came only from shopping-cart page.
Basically I will know an order was placed if the user that reached order view page came directly from the shopping cart page.
So my question is: can I create a goal in google analytics that will compute the conversion rate from these two steps starting with installing Google Analitycs?
Thank you!

Are goals the only way to track conversion rate of non-landing pages, in Google Analytics

It seems easy to look at conversion rates of landing pages in google analytics via:
behaviour > site content > landing pages
(there's an 'ecommerce conversion rate' column displaying conversion rate for each landing page).
However, if I want to look at the conversion rate for a page that a user wouldn't "land" on / enter the site on, such as a search results page, i can't work out how to do this.
Other than setting up goals. I wondered if there was an easier way?
Ideally - when i go to:
site content > all pages
If it had the ecommerce column, that would be ideal. But doesn't seem possible.
You can create Segments and analyze their Conversionrates. However pages can not have conversionrates because a page can be visited multiple times within one session, whereas landingpages and channels are 1:1 connected to one session. Within a segment you can set the condition "page contains /xyz/" this way you create a session scope for a hit condition.

Goal conversion rate per page view

When I go to the "Landing pages" section of Google Analytics (Behaviour > Site Content > Landing pages), I can see "My goal name (Goal 1 Conversion Rate)", which is "The percentage of visits that resulted in a conversion to the goal". This way I know that XX.XX% of user who landed on a particular page ended up reaching a goal.
Is there any chance I can retrieve the same data for ANY given page view instead (i.e. know that XX.XX% of users who viewed a page ended up reaching a goal)?
You can create a custom segment of your users or sessions, who have visited a given page, or have landed on a given page. (Look for Conditions under Advanced group of New segment dialog.) You can filter reports for this segment only, and get the information, you are looking for.

Suspiciously high frequencies of certain counts with Google Analytics

I am working with Google Analytics data und during the analysis I saw that I have wierd distribution of visits. For instance, the minimum visits for a page is 89, wich also has the highes freq count in my dataset. Then I have 177 visits for a page with the second highest freq count. I find this pattern every month...
Does anyone know anything about that?
It sounds like you might have some combination of repeated trackers, heavy spam or over-impactful bot traffic.
Repeated trackers an be identified using Realtime reporting: if you click onto the Page Views tag, does each page load trigger only one page view?
Spam can often be identified using the Hostname. Run a custom report looking at Hostnames, and you can see if it's coming from or some equally scummy location.
Finally, bot traffic can be filtered out using an option in the view settings: try setting up a duplicate View with this setting on, and see how different the volumes are.
