How to bind a key combination to a command? - lighttable

I have recently run into the following use case in LightTable:
I want to execute a command (for instance, duplicate a line)
I press "Ctrl-Space" and a list of commands shows up
I select the command I need
I want to repeat this command often, but there is no keybinding for this command
I go to user.keymap where I am supposed to add a line like [:editor "alt-shift-w"]
But I have no idea what is the key for the command I have just found. All I know is the displayed name of this command: Editor: duplicate line
Is there a way to add this keybinding without digging up the documentation and finding the key?

If you add the beginning of a line like this to your user.keymap:
[:editor "alt-shift-w"
and position the keyboard cursor at the end of the line you should be able to type duplicate line and the relevant command should be listed in a popup autocomplete menu.


sqlite3's command history breaks multi-line commands

When I use sqlite3's command history (i.e. arrow-up) after a multi-line command, I only get the last line of the previous command. Pressing arrow-up again, i get the second-last and so on. This seems not very effective if i need the whole last command and fix something. Is there a way to get the full last command, preferable as a multi line?
If not, maybe I'm missing something fundamental: how are you supposed to effectively edit multi-line commands?
My .sqliterc
.headers on
.mode column
My .inputrc:
set completion-ignore-case on
set completion-map-case on
set colored-stats on
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set show-all-if-unmodified on
set colored-completion-prefix on
set skip-completed-text on
# don't ask for completion if more than x completions
set completion-query-items -1
# don't use a pager but show everything at once
set page-completions off
# incrementally search history (i.e. ss <up> -> )
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward

Which keybind for smart-searching in history with ZSH?

When using the up and down arrow in my terminal (iTerm 2 on Mac OS Catalina), I can browse through my last commands using the up and down arrows.
I use ZSH (Oh-my-zsh to be precise) and if I type e.g. vim then press up, it will browse my history for any commands issued starting with vim.
I think it's annoying to have to move my hand to the arrow keys, so i wanted to bind ctrl-j and ctrl-k for browsing up and down.
I looked at bindkey and bound ^j to down-history and ^k to up-history. This allows me to browse my history, but not with the "smart" functionality (i'm not sure of the right terminology here) - It simply goes up and down in my history, without regards to my input.
I've looked through the standard widgets on the Zsh Line Editor manual, but I cannot find the right command for this.
Which command should I bind ^j and ^k to to get my desired result?
After some further digging, i ended up on the The Z-Shell Line Editor page at the section called "Prefix searching".
It revealed that the widget I was after, is called history-beginning-search-backward.
When using that widget, it works almost as I wanted it to, but not jumping to the end of the line.
A quick search lead me to another StackOverflow Question, that states that if you want to jump to the end of the line (as with the up arrow), it should be done as follows;
I had the same question and managed to find the solution with some experimentation.
I added the following to my .inputrc
"\eOA": history-search-backward # Up
"\eOB": history-search-forward # Down
"\C-P": "\eOA\C-E" # Ctrl-P
"\C-N": "\eOB\C-E" # Ctrl-N
This binds two hotkeys to Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N. One for history search, and the other Ctrl-E for end-of-line.

create multicursor in Atom

I use Atom on Ubuntu 17.10 with wayland window manager.
I can create multiple cursors with CTRL+Mousclick or with CTRL+d to select the next same string.
But how can I for example mark some lines and create a cursor at the start of each line?
Also would be great to use search and find-all to select lots of results in a text to create a cursor at all these results.
I used this workaround at the moment by selecting the line-break and use CTRL+d to select the next linebreaks too with extra cursors, then go one left and Pos1 to have the cursors at the start of each line.
I wanted to select a string that repeats about 200 times in a dataset of 3000 text-blocks in a bunch of output and then I wanted to expand the selection to each of those blocks. That would have been really easy with multiple cursors. I solved this another way now, but for the next time I would like to see a complete instruction manual about how to create multiple cursors in the standard atom setting. I couldn't find this. Search-engines give me lots of plugins and solutions in different multicursor plugins.
I found the manual that explains it like in sublime (ctrl alt up and down):
Alt+Shift+Up and Down
What is missing in the manual is also a useful option:
use "find all" with the search tool in Atom (CTRL+F)
press Alt + Enter to create cursors at all the found locations.
I wanted to make it easy so I could just use alt+⬇️ or alt+⬆️ to have multiple cursors. This was my solution and I think its the easiest:
# From Atom -> Keymap add the following lines:
'alt-up': 'editor:add-selection-above'
'alt-down': 'editor:add-selection-below'

Issues with Zsh prompt

My Zsh prompt cursor is sometimes (most of the time actually) a line below were it should be (attaching screenshot):
If I hit enter multiple times, the prompt seems to get fixed:
My first thought is that it was an error within my custom prompt, so I replaced by prompt with a simple one containing only one digit:
But the error persisted.
Any clues about what can be missing?
You can find my theme here:
Notice that I'm using Oh My Zsh.
EDIT: The prompt seems to get fixed when I reach the bottom of the terminal (by hitting enters).
The culprit is %{$(echotc DO 1)%} in your RPROMPT, which moves the cursor one line down when printing RPROMPT. When reaching the bottom of your terminal there is no additional line to go down to, so the cursor just remains where it was.
Depending on where you want your RPROMPT you have basically two options:
On the same line as your input cursor (after λ):
Just remove %{$(echotc DO 1)%} from your RPROMPT:
RPROMPT='$(_git_time_since_commit) $(git_prompt_status) ${_return_status}%'
One line (or any other number of lines, really) above your input:
Add %{$(echotc UP 1)%} at the beginning of your RPROMPT, this will move the cursor up one line, print the right prompt and move back down one line:
RPROMPT='%{$(echotc UP 1)%}$(_git_time_since_commit) $(git_prompt_status) ${_return_status}%{$(echotc DO 1)%}'`
Note: the second method may lead to RPROMPT overwriting parts of PROMPT if both get to long and/or the terminal window to narrow. If RPROMPT remains on the same line as input, it will be hidden once the input reaches it (and will reapper if you delete some of the input).

previous command in R console

I would like to retrieve the previous command in my R console that started with a certain character. For example, i can just press the up key to get the last command. However, I'd like the last command that started with xyz for example. Is there a way to do this?
if you're on a linux distro, you can press ctrl+R and start typing, and then ctrl+R to toggle through search matches.
you can also do, history(pattern="^xyz"), but this would require an additional copy.
