sqlite3's command history breaks multi-line commands - sqlite

When I use sqlite3's command history (i.e. arrow-up) after a multi-line command, I only get the last line of the previous command. Pressing arrow-up again, i get the second-last and so on. This seems not very effective if i need the whole last command and fix something. Is there a way to get the full last command, preferable as a multi line?
If not, maybe I'm missing something fundamental: how are you supposed to effectively edit multi-line commands?
My .sqliterc
.headers on
.mode column
My .inputrc:
set completion-ignore-case on
set completion-map-case on
set colored-stats on
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set show-all-if-unmodified on
set colored-completion-prefix on
set skip-completed-text on
# don't ask for completion if more than x completions
set completion-query-items -1
# don't use a pager but show everything at once
set page-completions off
# incrementally search history (i.e. ss <up> -> )
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward


How to bind a key combination to a command?

I have recently run into the following use case in LightTable:
I want to execute a command (for instance, duplicate a line)
I press "Ctrl-Space" and a list of commands shows up
I select the command I need
I want to repeat this command often, but there is no keybinding for this command
I go to user.keymap where I am supposed to add a line like [:editor "alt-shift-w" :editor.watch.unwatch]
But I have no idea what is the :editor.watch.unwatch-like key for the command I have just found. All I know is the displayed name of this command: Editor: duplicate line
Is there a way to add this keybinding without digging up the documentation and finding the key?
If you add the beginning of a line like this to your user.keymap:
[:editor "alt-shift-w"
and position the keyboard cursor at the end of the line you should be able to type duplicate line and the relevant command should be listed in a popup autocomplete menu.

Unicode character bug upon exiting tmux with alternate screen overridden

I've removed and added a few times now the following line to ~/.tmux.conf:
set -ga terminal-overrides ',xterm*:smcup#:rmcup#'
Which according to the person who provided it does the following:
to fool the multiplexers into thinking that the terminal has no "alternate screen" mode (such as that used by pico, mutt, etc). This is accomplished by setting termcap commands for the session.
The 'xterm*' part of the command should be set to whatever your terminal-emulator is declared as.
The end result is that the overflow ends up in the terminal's scrollback buffer instead of disappearing. Of course, since this is one static buffer, things will get messy as you switch between screen or tmux windows, but this is handy for quickly flicking up to see the output of an ls command or the such.
I don't quite understand the bolded section (emphasis added), but guess this is the source of what I'm seeing. It's causing some weird sort of unicode overspill upon exiting tmux.
Pasted as plaintext this text won't show up, but the symbol [001B]112 appears alongside the usual [exited]:
(FWIW I think it has pasted in that line, but isn't displaying)
I followed this advice ("Use terminal scrollbar with tmux"), and while it does work, this is just ugly/annoying to see that upon exiting. Can anyone advise how to fix or avoid the output message?
Offhand, I would get the unwanted "message" is some hard-coded application (or script) which is helpfully resetting the xterm dynamic text cursor color. See XTerm Control Sequences in the description of Operating System Controls:
The dynamic colors can also be reset to their default
(resource) values:
Ps = 1 1 2 -> Reset text cursor color.
So... somewhere there is some script doing the equivalent of
echo -n -e '\e]112\a
The results probably depend most on what particular terminal emulator you are using. Both screen and tmux filter out escape sequences that their developers did not care to implement, and pass through those that the terminal "should" handle.
Just take a look at sentence you provided: "The 'xterm*' part of the command should be set to whatever your terminal-emulator is declared as."
In my case, the $TERM has value xterm-256color and the corresponding line in ~/.tmux.conf looks like:
set -g terminal-overrides "xterm-color256:smcup#:rmcup#"

Move cursor up/down one line in Atom

I'm using Atom with soft wrap turned on. In most simple editors such as gedit, Ctrl-Down would be used to skip ahead to the true next line, ignoring any wrapped lines below (same as j and k in Vim).
However in Atom this shortcut produces the result of moving the line itself around, which is less useful to me. I'd like to remap Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down to move the cursor up or down to the next true line, as described above.
I'm familiar with editing my keymap file, but I simply can't find any command that would be the equivalent of moving ahead one full line.
You could write a custom command in your init.coffee like this:
atom.workspaceView.command 'custom:move-next-buffer-line', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveEditor()
And then just reverse it for moving to the previous buffer line. You can then map the custom command in your keymap, which you said you're familiar with.
If you're using the vim-mode-plus package, then just modify your keymap.cson file by adding
# except insert
# -------------------------
# Motions
# -------------------------
'k': 'vim-mode-plus:move-up-screen'
'j': 'vim-mode-plus:move-down-screen'
See for details https://github.com/t9md/atom-vim-mode-plus/blob/master/keymaps/vim-mode-plus.cson

$ sign after each line in files(UNIX OS)

I am new to vim editor and based on general reading from different forums, I was trying to customize vim by updating the .vimrc file to look something like this:
syntax on
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set wildmode = list
that gives me a whole set of functionality I need. However, after having saved this content to .vimrc, suddenly all my files started to show $ as the ending character after each line.
i.e. Now even the .vimrc file looks like:
syntax on$
set incsearch$
set ignorecase$
set smartcase$
set wildmode = list$
and unfortunately I am not able to delete them in the editor. Are there any comments on how to get rid of these '$' signs? Has anyone else encountered this problem before?
Thanks in advance!
The line set wildmode = list is wrong, it should be set wildmode=list no spaces.
The line as it is queries the wildmode option and sets the boolean list option
It’s because you said set list.
Go check for init.vim file.
For me that file was at /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim
And it was turn on "See invisible characters":
set list listchars=tab:>\ ,trial:+,eol:&
Delete or comment the line.

Customize zsh's prompt when displaying previous command exit code

Zsh includes the ability to display the return code/exit code of the previous command in the prompt by using the %? escape sequence.
However I would like to have the following prompt:
user#host ~ [%?] %
when the exit code is different from 0 and:
user#host ~ %
when exit code is 0.
If I use %? alone it is always displayed, even if %? is 0.
In addition I want the square brackets but only when the exit code not 0.
What is the simplest way to do this?
Add this in the position in PS1 where you want the exit code to appear:
%(?..[%?] )
It's a conditional expression. The part between the two dots (nothing in this case) is output if the expression before the first dot is true. The part after the second dot is output if it's false.
For example:
PS1='%n%m %~ %(?..[%?] )%# '
Alternatively, you can:
to always print a newline showing previous return value.
I don't prefer this for ordinary use, but it is often good for debugging shell scripts.
