using Later.js for schedule - laterjs

been trying to use the later.js with no luck here is how i do it
var hour = document.getElementById("starthour").value;
var minute= document.getElementById("startminute").value;
var time = "'0 "+ minute +" " + hour + " " + "? * SUN-THU'";
var s = later.parse.cron(time);
var timer = later.setInterval(checkWhoIsMissing, s);
help will be appreciated

to answer my own question
there was a problem with my time definition
best way to figure out a time is to look at
in general the format should be
Minute Hour Dayofthemonth Monthoftheyear DayoftheWeek
if you don't use one of them you need to put a star instead
0 16 * * 0-5
which yields
16:00 on sun through Friday every month every year
another thing that helps is
to write a simple schedule
for example
var results = later.schedule(s).next(5);
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
alert( results[i].toLocaleString());
so you can see right away what are the next scheduled times.
hope that helps
"Be well do good keep in touch"


add timestamp to click event in google tag manager

Currently, in the User Report view of Google Analytics, I get timestamps on each event, but it is only down to the minute, not the second. I can't find a setting in GA that changes that column.
My goal is to pass this timestamp through GTM, perhaps as "tag label", so that I can see it in GA.
How do I create a timestamp variable in GTM?
Create a custom javascript variable (i.e. a variable that contains a function, not a "javascript" variable that just reads a global variable), and give it a name, e.g. "timestamp".
Custom javascript variables are anonymous functions with a return value.
The current way to get a timestamp is This might not be supported by older browser (especially IE 8 and lower), so you might use new Date().getTime(); as an alternative.
The variable body would be as simple as:
function() {
and you would use that in a tag by surrounding the variable name with double curly parenthesis, e.g. {{timestamp}}. returns milliseconds ( elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC), so you might want to divide by thousand.
Alternatively you could create a datetime variable that includes seconds and even milliseconds. I think this was originally by Simo Ahava:
function() {
// Get local time as ISO string with offset at the end
var now = new Date();
var tzo = -now.getTimezoneOffset();
var dif = tzo >= 0 ? '+' : '-';
var pad = function(num) {
var norm = Math.abs(Math.floor(num));
return (norm < 10 ? '0' : '') + norm;
return now.getFullYear()
+ '-' + pad(now.getMonth()+1)
+ '-' + pad(now.getDate())
+ 'T' + pad(now.getHours())
+ ':' + pad(now.getMinutes())
+ ':' + pad(now.getSeconds())
+ '.' + pad(now.getMilliseconds())
+ dif + pad(tzo / 60)
+ ':' + pad(tzo % 60);
which returns a formatted string like 2016-08-02T09:22:44.496+02:00.
The second it's not accesible via Google Analytics. The closest way to do this is via Google Big Query,but this last is only available for premium members.
Maybe you can add the timeStamp as CustomDimentions
function getdateGA(){
return Date();
ga('send', 'event', 'category', 'action', {
'dimention1': getdateGA()
The date format is not the best one, try to find the best for you modifing the getdateGA function
More resources about the date in
How to format a JavaScript date

Full calendar ResourceView horizontal and vertical axis

I'm using the fullcalendar resourceviews fork version
I used an older version which had the resources on the top and the times on the left axis.
But now it is different. The times are on the top and the resources are on the left axis. It's not that good anymore. Is there a way to change it?
I need the newer version of it because of the refetchResources function.
I modified the resource object (using Ike Lin fullCalendar) and added an array which includes the number of the day, start time and end time like 0 -> 09:00 -> 12:00, 1 10:00 -> 15:30 ...
Then I changed the fullcalendar.js
function updateCells() {
var i;
var headCell;
var bodyCell;
var date;
var d;
var maxd;
var today = clearTime(new Date());
for (i=0; i<colCnt; i++) {
date = resourceDate(i);
headCell = dayHeadCells.eq(i);
if(resources[i].anwesenheit[date.getDay()-1] != null){
var von = resources[i].anwesenheit[date.getDay()-1].von;
var _von = von.substring(0, 5);
var bis = resources[i].anwesenheit[date.getDay()-1].bis;
var _bis = bis.substring(0, 5);
headCell.html(resources[i].name + "<p style='font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px;'>" + _von + " - " + _bis + " Uhr</p>");
} else {
headCell.attr("id", resources[i].id);
bodyCell = dayBodyCells.eq(i);
if (+date == +today) {
bodyCell.addClass(tm + '-state-highlight fc-today');
bodyCell.removeClass(tm + '-state-highlight fc-today');
setDayID(headCell.add(bodyCell), date);
This shows the work time from each resource right unter the name of the resource.
Also I added a serverside function to the select function which checks if the resource is available. If yes, then the event will be created, else the event won't be created and I get an error message.
Now I can work with it. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it's nice to use now. It updates the times under the resource name on every day change so I have an overview when a resource is available and when it's not available.

Change color of past events in Fullcalendar

I'm trying to implement this solution to "grey out" past events in Fullcalendar, but I'm not having any luck. I'm not too well versed in Javascript, though, so I assume I'm making some dumb mistakes.
I've been putting the suggested code into fullcalendar.js, inside the call for daySegHTML(segs) around line 4587.
I added the first two lines at the end of the function's initial var list (Why not, I figured)—so something like this:
var leftCol;
var rightCol;
var left;
var right;
var skinCss;
var hoy = new Date;// get today's date
hoy = parseInt((hoy.getTime()) / 1000); //get today date in unix
var html = '';
Then, just below, I added the other two lines inside the loop:
for (i=0; i<segCnt; i++) {
seg = segs[i];
event = seg.event;
classes = ['fc-event', 'fc-event-skin', 'fc-event-hori'];
if (isEventDraggable(event)) {
unixevent = parseInt((event.end.getTime()) / 1000); //event date in Unix
if (unixevent < hoy) {classes.push('fc-past');} //add class if event is old
if (rtl) {
if (seg.isStart) {
Running this code results in a rendered calendar with no events displayed and an error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getTime' of null
The "null" being referred to is, apparently, event.end.getTime(). But I'm not sure I understand what exactly is going wrong, or how things are being executed. As written, it seems like it should work. At this point in the code, from what I can tell, event.end contains a valid IETF timecode, but for some reason it's "not there" when I try to run it through getTime()?
This isn't a mission-critical tweak for me, but would still be nice—and I'd like to understand what's going on and what I'm doing wrong, as well! Any help greatly appreciated!
If you are using FullCalendar2 with Google Calendar, you will need to use the version of the code below. This uses Moment.js to do some conversions, but since FC2 requires it, you'll be using it already.
eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
var ntoday = new Date().getTime();
var eventEnd = moment( event.end ).valueOf();
var eventStart = moment( event.start ).valueOf();
if (!event.end){
if (eventStart < ntoday){
} else {
if (eventEnd < ntoday){
As per FullCalendar v1.6.4
Style past events in css:
Style future events in css:
There's no need to fiddle with fullcalendar.js. Just add a callback, like:
eventRender: function(calev, elt, view) {
if (calev.end.getTime() < sometime())
you just have to define the correct CSS for .greyclass.
Every event has an ID associated with it. It is a good idea to maintain your own meta information on all events based on their ids. If you are getting the events popupated from a backend database, add a field to your table. What has worked best for me is to rely on callbacks only to get the event ids and then set/reset attributes fetched from my own data store. Just to give you some perspective, I am pasting below a section of my code snippet. The key is to target the EventDAO class for all your needs.
public class EventDAO
//change the connection string as per your database connection.
//private static string connectionString = "Data Source=ASHIT\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=amit;Integrated Security=True";
//this method retrieves all events within range start-end
public static List<CalendarEvent> getEvents(DateTime start, DateTime end, long nParlorID)
List<CalendarEvent> events = new List<CalendarEvent>();
// your data access class instance
clsAppointments objAppts = new clsAppointments();
DataTable dt = objAppts.SelectAll( start, end);
for(int i=0; i<dt.Rows.Count; ++i)
CalendarEvent cevent = new CalendarEvent(); = (int)Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[i]["ID"]);
Int32 apptDuration = objAppts.GetDuration(); // minutes
string staffName = objAppts.GetStaffName();
string eventDesc = objAppts.GetServiceName();
cevent.title = eventDesc + ":" + staffName;
cevent.description = "Staff name: " + staffName + ", Description: " + eventDesc;
cevent.start = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["AppointmentDate"];
cevent.end = (DateTime) cevent.start.AddMinutes(apptDuration);
// set appropriate classNames based on whatever parameters you have.
if (cevent.start < DateTime.Now)
cevent.className = "pastEventsClass";
The high level steps are as follows:
Add a property to your cevent class. Call it className or anything else you desire.
Fill it out in EventDAO class while getting all events. Use database or any other local store you maintain to get the meta information.
In your jsonresponse.ashx, retrieve the className and add it to the event returned.
Example snippet from jsonresponse.ashx:
return "{" +
"id: '" + + "'," +
"title: '" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(cevent.title) + "'," +
"start: " + ConvertToTimestamp(cevent.start).ToString() + "," +
"end: " + ConvertToTimestamp(cevent.end).ToString() + "," +
"allDay:" + allDay + "," +
"className: '" + cevent.className + "'," +
"description: '" +
HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(cevent.description) + "'" + "},";
Adapted from #MaxD The below code is what i used for colouring past events grey.
JS for fullcalendar pulling in Json
events: '/json-feed.php',
eventRender: function(event,element,view) {
if (event.end < new Date().getTime())
other options ....
'event.end' in my Json is a full date time '2017-10-10 10:00:00'
.past-event.fc-event, .past-event .fc-event-dot {
background: #a7a7a7;
border-color: #848484
eventDataTransform = (eventData) => {
let newDate = new Date();
if(new Date(newDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).getTime() > eventData.start.getTime()){
eventData.color = "grey";
eventData.color = "blue";
return eventData;
//color will change background color of event
//textColor to change the text color
Adapted from #Jeff original answer just simply check to see if an end date exists, if it does use it otherwise use the start date. There is an allDay key (true/false) but non allDay events can still be created without an end date so it will still throw an null error. Below code has worked for me.
eventRender: function(calev, elt, view) {
var ntoday = new Date().getTime();
if (!calev.end){
if (calev.start.getTime() < ntoday){
} else {
if (calev.end.getTime() < ntoday){
Ok, so here's what I've got now, that's working (kind of):
eventRender: function(calev, elt, view) {
var ntoday = new Date();
if (calev.start.getTime() < ntoday.getTime()){
In my stylesheet, I found I needed to restyle the outer and inner elements to change the color; thus the elt.children().addclass addition.
The only time check I could get to work, lacking an end time for all day events, was to look at the start time - but this is going to cause problems with multi-day events, obviously.
Is there another possible solution?

CSS Text-Transform:Capitalize Oddity

I have a page that shows a javascript countdown. The javascript automatically populates "d" for days, "h" for hours, etc... CSS adds "ay(s)", "our(s)", etc..., as space allows, and capitalizes them.
function cdtd(broadcast) {
var nextbroadcast = new Date(broadcast);
var now = new Date();
var timeDiff = nextbroadcast.getTime() - now.getTime();
if (timeDiff <= 0) {
document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = "<a href=\"flconlineservices.php\">Internet broadcast in progress<\/a>";
/* Run any code needed for countdown completion here */
var seconds = Math.floor(timeDiff / 1000);
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);
hours %= 24;
minutes %= 60;
seconds %= 60;
document.getElementById("daysBox").innerHTML = days + " d";
document.getElementById("hoursBox").innerHTML = hours + " h";
document.getElementById("minsBox").innerHTML = minutes + " m";
// seconds isn't in our html code (javascript error if this isn't commented out)
/*document.getElementById("secsBox").innerHTML = seconds + " s";*/
var timer = setTimeout('cdtd(broadcast)',1000);
[role="navigation"] {text-transform:capitalize;}
#media screen and (min-width:1600px) {
#countdown #daysBox:after {content:"ay(s)";}
#countdown #hoursBox:after {content:"our(s)";}
#countdown #minsBox:after {content:"inute(s)";}
Firefox and Opera display the countdown as I expected (3 Day(s), 5 Hour(s), etc...), but Internet Explorer capitalizes the (s) (3 Day(S), 5 Hour(S), etc...). Safari and Chrome are even worse, as they capitalize the (s) and the first letter of the CSS generated content (3 DAy(S), 5 HOur(S), etc...).
I found a page that shows typography bugs with :first-letter and :first-line that may be somewhat related.
I tried doing text-transform:lowercase and then text-transform:capitalize, but that didn't change the results.
Any ideas on how to fix this? I'll probably just knock out the capitalization, but then I have to make sure everything is typed in the correct casing.
Ok so from what I can tell you just need the first letter of days, hours and minutes caps. You can do this in javascript. Something like
var daysString = days + " d";
document.getElementById("daysBox").innerHTML = daysString.toUpperCase();
Update: forgot to mention take our #countdown {text-transform:capitalize;}

flex - querying a date var and changing minutes

I'm trying to find out what the time is through a Date var and changing the hours in it. Does anyone know how to do that? I guess in pseudo-code i would like something like this:
function updateTime(d:Date)Void
Var nowTime:Date() = new Date();
if (d.getHour() < nowTime.getHour()+1)
d = nowTime;
if you want to change hours there is a function setHours(). Than it will be like this :
