Ionic2 (Beta 10) Templates Build Directory under www - visual-studio-cordova

I am a JavaScript, Angular 1, and Ionic 1 dev. I'm forcing myself to learn TypeScript, Angular 2, and Ionic 2. With the Ionic2 (Beta 10) Templates, I don't understand what GENERATES the build directory under the www directory? Is that TypeScript that's generating the contents of that directory? Is it Angular2 somehow? Or Ionic 2? Is this build directory a common thing for something? Is this supposed to resemeble a "build" directory that gets created like traditional compiled languages do (Java, C#)? Is the BUILD word common? Can this be configured? What's a good practice?

Ionic2 provides a gulpfile containing the build task. This task generates the build directory, which could be considered as best practise.
You can configure it in the gulpfile. However, the main work is done in the package ionic-gulp-browserify-typescript. In its documentation, you can find how to configure the output directory for the typescript build, par example.


Process "loading" SCSS via Aurelia's CLI separately from bundle

Using Aurelia CLI with the built-in bundler and SystemJS ...
I have two SCSS files. One is for the loading indicator/page as Aurelia is bootstrapped and should be excluded from the bundle and available in my /dist folder as plain CSS (not bundled at all). I've accomplished the first part (excluding it from app-bundle), but how can I configure au build / aurelia.json to still process loading.scss and put the resulting CSS in /dist.
Edit: I can/will just update the appropriate gulp task myself, but was not sure if there was a better way.
I ended up altering the Gulp tasks to do what I needed to do. I verified on Aurelia's Gitter that this is the correct approach.

best way to manage bootstrap in python flask project

I have created a web app using python-Flask and frontend using bootstrap. This app allows user to browse the AWS S3 bucket from web browser. Please excuse me this project is still is construction phase and I'm in learning path. I have manually downloaded the bootstrap code and placed it in static folder.
here is the link for the project.
I want to know if there is a way where we can run a command it will upgrade the bootstrap and its dependencies.
Thanks in advance for your help!.
You can use Bower for managing your web packages. It is written for node js so you need to install this as well. This is a very common way to manage your frontend packages like jQuery, Bootstrap, ...

Best practice with VueJS (or every frontend framework) and Firebase CLI

I have a newbie question concerning the architecture of my app and what practice is better.
I have a Vue project, lets call it frontendProject (it does not really matter as my problem would have been the same with another framework) with all my file for the frontend of my website.
I recently discover all hidden feature of firebase (like function, deploy etc).
My question is simple, should i use Firebase CLI to install all functionnality like deploy, back end function etc IN the folder frontendProject OR should i create a new project dedicated for firebase and the backend, lets call it backendProject.
What is making me hesitate is the fact that i can deploy wathever is in a folder (which i pointed on dist from vue) in the firebase project, and i don't know if there will be new feature by the futur that need the firebase project to be mix with the frontend. But i'm not sure if this can mess up the project. The front end build only take the "src" folder to build if i'm right ? Which mean i'm not building useless file from firebas project when i build with vue.
If i'm not clear on any point don't hesitate to tell me.
Thanks in advance from the community
Answer from #MichaelBleigh
In root of the project set up firebase,and then put VueJs project in a web folder, then in the firebase.json, point the dist folder of vuejs so that you can deploy easily your project on firebase host

How can I add SASS to a generated ASP.NET Core MVC project?

In particular, I have a project I generated using the command line dotnet new angular and would like to add SASS to it. I already know quite a nice way using gulp, one file at a time, but I believe the backbone for client-side management here is WebPack. This is where I run out of pauses between questions.
Plus I see no webpack artefacts in the project, so I could have had a look around and gone with some trial and error, trying to get WebPack to do 'SASS work' for me.

Basics of importing scripts in angular2 using nodejs and npm with Core 1

Hi i just finished installing core1 so got introduced to npm , bower and nodejs after researching a lot i chose to go with angular2 .
now my problem is that i have never used gulp, grunt etc even though i know how it works and why to use it. there are lots of instructions on web to setup angular2 project with mvc6 but not explaining the thing which is new with mvc6.
anyways i dont want to get myself confused with gulp/grunt etc right now so i am just copying files from node_modules to my script folder and giving it path but it works almost for everything related to angular.
for eg.
import {anything} from 'angular2/core' or from RXjs etc(this import is from node_modules) and i have to give a path in my index files where i have copied all the files.
but when i try to include some plugins like ng2-select, ng2-bootstrap or toastr etc it doesnt work the way it should it throws errors.
my question is do i need to copy whole folder from node_modules to my script folder and then linq it or what , how it works?
Do I need to copy whole folder from node_modules to my script folder and then link it or what, how does this work?
I have an example in my blog post of what you should be doing in this situation. Ideally, you will use a gulpfile.js to orchestrate your desired file needs. For example, if you're looking for Angular2 it is rather simple. You create a gulpfile.js by adding a new item to your project. In that file you write some simple "tasks" that automate this move for you. You look in node_modules and move over anything that you need. For Angular2 I move over the following .js files (in this example):
var angularJs = [
So to answer your question more directly, no. You do not need to copy the entire folder -- just the files that your application needs.
