Is anyone aware of a JavaFX library that imports DWG files as Shapes and exports Shapes as DWG File?
I am using adobe flash builder 4.6. using, we can create files. But it prompts a dialogue box for the location. Can we define it in the code and avoid prompt box. Is there any other method for doing file operations?
That's not possible from Flex/Flash Player. If you want to operate on the file system, you have to switch to AIR.
I am trying to create a flex app but facing a weird problem I have created a package to keep my mxml file separately and action script file separately. But the problem I am facing is when I am trying to import one of the .mxml component in my actionscript of main file of mxml application then I am not able to do so .can some one help me in importing one mxml file into other mxml file. my flash builder is not recognizing the package in which i have kept my other mxmk file
I figured out my problem and learned that we cant import mxml file we can include mxml file in namespace and can only import actionscript file.
All I want is to take my AS3 source code files and compile them into a SWC file.
Upon inspection, the SWC files I generate end up with some kind of timeline or spite in them when I use the Flash IDE or that Flex SDK utility "compc", and it's irritating.
Flash is timeline based; so everything in Flash uses a timeline. They hide it very well in Flex, though, so it's not obvious under the hood.
To create a SWC file in Flex, you need to use the command line compiler, although it sounds like you've already done that, so I'm unclear what your issue is.
In fact, you can build a "flex library project" in Flash builder. place your AS3 source code files in this project, it would automatic generate a swc file in which your AS3 Class;
it is possible to protect a .swf file from decompilation?
i've been reading about compiling class libraries in a .swc file for distribution without revealing the code - possibly selling it. however, there are .swf decompilers you can use to expose the code, and a .swc file is simply a .zip archive, so changing myswc.swc to will reveal the .swf files of the library.
just curious, mostly.
You can't. Don't believe those swf protector/encryptors. Both the content of a swf and a swc need to be readable by the AVM2 so it can't be compressed or encrypted or anything. Bottom line is that you can't really protect your as3 code from being reverse engineered.
I am flash game developer i use Flash Secure Optimizer from
Is it possible to export FLA composition to Flex? So it will work exactly as in Flash Pro but instead in FLEX? FLA contains a bunch of movieClips, buttons, images, all driven by an .as file.
Publish to a SWF then you can either embedd the SWF in your Flex app or load it using the SWFLoader.
Embedding info:
You can check off "export SWC" in your Flash publish settings, then add that SWC to your Flex project's library path. You can then use any of the classes compiled in that SWC in your project.