JavaFx, adding a keypressed event to ComboBoxTableCell - javafx

Can i add a key pressed event to ComboBoxTableCell? if yes please show me how.
Thank you.


getting modified value in vaadin combobox with button click

I have a Vaadin ComboBox, populated with some values. I want to add a new value and pass that new value to the action listener upon clicking a Button, just next to the ComboBox.
I am not getting any clue how to proceed further.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Qt Button Focus

I got any visible focus on buttons in Qt while press Tab key.
I was unchecked the auto default & default property of push buttons.
Help me to solve this.
Thanks in advance !
You can use setStyleSheet("QPushButton:focus { outline: 0 }"); on your button.
I am not sure what you are asking here. If your question is that you cannot focus on your button on a Dialog? (..I am assuming) while you press the tab key; then you should also be setting the tab-order -- visually using Qt Designer, or with code in the concerned Dialog's constructor.
Read more about what the auto-default and default properties mean here

How to set the old value which was selected earlier, after a value change event fired

I am facing a problem like I have one Vaadin ComboBox with preselected value.I am changing the value from the ComboBox to another value,then ValueChangeEvent is fired.Inside the valueChange method I have written something to show a Popup Window which has Cancel and Ok button.Upon clicking on OK button of Popup Window I am going with the changed value of the ComboBox but upon clicking on Cancel button I just want to have the old value which was there before value change event fired.
Could anyone please help me out from the above issue?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe you can save whatever SelectedItem the combobox has when the event is fired, and if the user pressed cancel, you reset it to this stored item.
Before the click, how do you know what is selected in the click? Of course, you need to store the current selection somewhere. Lets call it currentSelectedValue (it could be NULL in the begining)
On click, you have a new selection, lets call it newSelectedValue
Now, if you do not want to go with this newSelectedValue, simply do this:

Javafx TreeTableView enable Show/Hide columns button
Can someone help me enable Show/Hide button for columns in TreeTableView?
In the above documentation it is showing the screenshot for the same but I am not able to enable it.

Flex Combobox: Cancel Select

I've made an itemrenderer for the combobox control that shows a button next to the label.
If a user clicks this button, the item gets removed from the dataprovider. Works so far.
When he selects an item, the combobox closes, that's ok. But I don't want it to close when he removes an item.
So is there a way to cancel the change event?
I have tried several things, but to no avail.
I have to use the combobox for layout reasons, don't have enough space to use listboxes...
Thanks for your help.
In your custom itemrenderer , on mouse down handler stop Immediate Propogation
In your custom item renderer, try canceling the event in your button's click handler.
