Logo not appearing on splash screen of progressive web - icons

In these demos, there are logos on the splash screens.
I don't know what I am doing wrong in my manifest - I have an icon but it is not showing up on my splash screen.
My manifest looks like this:
"short_name": "Weather Service",
"name": "Weather Service",
"icons": [
"src": "logo.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image/png"
"start_url": "index.html",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"background_color": "#FAFAFA",
"theme_color": "#512DA8"
Do I need more than 1 image for it to appear on the splash screen?

PWA is recommend to alway put icon at 192px as a minimum
If you want to ensure that an icon will always be displayed consider that 48dp is the minimum image size we will display, which if you take the maximum density display currently supported (4x) then 48 * 4 = 192px. This is lucky because we need to 192px image for Add to Homescreen to work! Yay. Therefore, I would recommend always having 192px as the minimum sized icon and create 3 other versions at 256px, 384px and 512px. However, if you want to ensure that the user is not downloading too much data for the splash screen, especially on a low density device then you can go lower and Chrome will try to fetch the most appropriate image.

You can also validate your icons by using the "Add to homescreen" action under Chrome's dev tools (Application -> Manifest). This identified a 192x191px image which was causing it to fail for me.


Tailwind custom breakpoints are overriding larger breakpoints

I'm using the latest version of tailwind and I have a custom breakpoint, xs:, which is equal to 540px. When I use it like this: h-[420px] xs:h-[400px] xl:h-[360px] it works fine for mobile and the xs breakpoint, but the xl breakpoint no longer registers- the height is 400 even on desktop.
This is my config:
theme: {
extend: {
screens: {
'xs': '540px',
Unfortunately, this works in the sandbox here and I'm not sure why it doesn't work on my local. I'm using Sveltekit (a version before the breaking changes), Ubuntu Linux and Chrome.
not sure which version of tailwind you're using, probably a version number would help, but in the latest version of tailwind, you cant simply extend smaller breakpoints because the new breakpoint will be added at the end of the breakpoints list.
If you want to add an additional small breakpoint, you can’t use extend because the small breakpoint would be added to the end of the breakpoint list, and breakpoints need to be sorted from smallest to largest in order to work as expected with a min-width breakpoint system.
Instead, override the entire screens key, re-specifying the default
const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
module.exports = {
theme: {
screens: {
'xs': '475px',
plugins: [],
you can read more here : https://tailwindcss.com/docs/screens#adding-smaller-breakpoints
Standard CSS3 give us to max and min values for responsive behaviors.
But tailwind responsive behaviors set as default for only min size.
what it mean ?
if you add one more responsive behavior point...
you must stop that 'xs' behaviors with sm:h-[360px] or md:h-[360px].
if you don't understand this answer, i can give you more details about it.
But please add your code more with details.

Tailwindcss website font sizes and spacings are smaller in production than when I run locally

I have deployed the same Remix website on both Netlify and Vercel. Both sites have smaller font sizes and spacings than when I view the site locally in development. I have seen others run into this problem but have yet to find a fix. When inspecting the elements of the production sites, the font sizes, paddings, and margin values all match the values that I see in development. Yet the site still looks like it is zoomed out 20%. This has me thinking that it has something to do with the root element font size but I'm not sure. Here is my tailwind config file
module.exports = {
mode: 'jit',
purge: ['app/*/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
theme: {
extend: {
fontFamily: {
'mont': ['"Montserrat", sans-serif']
fontSize: {
'tiny': '.7rem'
plugins: [],

Standard scrollbars in Sublime Text 3

Is there any way to have standard Windows/system native scrollbars in Sublime Text 3 or do I have to get myself used to these tiny little ones?
For me, a person with medium eyes problems, current scrollbars are just to tiny and I'm having problems, from time to time, with catching them. I heard, that eveything is configurable in Sublime Text 3, so I'd like to ask, if scrollbars can be changed as well?
As Miles Zhang suggests,
you can try some third part themes
... you can find more themes from Package Control
And you can change the size of the scroll-bars for most of them as well. Create a file in your packages directory with the same name as your theme.
I like to use Cyanide theme, so I would create a new file in (packages dir)/User/Cyanide.sublime-theme. then set the attributes you want. In this case, you want to set scroll_bar_control : content_margin.
My Cyanide.sublime-theme file looks like this:
"class": "scroll_bar_control",
"attributes": ["horizontal"],
"content_margin": [3, 4] //makes horiz scrollbar taller
"class": "scroll_bar_control",
"content_margin": [1, 3] //makes vert scrollbar taller
"class": "tab_label",
"parents": [{"class": "tab_control", "attributes": ["selected"]}],
//"fg": [30,30,30],
"fg": [255,131,0] //change highlighted tab color
Most of my info was learned here
I don't think you can change the scrollbars to system native style, but you can try some third part themes that with bright color scheme.
For example: Numix Theme. You can find more themes from Package Control.

Railroads on Google Maps

So I noticed that when the map is zoomed to 11-ish level, there are railway tracks. Is it possible to style the map to make railroads with more weight (bigger) and can be seen when zoomed out to level 6, for example? It won't be using the direction service, since I'm not doing any search from a place to another.
By using the Styled Maps you can style the transit.line feature type. For example:
"featureType": "transit.line",
"stylers": [
{ "color": "#ff0280" },
{ "weight": 4 }
Note that this does not only style rail roads but also seaways, and maybe more (unsure). And I don't think you can do anything about the zoom level at which it appears. But it's still a good way to make it stand out.
For the full list of feature types, you can refer to the API Reference.
There is a great tool to try these styles: the Styled Maps Wizard.
Hope this helps.
You mean something like this? Rail.kmz

Is it possible to create a background app using node-webkit?

I wanted to create a complete background running app that only shows up in the system-tray and doesn't have any "window" as such. I tried setting the "window" attribute to false, but that doesn't work. Is there any way to create a completely background daemon-style application using node-webkit?
Additionally place a tray to truly reflect a background app:
Simply use this package.json
"window": {
"show": false
