NameError: global name 'key_str' is not defined - python-2.5

in below script i am getting the error
if not any(d['KEY'] == key_str for d in records):
NameError: global name 'key_str' is not defined
I am transposing a input file set of columns to rows and rows to columns.
please help:
if "Sales-Target" in fdmContext["LOCNAME"]:
filename = fdmContext["FILENAME"]
dim_cols = 7
period_dim_index = 0
input_filename = (os.path.abspath("E:/FDMEE/")+"\%s" % filename)
months = ['M%s' % x for x in range(1,13)]
first_row = True
headers = []
records = []
output_filename = "%s_out.%s" % (input_filename.split(".")[0],input_filename.split(".")[1])
input_f = open(input_filename)
for line in input_f:
if first_row:
headers = line.split(",")
headers = [x.rstrip() for x in headers]
data = line.split(",")
for i in range(dim_cols,len(headers)):
key = data[:dim_cols]
del key[period_dim_index]
key_str = "_".join(key)
if not any(d['KEY'] == key_str for d in records):
record = {}
record["ACCOUNT"] = headers[i]
record["KEY"] = key_str
record["PERIODS"] = {}
for j in range(0,dim_cols):
if j == period_dim_index:
record["PERIODS"][data[j]] = data[i].rstrip()
record[headers[j]] = data[j]
record = (d for d in records if d["KEY"] == key_str).next()
record["PERIODS"][data[period_dim_index]] = data[i].rstrip()
first_row = False
output_f = open(output_filename,"w")
[row.append(x) for x in headers[:dim_cols] if headers.index(x) != period_dim_index]
[row.append(x) for x in months]
output_f.write("%s\n" % ",".join(row))
for record in records:
row = [record[x] for x in headers[:dim_cols] if headers.index(x) != period_dim_index]
for month in months:
if month in record["PERIODS"].keys():
output_f.write("%s\n" % ",".join(row))


How to output entry from NCBI database into a table in R

thanks for your read and help.
I have download a genebank flat file from NCBI, which contains many entries. I would like to extract three entries from each gene and make them into a table. How to realize it? Thank you much. the file from NCBI---->The table I hope to get
my friend writes it for me with python:
import os
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys
def search_line(gene_dict,gene_name,target,info,mode,l):
if '/{}='.format(target) in l:
if len(l.split('"')) == 3:
gene_dict[gene_name][mode].append('{} = '.format(target) + l.split('"')[1].strip('\n'))
keep_read = 0
info = []
info = [l.split('"')[1].strip('\n')]
keep_read = target_list.index(target)
if '"' in l:
if '{} = '.format(target) + ' '.join(info) not in gene_dict[gene_name][mode]:
gene_dict[gene_name][mode].append('{} = '.format(target) + ' '.join(info))
keep_read = 0
info = []
keep_read = target_list.index(target)
return gene_dict,info,keep_read
def init_frame_dict(gene_dict,ids,mode):
frame_dict = {'gene': gene_dict[ids]['gene'], 'source': mode}
for target in target_list[1:]:
frame_dict[target] = ''
return frame_dict
def gen_frame(gene_dict,flat):
frame = []
for ids in gene_dict.keys():
for mode in gene_dict[ids].keys():
if mode not in extract_list:
# print(mode)
data = gene_dict[ids][mode]
frame_dict = init_frame_dict(gene_dict, ids, mode)
for target_data in data:
for target in target_list[1:]:
if '{} = '.format(target) in target_data:
if frame_dict[target] != '':
# print(frame_dict)
frame_dict = init_frame_dict(gene_dict, ids, mode)
frame_dict[target] = target_data.split('{} = '.format(target))[1]
def main():
for flat in os.listdir(path_root):
gene_dict = {}
if flat[-4:] != 'flat':
with open (os.path.join(path_root,flat)) as f:
lines =
genes = lines.split('/gene=')
skip = False
for gene in tqdm(genes[1:]):
if skip:
lines = gene.split('\n')
gene_name = lines[0].split('"')[1]
#init paras
mode = 'init'
target = 'none'
read_mode = 0
info = []
#init dict
if gene_name not in gene_dict:
gene_dict[gene_name] = {'gene':gene_name,'mRNA':[],'ncRNA':[],'CDS':[],'misc_RNA':[],'exon':[],}
#proc lines
for l in lines:
if 'ORIGIN' in l:
skip = True
if ' mRNA' in l:
mode = 'mRNA'
elif ' ncRNA' in l:
mode = 'ncRNA'
elif ' CDS' in l:
mode = 'CDS'
elif ' misc_RNA' in l:
mode = 'misc_RNA'
elif ' exon' in l:
mode = 'exon'
# search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if '/product=' in l and mode != 'init' or (target == 'product' and read_mode == target_list.index('product')):
target = 'product'
gene_dict,info,read_mode = search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if '/protein_id=' in l and mode != 'init' or (target == 'protein_id' and read_mode == target_list.index('protein_id')):
target = 'protein_id'
gene_dict,info,read_mode = search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if '/note=' in l and mode != 'init' or (target == 'note' and read_mode == target_list.index('note')):
target = 'note'
gene_dict,info,read_mode = search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if '/transcript_id=' in l and mode != 'init' or (target == 'note' and read_mode == target_list.index('transcript_id')):
target = 'transcript_id'
gene_dict,info,read_mode = search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if __name__ == '__main__':
target_list = ['none', 'product', 'transcript_id','protein_id','note']
extract_list = ['mRNA']
path_root = 'flats'
if not os.path.exists(path_root):
print('Please put your flat files in flats/ directory !')
if len(os.listdir(path_root)) == 0:
print('No files found in flats/ directory.')

Passing tables as parameters in Nim

hopefully an easy question.. I've been playing around with Nim and have realised I need to pass a table (dictionary, map, in some other languages), but I can't seem to figure out the syntax for declaring it in doStuff()
import tables
proc doStuff(n:int, t:[int, int]) = # How should I declare 't' here?
if n == 0:
t[n] = (n * 10)
echo "length of t = " & ($len(t))
doStuff(n+1, t)
proc main() =
var tbl = initTable[int, int]()
echo "length of tbl = " & ($len(tbl))
tbl[0] = 0
doStuff(5, tbl)
echo "length of tbl = " & ($len(tbl))
The above gets me Error: type expected, but got: [int, int]
Sorry if this is basic, but my Googling hasn't given me an answer yet
Many TIA
You almost got it, it should be like below:
import tables
proc doStuff(n: int, t: var Table[int, int]) =
if n == 0:
t[n] = n * 10
echo "length of t = " & $len(t)
doStuff(n + 1, t)
proc main() =
var tbl = initTable[int, int]()
echo "length of tbl = " & $len(tbl)
tbl[0] = 0
doStuff(5, tbl)
echo "length of tbl = " & $len(tbl)
You have to use var Table[int, int] instead of Table[int, int] because you are mutating the tbl variable recursively, so you need to pass by reference instead of by value.

Creating advance lua array table from list view and call the array elements

Say I have a CE Lua form and some variables:
list = form.CEListView1
tab_player = {}
p_name = 'Joe'
p_gen = 'Male'
table.insert(tab_player,{player_name = p_name, player_gen = p_gen})
-- and then add some elements from List View to same record index
for idx = list.ItemIndex + 1, list.Items.Count-1 do
mtrl_name = list.Items[idx].Caption
mtrl_qty = list.Items[idx].SubItems[0]
mtrl_unit = list.Items[idx].SubItems[1]
mtrl_price = list.Items[idx].SubItems[2]
mtrl_tprice = list.Items[idx].SubItems[3]
table.insert(tab_player, {v_itemname = mtrl_name, v_itemqty = mtrl_qty,
v_itemunit = mtrl_unit, v_itemprice = mtrl_price, v_itemttlprice = mtrl_tprice})
-- check
for index, data in ipairs(tab_player) do
for key, value in pairs(data) do
print('\t', key, value)
Result, it's created 9 tab_player record indexes (depending how many items on list view).
What I want is like this structure for one record index:
tab_player =
player_name = p_name,
player_gen = p_gen,
v_itemname = mtrl_name,
v_itemqty = mtrl_qty,
v_itemunit = mtrl_unit,
v_itemprice = mtrl_price,
v_itemttlprice = mtrl_tprice},
v_itemname = mtrl_name,
v_itemqty = mtrl_qty,
v_itemunit = mtrl_unit,
v_itemprice = mtrl_price,
v_itemttlprice = mtrl_tprice},
v_itemname = mtrl_name,
v_itemqty = mtrl_qty,
v_itemunit = mtrl_unit,
v_itemprice = mtrl_price,
v_itemttlprice = mtrl_tprice}
-- and so on
How CE Lua script to get the structure as I want?
If done, then how CE Lua script call the data from tab_player to fill player name editbox, player gen editbox and fill the items to CE List View?
What I want to be produce an array table with structure below:
list = UDF1.CEListView1
tab_player = {}
player_name = 'Joe'
player_gen = 'Male'
-- this is list view items contain:
--- row 1, column 1 to 5
mtrl_name = list.Items[1].Caption -- Milk
mtrl_qty = list.Items[1].SubItems[0] -- 300
mtrl_unit = list.Items[1].SubItems[1] -- ml
mtrl_price = list.Items[1].SubItems[2] -- 3975
mtrl_tprice = list.Items[1].SubItems[3] -- 3975
--- row 2, column 1 to 5
mtrl_name = list.Items[2].Caption -- Sugar
mtrl_qty = list.Items[2].SubItems[0] -- 1
mtrl_unit = list.Items[2].SubItems[1] -- Kg
mtrl_price = list.Items[2].SubItems[2] -- 18000
mtrl_tprice = list.Items[2].SubItems[3] -- 18000
--- row 3, column 1 to 5 and so om
the tab_player should be:
tab_player = {
-- index 0 or record 1
{player_name = 'Joe', player_gen = 'Male',
-- row 1, column 1 to 5
item_name = 'Milk',
item_qty = 300,
item_unit = 'ml',
item_price = 3975,
item_tprice = 3975
-- row 2, column 1 to 5
item_name = 'Sugar',
item_qty = 2,
item_unit = 'Kg',
item_price = 9000
item_tprice = 18000
-- row 3, column 1 to 5
item_name = 'bla bla bla',
item_qty = 1,
item_unit = 'bla',
item_price = 1000000
item_tprice = 1000000
-- and so on
How to create, print multidimensional and call back the item from the array table as above?.

putting letters with number inside lua variables

I have this Nginx lua code which is used to encrypt numbers from 0 to 9 with its equivalent encrypted code ... ( see the example below )
and its working great , but i want to make it also encrypt Letters from A to Z.
I'm not familiar with lua so i don't know what is the best way to make it works !
content_by_lua_block {
local bf = {}
bf[0] = '(((_<<_)<<_)'
bf[1] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))'
bf[2] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])'
bf[3] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*'
bf[4] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])'
bf[5] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%'
bf[6] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_'
bf[7] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_'
bf[8] = '(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf[9] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
local cookie = ngx.var.token
for i=0, 9 do
cookie = string.gsub(cookie, i, "'+"[i].."+'")
Maybe something like that :
content_by_lua_block {
local bf = {}
bf[0] = '(((_<<_)<<_)'
bf[1] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))'
bf[2] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])'
bf[3] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*'
bf[4] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])'
bf[5] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%'
bf[6] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_'
bf[7] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_'
bf[8] = '(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf[9] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf[a] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%'
bf[b] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%'
bf[c] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%(()>[])%'
bf[z] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%(()>[])%)%(()>[])%)%(()>[])%'
local cookie = ngx.var.token
for i=0, 9 and a, z do
cookie = string.gsub(cookie, i, "'+"[i].."+'")
I tried to rewrite your code:
local bf = {}
bf[0] = '(((_<<_)<<_)'
bf[1] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))'
bf[2] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])'
bf[3] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*'
bf[4] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])'
bf[5] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%'
bf[6] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_'
bf[7] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_'
bf[8] = '(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf[9] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf['a'] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%'
bf['b'] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%'
bf['c'] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%(()>[])%'
bf['z'] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%(()>[])%)%(()>[])%)%(()>[])%'
local cookie = "01sdz" -- ngx.var.token
-- first example
local cookie = cookie:gsub ( '.', function (x)
local s = tonumber(x) or x
if bf[s] then return "'+".. bf[s] .."+'"
else return x
end )
-- second example
cookie = "01sdz"
for i=0, 9 do
cookie = string.gsub(cookie, i, "'+".. bf[i] .."+'")
-- may be use bf[i]:gsub( '([%%])', '%%%1') with escape escaping symbol %
for i= string.byte('a'), string.byte('z') do
local v = bf[string.char(i)]
if v then
cookie = cookie:gsub( string.char(i), "'+".. v:gsub( '([%%])', '%%%1') .."+'")
I updated my code, anyway the second example will help you

Loss function in chainer remains zero

Im using chainer and im try to do topic modeling. The code for the training phase contains the following:
optimizer = O.Adam()
clip = chainer.optimizer.GradientClipping(5.0)
j = 0
msgs = defaultdict(list)
for epoch in range(epochs):
print "epoch : ",epoch
data = prepare_topics(cuda.to_cpu(,
top_words = print_top_words_per_topic(data)
if j % 100 == 0 and j > 100:
coherence = topic_coherence(top_words)
for j in range(self.n_topics):
print j, coherence[(j, 'cv')]
kw = dict(top_words=top_words, coherence=coherence, epoch=epoch)
data['doc_lengths'] = self.doc_lengths
data['term_frequency'] = self.term_frequency
for d, f in utils.chunks(self.batchsize, self.doc_ids, self.flattened):
t0 = time.time()
l = self.train_model.fit_partial(d.copy(), f.copy(), update_words = update_words, update_topics = update_topics)
prior = self.train_model.prior()
loss = prior * self.fraction
msg = ("J:{j:05d} E:{epoch:05d} L:{loss:1.3e} "
"P:{prior:1.3e} R:{rate:1.3e}")
t1 = time.time()
dt = t1 - t0
rate = self.batchsize / dt
j += 1
logs = dict(loss=float(l), epoch=epoch, j=j, prior=float(, rate=rate)
print msg.format(**logs)
print "\n ================================= \n"
#serializers.save_hdf5("lda2vec.hdf5", self.model)
whn i execute the code i get for example:
J:00200 E:00380 L:0.000e+00 P:-2.997e+04 R:2.421e+04
only the L(loss) dont change, can someone please help to know why this value remain zero?
