in below script i am getting the error
if not any(d['KEY'] == key_str for d in records):
NameError: global name 'key_str' is not defined
I am transposing a input file set of columns to rows and rows to columns.
please help:
if "Sales-Target" in fdmContext["LOCNAME"]:
filename = fdmContext["FILENAME"]
dim_cols = 7
period_dim_index = 0
input_filename = (os.path.abspath("E:/FDMEE/")+"\%s" % filename)
months = ['M%s' % x for x in range(1,13)]
first_row = True
headers = []
records = []
output_filename = "%s_out.%s" % (input_filename.split(".")[0],input_filename.split(".")[1])
input_f = open(input_filename)
for line in input_f:
if first_row:
headers = line.split(",")
headers = [x.rstrip() for x in headers]
data = line.split(",")
for i in range(dim_cols,len(headers)):
key = data[:dim_cols]
del key[period_dim_index]
key_str = "_".join(key)
if not any(d['KEY'] == key_str for d in records):
record = {}
record["ACCOUNT"] = headers[i]
record["KEY"] = key_str
record["PERIODS"] = {}
for j in range(0,dim_cols):
if j == period_dim_index:
record["PERIODS"][data[j]] = data[i].rstrip()
record[headers[j]] = data[j]
record = (d for d in records if d["KEY"] == key_str).next()
record["PERIODS"][data[period_dim_index]] = data[i].rstrip()
first_row = False
output_f = open(output_filename,"w")
[row.append(x) for x in headers[:dim_cols] if headers.index(x) != period_dim_index]
[row.append(x) for x in months]
output_f.write("%s\n" % ",".join(row))
for record in records:
row = [record[x] for x in headers[:dim_cols] if headers.index(x) != period_dim_index]
for month in months:
if month in record["PERIODS"].keys():
output_f.write("%s\n" % ",".join(row))
thanks for your read and help.
I have download a genebank flat file from NCBI, which contains many entries. I would like to extract three entries from each gene and make them into a table. How to realize it? Thank you much. the file from NCBI---->The table I hope to get
my friend writes it for me with python:
import os
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys
def search_line(gene_dict,gene_name,target,info,mode,l):
if '/{}='.format(target) in l:
if len(l.split('"')) == 3:
gene_dict[gene_name][mode].append('{} = '.format(target) + l.split('"')[1].strip('\n'))
keep_read = 0
info = []
info = [l.split('"')[1].strip('\n')]
keep_read = target_list.index(target)
if '"' in l:
if '{} = '.format(target) + ' '.join(info) not in gene_dict[gene_name][mode]:
gene_dict[gene_name][mode].append('{} = '.format(target) + ' '.join(info))
keep_read = 0
info = []
keep_read = target_list.index(target)
return gene_dict,info,keep_read
def init_frame_dict(gene_dict,ids,mode):
frame_dict = {'gene': gene_dict[ids]['gene'], 'source': mode}
for target in target_list[1:]:
frame_dict[target] = ''
return frame_dict
def gen_frame(gene_dict,flat):
frame = []
for ids in gene_dict.keys():
for mode in gene_dict[ids].keys():
if mode not in extract_list:
# print(mode)
data = gene_dict[ids][mode]
frame_dict = init_frame_dict(gene_dict, ids, mode)
for target_data in data:
for target in target_list[1:]:
if '{} = '.format(target) in target_data:
if frame_dict[target] != '':
# print(frame_dict)
frame_dict = init_frame_dict(gene_dict, ids, mode)
frame_dict[target] = target_data.split('{} = '.format(target))[1]
def main():
for flat in os.listdir(path_root):
gene_dict = {}
if flat[-4:] != 'flat':
with open (os.path.join(path_root,flat)) as f:
lines =
genes = lines.split('/gene=')
skip = False
for gene in tqdm(genes[1:]):
if skip:
lines = gene.split('\n')
gene_name = lines[0].split('"')[1]
#init paras
mode = 'init'
target = 'none'
read_mode = 0
info = []
#init dict
if gene_name not in gene_dict:
gene_dict[gene_name] = {'gene':gene_name,'mRNA':[],'ncRNA':[],'CDS':[],'misc_RNA':[],'exon':[],}
#proc lines
for l in lines:
if 'ORIGIN' in l:
skip = True
if ' mRNA' in l:
mode = 'mRNA'
elif ' ncRNA' in l:
mode = 'ncRNA'
elif ' CDS' in l:
mode = 'CDS'
elif ' misc_RNA' in l:
mode = 'misc_RNA'
elif ' exon' in l:
mode = 'exon'
# search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if '/product=' in l and mode != 'init' or (target == 'product' and read_mode == target_list.index('product')):
target = 'product'
gene_dict,info,read_mode = search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if '/protein_id=' in l and mode != 'init' or (target == 'protein_id' and read_mode == target_list.index('protein_id')):
target = 'protein_id'
gene_dict,info,read_mode = search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if '/note=' in l and mode != 'init' or (target == 'note' and read_mode == target_list.index('note')):
target = 'note'
gene_dict,info,read_mode = search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if '/transcript_id=' in l and mode != 'init' or (target == 'note' and read_mode == target_list.index('transcript_id')):
target = 'transcript_id'
gene_dict,info,read_mode = search_line(gene_dict, gene_name, target, info, mode, l)
if __name__ == '__main__':
target_list = ['none', 'product', 'transcript_id','protein_id','note']
extract_list = ['mRNA']
path_root = 'flats'
if not os.path.exists(path_root):
print('Please put your flat files in flats/ directory !')
if len(os.listdir(path_root)) == 0:
print('No files found in flats/ directory.')
hopefully an easy question.. I've been playing around with Nim and have realised I need to pass a table (dictionary, map, in some other languages), but I can't seem to figure out the syntax for declaring it in doStuff()
import tables
proc doStuff(n:int, t:[int, int]) = # How should I declare 't' here?
if n == 0:
t[n] = (n * 10)
echo "length of t = " & ($len(t))
doStuff(n+1, t)
proc main() =
var tbl = initTable[int, int]()
echo "length of tbl = " & ($len(tbl))
tbl[0] = 0
doStuff(5, tbl)
echo "length of tbl = " & ($len(tbl))
The above gets me Error: type expected, but got: [int, int]
Sorry if this is basic, but my Googling hasn't given me an answer yet
Many TIA
You almost got it, it should be like below:
import tables
proc doStuff(n: int, t: var Table[int, int]) =
if n == 0:
t[n] = n * 10
echo "length of t = " & $len(t)
doStuff(n + 1, t)
proc main() =
var tbl = initTable[int, int]()
echo "length of tbl = " & $len(tbl)
tbl[0] = 0
doStuff(5, tbl)
echo "length of tbl = " & $len(tbl)
You have to use var Table[int, int] instead of Table[int, int] because you are mutating the tbl variable recursively, so you need to pass by reference instead of by value.
Say I have a CE Lua form and some variables:
list = form.CEListView1
tab_player = {}
p_name = 'Joe'
p_gen = 'Male'
table.insert(tab_player,{player_name = p_name, player_gen = p_gen})
-- and then add some elements from List View to same record index
for idx = list.ItemIndex + 1, list.Items.Count-1 do
mtrl_name = list.Items[idx].Caption
mtrl_qty = list.Items[idx].SubItems[0]
mtrl_unit = list.Items[idx].SubItems[1]
mtrl_price = list.Items[idx].SubItems[2]
mtrl_tprice = list.Items[idx].SubItems[3]
table.insert(tab_player, {v_itemname = mtrl_name, v_itemqty = mtrl_qty,
v_itemunit = mtrl_unit, v_itemprice = mtrl_price, v_itemttlprice = mtrl_tprice})
-- check
for index, data in ipairs(tab_player) do
for key, value in pairs(data) do
print('\t', key, value)
Result, it's created 9 tab_player record indexes (depending how many items on list view).
What I want is like this structure for one record index:
tab_player =
player_name = p_name,
player_gen = p_gen,
v_itemname = mtrl_name,
v_itemqty = mtrl_qty,
v_itemunit = mtrl_unit,
v_itemprice = mtrl_price,
v_itemttlprice = mtrl_tprice},
v_itemname = mtrl_name,
v_itemqty = mtrl_qty,
v_itemunit = mtrl_unit,
v_itemprice = mtrl_price,
v_itemttlprice = mtrl_tprice},
v_itemname = mtrl_name,
v_itemqty = mtrl_qty,
v_itemunit = mtrl_unit,
v_itemprice = mtrl_price,
v_itemttlprice = mtrl_tprice}
-- and so on
How CE Lua script to get the structure as I want?
If done, then how CE Lua script call the data from tab_player to fill player name editbox, player gen editbox and fill the items to CE List View?
What I want to be produce an array table with structure below:
list = UDF1.CEListView1
tab_player = {}
player_name = 'Joe'
player_gen = 'Male'
-- this is list view items contain:
--- row 1, column 1 to 5
mtrl_name = list.Items[1].Caption -- Milk
mtrl_qty = list.Items[1].SubItems[0] -- 300
mtrl_unit = list.Items[1].SubItems[1] -- ml
mtrl_price = list.Items[1].SubItems[2] -- 3975
mtrl_tprice = list.Items[1].SubItems[3] -- 3975
--- row 2, column 1 to 5
mtrl_name = list.Items[2].Caption -- Sugar
mtrl_qty = list.Items[2].SubItems[0] -- 1
mtrl_unit = list.Items[2].SubItems[1] -- Kg
mtrl_price = list.Items[2].SubItems[2] -- 18000
mtrl_tprice = list.Items[2].SubItems[3] -- 18000
--- row 3, column 1 to 5 and so om
the tab_player should be:
tab_player = {
-- index 0 or record 1
{player_name = 'Joe', player_gen = 'Male',
-- row 1, column 1 to 5
item_name = 'Milk',
item_qty = 300,
item_unit = 'ml',
item_price = 3975,
item_tprice = 3975
-- row 2, column 1 to 5
item_name = 'Sugar',
item_qty = 2,
item_unit = 'Kg',
item_price = 9000
item_tprice = 18000
-- row 3, column 1 to 5
item_name = 'bla bla bla',
item_qty = 1,
item_unit = 'bla',
item_price = 1000000
item_tprice = 1000000
-- and so on
How to create, print multidimensional and call back the item from the array table as above?.
I have this Nginx lua code which is used to encrypt numbers from 0 to 9 with its equivalent encrypted code ... ( see the example below )
and its working great , but i want to make it also encrypt Letters from A to Z.
I'm not familiar with lua so i don't know what is the best way to make it works !
content_by_lua_block {
local bf = {}
bf[0] = '(((_<<_)<<_)'
bf[1] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))'
bf[2] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])'
bf[3] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*'
bf[4] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])'
bf[5] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%'
bf[6] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_'
bf[7] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_'
bf[8] = '(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf[9] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
local cookie = ngx.var.token
for i=0, 9 do
cookie = string.gsub(cookie, i, "'+"[i].."+'")
Maybe something like that :
content_by_lua_block {
local bf = {}
bf[0] = '(((_<<_)<<_)'
bf[1] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))'
bf[2] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])'
bf[3] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*'
bf[4] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])'
bf[5] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%'
bf[6] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_'
bf[7] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_'
bf[8] = '(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf[9] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf[a] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%'
bf[b] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%'
bf[c] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%(()>[])%'
bf[z] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%(()>[])%)%(()>[])%)%(()>[])%'
local cookie = ngx.var.token
for i=0, 9 and a, z do
cookie = string.gsub(cookie, i, "'+"[i].."+'")
I tried to rewrite your code:
local bf = {}
bf[0] = '(((_<<_)<<_)'
bf[1] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))'
bf[2] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])'
bf[3] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*'
bf[4] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])'
bf[5] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%'
bf[6] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_'
bf[7] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_'
bf[8] = '(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf[9] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))'
bf['a'] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%'
bf['b'] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%'
bf['c'] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%(()>[])%'
bf['z'] = '(({}>[])-(()>[]))])*(()>[])%(((_<<_)<<_)+((_<<_)*_))(()>[])%(()>[])%(()>[])%)%(()>[])%)%(()>[])%'
local cookie = "01sdz" -- ngx.var.token
-- first example
local cookie = cookie:gsub ( '.', function (x)
local s = tonumber(x) or x
if bf[s] then return "'+".. bf[s] .."+'"
else return x
end )
-- second example
cookie = "01sdz"
for i=0, 9 do
cookie = string.gsub(cookie, i, "'+".. bf[i] .."+'")
-- may be use bf[i]:gsub( '([%%])', '%%%1') with escape escaping symbol %
for i= string.byte('a'), string.byte('z') do
local v = bf[string.char(i)]
if v then
cookie = cookie:gsub( string.char(i), "'+".. v:gsub( '([%%])', '%%%1') .."+'")
I updated my code, anyway the second example will help you
Im using chainer and im try to do topic modeling. The code for the training phase contains the following:
optimizer = O.Adam()
clip = chainer.optimizer.GradientClipping(5.0)
j = 0
msgs = defaultdict(list)
for epoch in range(epochs):
print "epoch : ",epoch
data = prepare_topics(cuda.to_cpu(,
top_words = print_top_words_per_topic(data)
if j % 100 == 0 and j > 100:
coherence = topic_coherence(top_words)
for j in range(self.n_topics):
print j, coherence[(j, 'cv')]
kw = dict(top_words=top_words, coherence=coherence, epoch=epoch)
data['doc_lengths'] = self.doc_lengths
data['term_frequency'] = self.term_frequency
for d, f in utils.chunks(self.batchsize, self.doc_ids, self.flattened):
t0 = time.time()
l = self.train_model.fit_partial(d.copy(), f.copy(), update_words = update_words, update_topics = update_topics)
prior = self.train_model.prior()
loss = prior * self.fraction
msg = ("J:{j:05d} E:{epoch:05d} L:{loss:1.3e} "
"P:{prior:1.3e} R:{rate:1.3e}")
t1 = time.time()
dt = t1 - t0
rate = self.batchsize / dt
j += 1
logs = dict(loss=float(l), epoch=epoch, j=j, prior=float(, rate=rate)
print msg.format(**logs)
print "\n ================================= \n"
#serializers.save_hdf5("lda2vec.hdf5", self.model)
whn i execute the code i get for example:
J:00200 E:00380 L:0.000e+00 P:-2.997e+04 R:2.421e+04
only the L(loss) dont change, can someone please help to know why this value remain zero?