I'm using Redux and ImmutableJS to manage the state of my app. I've created the following two Records:
export const OrderRecord = Record({
id: null,
productId: null,
amount: 1,
export const ProductRecord = Record({
id: null,
name: '',
price: 0,
My global state is normalized based on the normalizr approach like this:
const state = {
entities: {
orders: new OrderedMap(new Map({
1: new OrderRecord(createOrderItem(1, 1)),
products: new OrderedMap(new Map({
1: new ProductRecord(createProductItem(1)),
I'm using this specification for testing purposes.
Now I'm trying to make some selects with computed fields using Reselect.
export const getVisibleOrders = createSelector(
[getProducts, getOrders],
(products, orders) => {
orders.map(order => {
const product = products.get(order.productId.toString());
if (!product) {
return order;
const totalPrice = order.amount * product.price;
order.set('productName', product.name);
order.set('totalPrice', totalPrice);
return order;
, but I get the following error message:
Error: Cannot set unknown key "productName" on Record
I know the reason - Record cannot contain any undefined keys, but my question is: Is there any suggested approach how gracefully solved this problem?
I don't want to extend my Records to support this kind of computed parameters (product.name and totalPrice).
I don't want to keep the static and computed parameters in one place, because for example the 'productName' parametr is from "Product" entity and not from "Order" entity.
Thank you.
The whole point of using Immutable.Record is to not let you add new keys to your record, hence the error message you get. And the whole point of selectors is to expose such "computed" property if you want to consume them outside. In your case, you can simply return a new Map() object or a new record type if you need to use the dotted syntax :
return Map({
productName: 'foobar'
I am using the aurelia-store state management library for managing state. This question is not specific to Aurelia store, but actually to redux best practices in general since Aurelia store is very much the same thing.
I have an action that fetches unit updates from an API like so:
export const fetchNewUnits = async (state: State): Promise<State> => {
const fetchedUnits = await apiClient.getUnitsMarkers();
// no new updates so don't trigger change in units
if (fetchedUnits.length === 0) {
return {
highwaterMark: new Date()
const units: UnitMarker[] = state.units.slice();
_.forEach(fetchedUnits, (newUnit) => {
// look for matching unit in store
const idx = _.findIndex(units, {
imei: newUnit.imei
// unit was found in store, do update
if (idx !== -1) {
// replace the unit in the store
const replacement = new UnitMarker({...newUnit});
units.splice(idx, 1, replacement);
return {
highwaterMark: new Date(),
units: [...units]
If I do not have any unit changes (i.e. my store is up to date) can I simply return the state with the spread operator as shown in the first return statement? Is this fine since I did not modify the objects?
Or do I always have to do deep replacements such as:
return {
highwaterMark: new Date(),
units: [...state.units]
even if the objects in the array did not change?
The reason why you’re supposed to create a new object is because React components check for prop changes in order to know when to re-render.
If you simply modify an object and pass it in as a prop again, React won’t know that something changed and will fail to rerender.
So in your case, the question is: do you want to rerender, or not? If you don’t, returning the same object is fine and a simple ‘return state’ will let React know that no rerenders are necessary.
See: Why is the requirement to always return new object with new internal references
I'm trying to set up a collection of versioned documents in which I insert a new document with the same id and a timestamp whenever there's an edit operation. I use a unique compound index for this on the id and timestamp fields. CosmosDB is giving me MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error whenever I try to insert a document with a different id but an identical timestamp to another document. The MongoDB documentation says that I should be able to do this:
You can also enforce a unique constraint on compound indexes. If you use the unique constraint on a compound index, then MongoDB will enforce uniqueness on the combination of the index key values.
I tried using a non-unique index but the Resource Manager template failed, saying that non-unique compound indexes are not supported. I'm using the node.js native driver v3.2.4. I also tried to use Azure Portal to insert documents but received the same error. This makes me believe it's not a problem between CosmosDB and the node.js driver.
Here's a small example to demonstrate the problem. I'm running it with Node v10.15.3.
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const mongoUrl = process.env.COSMOSDB_CONNECTION_STRING;
const collectionName = 'indextest';
const client = new MongoClient(mongoUrl, { useNewUrlParser: true });
let connection;
const testIndex = async () => {
const now = Date.now();
connection = await client.connect();
const db = connection.db('master');
await db.collection(collectionName).drop();
const collection = await db.createCollection(collectionName);
await collection.createIndex({ id: 1, ts: -1 }, { unique: true });
await collection.insertOne({ id: 1, ts: now, title: 'My first document' });
await collection.insertOne({ id: 2, ts: now, title: 'My other document' });
(async () => {
try {
await testIndex();
console.log('It works');
} catch (err) {
} finally {
await connection.close();
I would expect the two insert operations to work and for the program to exit with It works. What I get instead is an Error:
{ MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error collection: master.indextest Failed _id or unique key constraint
at Function.create (/home/node/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/error.js:43:12)
at toError (/home/node/node_modules/mongodb/lib/utils.js:149:22)
at coll.s.topology.insert (/home/node/node_modules/mongodb/lib/operations/collection_ops.js:859:39)
at handler (/home/node/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/replset.js:1155:22)
at /home/node/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:397:18
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61:11)
driver: true,
name: 'MongoError',
index: 0,
code: 11000,
'E11000 duplicate key error collection: master.indextest Failed _id or unique key constraint',
[Symbol(mongoErrorContextSymbol)]: {} }
Is this expected behavior or a bug in CosmosDB's MongoDB API?
I'm using Bookshelf for an ORM with MySQL. I've got endpoints and organizations. Each endpoint belongs to an organization, and an organization has many endpoints. I'm trying to fetch a list of endpoints with their associated organization(s.) This is returning the following error:
"A valid target model must be defined for the endpoint belongsTo relation"
Here's my fetchAll request:
.where('organization_id', req.user.attributes.organization_id)
.fetchAll({require: true,withRelated: ['settings', 'organization']})
.then((endpoints) => {
ReS(res, {
}, 200);
Here's my endpoint model:
'use strict';
const bookshelf = require('../config/bookshelf_instance');
const Organization = require('./organization');
const Settings = require('./endpoint_settings');
const Group = require('./endpoint_group');
module.exports = bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'endpoint',
organization () {
return this.belongsTo(Organization, 'id');
settings () {
return this.hasOne(Settings, 'id');
group () {
return this.belongsToMany(Group, 'map_endpoint_endpoint_group');
Here's my organization model:
'use strict';
const bookshelf = require('../config/bookshelf_instance');
const Endpoint = require('./endpoint');
const User = require('./user');
const Group = require('./endpoint_group');
module.exports = bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'organization',
endpoints () {
return this.hasMany(Endpoint, 'organization_id');
users () {
return this.hasMany(User, 'organization_id');
groups () {
return this.hasMany(Group, 'organization_id');
You should remove the id from the Endpoint model's relation specifications, since that seems to be the primary key, not the foreign key. The foreign key is also organization_id by default which is what you want. It should match what you have in the opposite relation (hasMany in this case).
From the documentation, the second argument to belongsTo is the:
ForeignKey in this model. By default, the foreignKey is assumed to be the singular form of the Target model's tableName, followed by _id.
The target model's table name is organization, which means the foreign key is organization_id by default.
Some parts of my initial state will never change during the whole lifecycle of my app. Now I wonder if this kind of data also belong into the store?
If yes:
Is there a way to put this data in the initial state when calling createStore(), without having an (empty) corresponding reducer function? Because since the data never changes there's no need for a reducer, but combineReducers() is pushing me to have one, otherwise it throws this error:
Unexpected key "keyName" found in initialState argument passed
to createStore. Expected to find one of the known reducer keys
instead: "otherKey1", "otherKey2". Unexpected keys will be ignored.
Example of what I'm looking for:
var dataThatWillChange = function(state, action) { /* reduce */ };
var myApp = Redux.combineReducers({
dataThatWillChange: dataThatWillChange,
dataThatWillNeverChange: Redux.dummyReducer // <-- something like this?
var store = Redux.createStore(myApp, {
dataThatWillChange: [0, 1, 2],
dataThatWillNeverChange: { createdBy: "me" } // <-- no need for a reducer
you could just have a reducer that always returns the initial state, there is nothing wrong with that:
var initialState = { createdBy: "me" }
var dataThatWillNeverChange = function(state=initialState, action) {
return state;
var store = Redux.createStore(myApp, {
dataThatWillChange: DataThatWillChange,
dataThatWillNeverChange: dataThatWillNeverChange
or more compactly:
var initialState = { createdBy: "me" }
var store = Redux.createStore(myApp, {
dataThatWillChange: DataThatWillChange,
dataThatWillNeverChange: () => initialState
If your constant data doesn't really belong to the "application state", you could also consider exporting it from some module and importing it whenever you need it, like
export default {
createdBy: "me",
I have the following in my initialize file to get the values loaded in the database on startup:
Meteor.startup(function() {
if(typeof Person.findOne() === 'undefined') {
name: "",
gender: ["male", "female", "prefer not to say"],
age: 0
And then in the server/abc.js I have:
checkPerson: function (input) {
for (var key in Person) {
if (input === key) {
This meteor method checkPerson is called in the client side with a string value being passed as its only argument(input).
I want to check this 'input' string value against the name of the key in the Person Collection.
Person has a key called 'gender'. So for instance, if the 'input' holds the string value 'gender' then the if statement should be true but in my case it comes as false and hence the code inside the if statement is never executed.
Any help/guidance with this will be appreciated.
I searched on mongodb documentation and found here: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/exists/ and also using some help from this thread: (using $exists in Mongo with dynamic key names and the native driver for node)
that I could do something like this:
var checkThis = {};
checkThis[input] = { $exists : true };
var p = Person.findOne(checkThis);
So if it finds one then 'p' holds the record or else it will be undefined. But still the above code does not work.
If I were to put directly:
var p = Person.find({gender: {$exists: true} });
then it works.
So I need assistance in getting the code to work with the variable 'input'.
Mongo is a schemaless database - you can insert any document structure you like into a collection and the data store won't complain. Therefore Person won't be able to indicate which fields conform to the pattern.
The most common way people deal with this problem is to use a package which provides a schema layer on top of mongo. With meteor, a popular choice is SimpleSchema, and its related package AutoForm. SimpleSchema allows you to define which fields should be allowed into a collection, and AutoForm gives you a set of helpers to enforce them in your UI.
If, instead, you prefer not to use a package you could do something like the following:
name: String,
gender: ['male', 'female', 'prefer not to say'],
age: Number
Person = new Meteor.Collection('person');
Person.isValid = function(person) {
try {
check(person, REQUIRED_FIELDS);
return true;
} catch (_error) {
return false;
'person.insert': function(person) {
check(person, REQUIRED_FIELDS);
return Person.insert(person);
submit: function() {
var person = {
name: $('#name').val(),
gender: $('#gender').val(),
age: parseInt($('#age').val(), 10)
if (Person.isValid(person))
Meteor.call('person.insert', person);
alert('invalid person');
Here we are using meteor's check package to do some basic field validation. By adding an isValid helper to the Person collection, we can validate the schema without the need for a method call. Best of all we can reuse the same check when inserting a new document.