error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short - centos6

I'm running this on CentOS 6.8 (Final)
I'm trying to setup a Arma 3 Wasteland server for me and some friends.
But when I try to run it it gives the following error:
./arma3server: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by ./arma3server)
I'm not an advanced linux user, I'm more of a noob, I tried googling but it doesn't work, is there anyone that could help me fix this? Just give me a step by step guide of what I have to do please. If you need more info then please ask I'd be happy to give more information.
After trying to fix it I now get this error:
./arma3server: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ file too short


Circularity detected when running (vega:load-vega-examples)

When I load the vega-lite data sets using
I get the following error:
Could not REQUIRE CL-DATE-TIME-PARSER: circularity detected. Please check your configuration
However, the examples appear to have loaded.
Also, before I installed cl-date-time-parser in quicklisp, I was getting an error message similar to:
Does anyone know how to get rid of these errors?
Many thanks!
The IMDB example requires cl-date-time-parser. I suspect that problem is that (require ...) only works when the library is in a location known to ASDF. In a new installation, this may not be the case. Now reported as issue #19.
Try loading the library with quicklisp and then rerunning load-vega-examples.

Error while trying to add BlossomV package in Julia

I am trying to add the BlossomV package in Julia. I am receiving the following error:
*LoadError: BlossomV not properly installed. Please run Pkg.Build("BlossomV")
LoadError: Failed to precompile BlossomV*
On running Pkg.Build("BlossomV"),
I am getting the following error:
*LoadError: IOError: could not spawn setenv(*A lot of attributes are there here*): no such file or directory (ENOENT)*
I am facing this error on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu.
I would appreciate it if anyone could explain what the issue is and how to solve it. Thank you.
BlossomV.jl is just a wrapper around a C library and I bet it is the process of building the C library that's failing. BlossomV is designed around the old approach to handling binary dependencies. It would be great to either rewrite it using pure Julia, or use the modern "artifact" system which is a vastly more robust way to ship binary dependencies.

Mlflow not running on machine

Please I am trying to run mlflow code in R after having installed it. However, after loading the library with library(mlflow) and I run mlflow_log_params("foo",42) I get the error message below printed in my console:
Error in rethrow_call(c_processx_exec, command, c(command, args), pty, :
Command 'C:/Users/IFEANYI/AppData/Local/r-miniconda/envs/r-mlflow-1.19.0/mlflow' not found #win/processx.c:982 (processx_exec)
I also get the same error message when I run mlflow_ui(). Please was there something I ought to have done during installation failure of which is affecting its functionality? Do I need to install and load the processx library in order for mlflow to run on my Windows10 machine? I really hope I can get advice to help me because I want to use mlflow in my machine learning projects. Thanks in advance of your generous help.
The error should disappear when setting MLFLOW_BIN system variable (Windows) to mlflow cli executable : "....conda\envs\r-mlflow-1.24.0\Scripts\mlflow.exe".
If it works please mark the problem as resolved.
Unfortunately, you will get next error "Error in wait_for(function() mlflow_rest("experiments", "list", client = client)" for which I cannot find the solution

Shinyloadtest: Error: Please upgrade your pandoc version to be at least v2.2

I am trying to run results from recording.log, as instructed from I am running below command to see in browser view:
shinyloadtest::shinyloadtest_report(df, "run1.html")
but throwing an error :
to resolve this, when I am trying install pandoc, throwing below error
what I am doing wrong in this?
can any one please help me on this!
My Issue was resolved, I have used one command in R Studio that can overpass pandoc issue:

error installing qt-sdk

I tried to install qt-sdk, but every time while unpacking I receive an error Extract: error Extract: error ... qtcreator-debug.ini somebody knows why, thanks in advance
I have this file qt-sdk-win-opensource-2010.04.exe I'm working with windows
Make sure TEMP is on C: and that you have enough free space.
