Access LinkedIn user home or news feed - linkedin

I am attempting to gain access to the news feed or home in a user's LinkedIn profile using the LinkedIn Developer APIs.
When I went through LinkedIn Developer documentation, I haven't been able to discover a proper reference to a doc associated with this feature.
Does this suggest that we have to be a LinkedIn certified API partner to achieve this target? If not, where can I find an appropriate documentation for this.


Using linkedin api, can i search profiles for "open to work" then create targeted ads to those profiles?

Using linkedin api, can i search profiles for "open to work" then create targeted ads to those profiles?
I have tried consulting linkedin but they do not have a way to target those "open to work"
No, right now, it is not allowed by Linkedin. Right now, LinkedIn gives only the scope of r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress to Retrieve authenticated member's name, headline, photo, and member's primary email address.
To get the relevant candidate for the job, you may need to check open_to_work status, skills, projects, etc, for that you need the permission of r_fullprofile,
LinkedIn API has restricted such information as per their documentation:
As per their documentation, to access the information of skills, address, etc, your app needs to request r_fullprofile. But they have closed it now and no alternate is given. The more detail about the current permissions from LinkedIn can be seen here:
Right now there are currently in development mode. They are working on developing their APIs. What and when they will release such information is not available to document right now.

How do I integrate Sign In with LinkedIn and get full profile API access?

I am not able to find a way to import full profile fields from LinkedIn for users trying to sign in on my Application or website.
Also I am not able to access the developer partner program for linkedin

Where to apply for a permission to access the LinkedIn r_fullprofile?

We lost access to some important user information with the upgrade to V2. We have read all the migration info and documentation posted. We would like to know where to apply for a permission to access the LinkedIn r_fullprofile?
PD: We have already sent an email to explaining some info about the company and how LinkedIn info is used:
"Our mobile app is a collection of mini social and professional networks that exist at physical locations. It is used in local venues, conferences and university classrooms. The ability gives our mutual users the ability to connect with people nearby with similar professional profiles. We use the vanity name to direct users to the public url page of other users. We strongly also encourage that our users signup using Linkedin and for those who don't have a Linkedin account to create one. We believe the integration add value to both of our companies."

With the new r_liteprofile is it possible to know the authenticated user's LinkedIn profile URL?

We're using Sign in with LinkedIn, which is deprecating the r_basicprofile scope that offered the profile URL. I don't see a way to get this information using the new r_liteprofile scope. Was that intentionally left out? It seems odd that LinkedIn wouldn't want to drive people back to their own site.
Deadlock :) or just changes of LinkedIn policies.
According this tiny article Public Profile Url you have to use vanityName which is available from r_basicprofile which is not going to be deprecated but available only for Enterprise LinkedIn users :(
Quoting from Self-Serve v1 to v2 API Migration Frequently Asked Questions:
Looking to maintain access to the Basic Profile fields? Learn more
about LinkedIn Developer Enterprise products.

How to fetch admin profile details of a company page using Company API - Linkedin

Is there a way to fetch Admin profile details/Company page owner details using Companies API?
or Vice-versa, to fetch Company Pages the user owns (Not his employers) using Profile API?
I read the documentation and could find a way for it, any help is highly appreciated.
According to the LinkedIn API docs (last example in the Overview section), you can get all the companies a use is an admin for with the following call:
