Assign post to custom user role - wordpress

I created custom user role for my project, and want to admin assign post for some user with custom user role, but in wp-admin when I go to create new post, I can't see users with custom role in drop down for author of post.
Anybody have idea how to append my users there?

please try this plugin , with the help of this plugin you can assign any types of capabilities to your user , you can also create custom role too.


How can I allow a wordpress user to view, add, update or delete specific custom posts via the admin?

Once this user is created by an admin role.
My goal is to give this wordpress user only access to his/her posts - can view, add , update or delete in Wordpress admin.
My goal is to create a wordpress user that can view, add , update or delete in Wordpress admin.
I DO NOT want to use plugins
I want the user to be able to access only the ids it creates in multiple custom post types. say user x is setup, he can only work with his posts (ids) in custom post types (say: businesses, products, orders)
I don't usually do this, but you may be better off just using a Role Editor plugin like User Role Editor. The alternatives would be to give the Roles & Capabilities documentation a read, and decide if it's better to modify an existing role, or creating a new role and give it the select permissions you want.
For instance, you'd probably want to create a new role based on the editor role, and remove all of the {blank}_others_{blank} capabilities, such as edit_others_posts, delete_others_posts, etc.
If you do go the programatic way instead of plugin, note that the Roles & Capabilities are stored in the database, so you don't need to include the function that creates/modifies them on every load like the init hook. If you do put it on a hook like that, you'll probably want to set a flag of some sort (like with update_option()) and abort if the new role/cap hasn't been changed since it was last run.
You are able to do this using the Author role.
An Author can create, edit, publish, and delete only their own posts, as well as upload files and images. Authors do not have access to create, modify, or delete pages, nor can they modify posts by other users. Authors can edit comments made on their posts.
Within a CPT set the capability type to post.
'capability_type' => 'post'

Wordpress Add Custom data tables in User Profile - Not Custom Field

I am kind a new to wordpress and need guidance. But understand PHP.
I need to add custom tables with data ( Repeater fields is optional/ HTML field ) in User's profile. User Cannot edit those data ( read only )
Data will be manually added from Admin Dashboard > Users. I assume there should be a field in there for admin to add those data
Then, User can read it from their profile page / Data presented in user's profile.
Those data will be something like a set of 3 tabs with Transaction list and history.So each user has different data.
I had searched but all only show tutorials on adding custom Field in User Registration.
Assistance please. Thank You
You can use Advanced custom fields for this. What you do is that you add a field to users add/edit page with ACF. If you have frontend user profile page. You can get the data from this fields with the function get_field('my_custom_field', $userID)
If you don't have and frontend user profile page, and will let your users go thru the "backend" profile page you will need to add som functions that disables so an user can't edit those fields if you don't want the users to edit them. You can do that with the filter add_filter('acf/load_field', 'my_filter);
The rest how you do this should you be able to find on ACF documentation page.

Wordpress: Custom profile form not working in Ultimate member plugin

When I create a custom form for a custom user role using ultimate member plugin, it doesn't work. Only the default profile form works. Please what can be the problem. I need to create different profile forms for different types of users
The cause of this issue is that the original User page only contains the shortcode for the default profile form.
After you create all of your custom profile forms, and assign the relevant roles to each (Form Settings -> Disable Global Settings -> Select Role), you need to add the short codes of all your forms to the User page, just one after another.
UltimateMember will decide which of the forms to display depending on the user's role.
So on the view user page, add the shortcode for the custom form, in addition to the existing default profile form.
It's a bit weird to have multiple shortcodes but it will only show the one for that role.
Also make sure to assign a the Custom Role to the Custom Form, as stated by Michael Rodriguez

remove other role column from wordpress user management page

I am using User Role Editor plugin to manage different user roles on my website, now on users list in admin section there are 2 columns Role and Other Role. The Role column is ok i want to remove that Other Role column, and also With user Role I want to append a link to send admin to change user role page.
Any help?
Finally jquery help me to solve this issue, using jquery .ready i have hide the column that i need to hide and also append a link with user role.
thanks jquery

Custom user profile in Wordpress

Is there a way to modify the Add user page in the administrator so I can add several custom fields when creating new users?
Not sure but This article seems to do just what you need:
