Custom user profile in Wordpress - wordpress

Is there a way to modify the Add user page in the administrator so I can add several custom fields when creating new users?

Not sure but This article seems to do just what you need:


How to add custom field in create user form in alfresco

Can any one help me with adding custom field in create user page in alfresco,
I tried adding custom field in profile by referring
but how to do it for create user page in admin console?
i had gone through the users.js and edited with the new field created by referring the above link. but still im not able to save the field for newly created users and while updating user from admin console.
Anyone, Kindly help me in this regard.
There are many changes required in different file.
Take the help of this link Custom Field in User Profile. May be you will get some idea.

Wordpress: Custom profile form not working in Ultimate member plugin

When I create a custom form for a custom user role using ultimate member plugin, it doesn't work. Only the default profile form works. Please what can be the problem. I need to create different profile forms for different types of users
The cause of this issue is that the original User page only contains the shortcode for the default profile form.
After you create all of your custom profile forms, and assign the relevant roles to each (Form Settings -> Disable Global Settings -> Select Role), you need to add the short codes of all your forms to the User page, just one after another.
UltimateMember will decide which of the forms to display depending on the user's role.
So on the view user page, add the shortcode for the custom form, in addition to the existing default profile form.
It's a bit weird to have multiple shortcodes but it will only show the one for that role.
Also make sure to assign a the Custom Role to the Custom Form, as stated by Michael Rodriguez

Assign post to custom user role

I created custom user role for my project, and want to admin assign post for some user with custom user role, but in wp-admin when I go to create new post, I can't see users with custom role in drop down for author of post.
Anybody have idea how to append my users there?
please try this plugin , with the help of this plugin you can assign any types of capabilities to your user , you can also create custom role too.

custom page in Drupal

hi i have created a website in drupal.In this registration page can be access by following url
But i want to make a custom page for registration.
Please give me some guide line , i don't have any idea for this
You want to modify the user registration form,
a) hook_form_user_register_alter() documentation at b) if you totally cant do what you want with a happy little form altering then you can always hook_menu_alter() the page and use whatever page callback you desire instead of drupal_get_form.
Goto admin/build/modules
Enable Profile module
Add fields in profile and while adding a field make it 'visible during registration'

Adding custom user options to wordpress

I am trying to add a custom field to the wordpress user profile page. For instance if I wanted to add a field where the user could put in their Linkedin, or Twitter user name, then use that value whenever the user posts a comment, or if the user is an author, to add that value in their posts.
I have a forum (bbpress) integrated so I would also like to use this value to customize the users avatar in the forums.
I am looking at the way Wordpress uses Gravatar. I would like to do something similar. However, I'm not sure where to start. I've written a couple of shortcode plugins in the past, but nothing this complicated.
Anyone have any ideas on where I should begin on this?
look at this post and this
