Saving .R script File Using Script - r

I am using R Studio and I want to save my script (i.e., the upper left panel). However, the only ways that I can find to do it are by either clicking the blue floppy disk icon to save or using the drop down menu File > Save > name.R
Is there any way besides using these shortcuts to save the script to a .R file or is the shortcut the only way?

You can use rstudioapi::documentSave() to save the currently open script file to disk.
From the source documentation, one can see that it can be used in conjunction with the id returned with getActiveDocumentContext()$id to make sure the document saved is the one running the script.
For your intended use, try:
For future reference, here is the reference manual of rstudioapi:

I'm not yet allowed to comment, but this refers to the comment above that this does not work with .rmd files:
I tried and in Rstudio Version 1.2.5042 it does seem to work.

Every new tab in R(created by ctrl+shift+n) can be independently saved by using ctrl+s in the respective tab. If you intend to rename the file though, you may do it as you would rename any file in windows(goto the file location and single click on the filename). Hope my answer was of some help!


Why is RStudio telling me that my file doesn't exist? I'm looking directly at it

I'm on RStudio, just wanting to read a csv file:
newdata <- read_csv("Nameofdata.csv",
col_names = TRUE)
But it keeps telling me that the file doesn't exist. It does exist. I'm staring DIRECTLY at it, underneath the file path that RStudio insists is wrong. I can open it in another tab, I can open in in excel, it's EXACTLY where RStudio says it's not existing. Please help.
Looking very closely at your screen shot, commenters are suggesting that you have an extra space at the beginning of your file name.
Also, I see that the working directory appears to be correct (the error message lists it as C:/users/mdavi/Desktop/School/Research/Sc, which appears to match what is listed in the Files pane
A couple of strategies for trouble-shooting file-locating problems:
use getwd() and list.files() to confirm your working directory and what files R can see from there (you can read this introduction to get more background on working directories):
use file.choose() to select a file interactively; it's generally a bad idea to use this in production code, as it will add an interactive step when you usually want to be able to run all of your code start to finish without needing manual steps, but it's quite useful for debugging.
If you wanted R to list files that approximately matched your specified filename, you could use
L <- list.files(pattern="*.csv")
agrep("myfile.csv", L, value=TRUE)
You need to set your working directly correctly, either via setwd("~/Desktop/School/Research/SC") in the R Console (that's what I think I see in your screenshot: ~ stands for your home directory, i.e "Users/Whoever") or via Session > Set Working Directory > To File Pane in the RStudio menus.
You can read a variety of Stack Overflow questions about setting the working directory for more complete context ... web searching on "R 'working directory'" might help too.

Simplest way to create file

In my opinion the simplest way to create .Renviron file is to use usethis::edit_r_environ().
Is there any analogous command which can create file ? I couldn't find that command. Or maybe you can figure out some other simply way to create file ? Only ones I found were very involved and unclear.
Thanks guys
These files are plain text files. You can create them with any text editor that can create .txt files.
So, if the file doesn't already exist:
Open a plain text editor (such as RStudio or Notepad),
create a new
file (and add the desired content),
save it, e.g., as
The locations where R is searching for these files are described in help("Startup").

Save the output of an r script including its commands

I want to save a part of my r script output including the commands into a text file. I know sink() but it does not include the commands or I could not find a specific option to do that.
Is there any possibility to capture the commands and its ouput within an r session. Simply write an Rmd or capture the output within the console is not the solution at the moment.
You are probably looking for the TeachingDemos package. Documentation can be found here.
# Your code
This should write both your command input and output to a file called test.txt.
If you're working interactively, here's one idea. It was this specific problem for which I created the sinkstart() function in the rite package. Basically, this creates a pop-up tcl/tk widget that you can write commands and output to. Here's a screenshot to give you a feel:
There are just two relevant functions: sinkstart() starts the sink; sinkstop() turns it off. You can toggle back and forth to selectively write to the widget. Then you can just save the contents with a right-click or a key shortcut.

R Studio/R Accessing Blocks of Previously Run Code

Is there a way to display past commands in R/R Studio?? I know in R Studio there is a shortcut (CTRL+UP Arrow) that allows you to see past lines you have ran. But this shortcut only allows you to access only a single line, not a block of previously run code. Is there a package, or some way in R to display and select blocks of past code in R/R Studio?
Here you can find a description of the panes in R Studio, including the "history" pane.
There you can select several lines and paste them into the code.
Also, you can use the command savehistory() to save your history in a file you can the modify. If you want to choose the name of the file to be saved, use
savehistory(file = filename)
The same option is available in the basic R GUI (MS Windows), with "Save history" in the "File" menu (as a .RHistory file). Then, you can open it with any text editor and modify your history to make a script.
To see a specific number of lines, you can use history(25) (for 25 previous lines).

read .sas source code on osx without installing sas?

Plain and simple: is there a way to read (not run) .sas files on osx in order to rewrite old SAS programs in another language, e.g. R? Note I do not refer to reading sas data files – I know there are several ways, I am just interested in reading old SAS code.
.sas files containing SAS code should just be a text file. You can use any text editor that you like to open and modify these files. Since the system probably doesn't have .sas files associated with any particular program you can either use the "Open with" option when "right-clicking" on the file or you could open the editor first and then open the file from within the editor.
TextEdit will work. Another editor that I like is Komodo Edit.
