Pass Signed In user name to AngularJS controller using model binding -

I am trying to pass the signed in user name in the application to an angular controller. I am already passing other parameters using model-binding like this and works perfectly
<input class="form-control" type="text" id="argOne" name="argOne" ng-model="viewModel.test.argumentOne" />
I tried passing the user name using a hidden input but I get an undefined value on the controller
<input class="form-control" type="hidden" id="argTwo" name="argTwo" ng-model="viewModel.test.argumentTwo" value=#UserManager.GetUserName(User) />
I've seen similar examples here, but nothing specific when getting a value directly from the UserManager class from ASP.NET core
Update: I am not asking how to display the Signed in user, the question is how can I pass that value to the angular controller using model binding like shown in the first line of code on the question, but with a hidden field or something similar that the user can't see

According to what you want to do, I'd suggest you to use scope variables to keep the username rather than keeping it in a hidden field. As what you want to keep is a username I'm assuming that you may need to use it in various controller throughout your angularjs app. So I'd rather keep it in application scope to take advantage of scope inheritance.
So What I'm suggesting looks like this :
In the HTML, you assign the username to the pertinent scope variable $rootScope.username :
<html ng-app="myApp" ng-init="$rootScope.username='#UserManager.GetUserName(User)'">
<div ng-controller="myController">
Your Username is : {{$rootScope.username}}
I the JS you can use it everywhere:
var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);
// you can use $scope.username in this code and it would be inherited from the $rootScope.username

you should change your code to this
var user = UserManager.GetUserName(User)
$scope.userName = user;
<input class="form-control" type="hidden" id="argTwo" name="argTwo" ng-model="userName" />


Controller does not receive value from view (implementing search function) on MVC

I'm trying to make a page with a search function. When you first go to the page, all you have is a search bar. When you type something into the search bar and click the "submit" or "search" button, I want the value in the search box to be submitted to the controller as a string. Then, this value can be used in returning the a model back to the page. Here's what I have so far:
ViewBag.Title = "Search";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<h1>Search All Issues</h1>
<form asp-controller="Report" asp-action="Search" method="get">
<input name="searchstr" id="Search" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
public ActionResult Search(string test)
ViewBag.PageTitle = test;
var report = _context.Reports.ToList();
return View(report);
What am I doing wrong here? For now, it would be nice if I can just get that ViewBag.PageTitle to appear on the page. If I can do that, then I can return the report model just the way I want.
Also, a few additional questions. Some of the stuff I've seen on stack overflow has a recommendation to do a Post in the controller. If I do that, the page errors out. Why is a get needed for this? Intuitively, it makes more sense to me to use a Post...
Turns out I was extremely close; Stephen Muecke had the correct answer. I simply needed to change my input name or parameter name.
I made this mistake as I was considering this from a C++/C standpoint where the parameter names can be irrelevant. I see now, though, that with ASP.NET MVC, you need to have the input name match the parameter name.
Thanks for the help!

How does `event.currentTarget.INPUT.value` give me an input value in a Meteor form submit handler?

I found example code to fetch values of text inputs from a submitted form in Meteor. I wrote my own version. Works great! Here's a snippet from my form submit event handler:
'submit form': function(event, template) {
I'm confused about What kind of object is it? Does Meteor set up that object for us? Or is this a jQuery thing? Or something else?
Is it any better/safer to use event.currentTarget? Sounds like nesting forms is not allowed, so it might not make any difference since there wouldn't be any way for it to "bubble up" given the 'submit form' event map key.
Crossposted here.
In that case, you're not using the template object but rather the plain jQ way. From a quick look at the page containing the example code, they use function(event) as opposed to function(event, template) (I prefer the latter, but that's a matter of taste). Here's how t make use of the template object.
Suppose your form look like this
<template name='createAccount'>
<form role="form">
<input placeholder="Your Name" name="name" type="text" />
<input placeholder="E-Mail Address" name="email" type="email" />
<input placeholder="Password" name="password" type="password" />
<div id="submitForm" class="outerButton">
Here's pattern using template:{
'click #submitForm': function (event, template) {
var displayName = template.find("input[name=name]").value;
var eMailAddress = template.find("input[name=email]").value;
var password = template.find("input[name=password]").value;
< INSERT displayName, eMailAddress, password IN COLLECTION>
Pretty new to meteor myself so I could be completely wrong, but I believe your event target is just standard javascript, not meteor or jquery specific. I've been thinking of it as a shorthand for creating your own object.addEventListener(), so your playerName is going to be a child element of the form since it's the key of the object.
Imagine if it was setup something like form.addEventListnener('submit', function(e){ ... }) maybe makes it more familiar.
As for number 2, I wouldn't see why you couldn't use currentTarget if you needed to. I don't think it'd be any safer unless you really didn't know where the event might be coming from (perhaps creating a custom package?). returns the DOM element. In your case, it's the form element, and you can use named property to get its node, see the spec
In this case it's OK to use either target or currentTarget. In other examples when there is a 'nested' node, it might be better to use currentTarget.

How to bind to complex objects with radios and checkboxes in AngularJS?

Say we have a set of projects exposed via the Project service:
{ id: '123', name: 'Yeoman', watchers: '1233', ... }
{ id: '123', name: 'Grunt', watchers: '4343', ... }
Then, we have a form to choose your favorite project:
Select favorite project:"project in Project.query()")
%input(type="radio" ng-model="data.favoriteProject" value="{{}}") {{}}
This sets choices.favoriteProject to the id value of the chosen project. Often, we need to access the related object, not just the id:
John's favorite project:
What I'm looking for is a way to bind the radios and checkboxes straight to the object itself, not the id, so we could do
John's favorite project:
instead. This is possible with select directive via ng-options, but how can we do this with radios and checkboxes? I'd still like to use the ids for matching instead of references, if possible.
To clarify, here's an example what I'm looking for
Select favorite project:"project in Project.query()")
%input(type="radio" ng-model="data.favoriteProject" value="{{project}}" ng-match="id") {{}}
It says: "Please bind data.favoriteProject to the actual project object and use the id to check if they match (instead of references)".
I've completely changed my answer after discovering the ngValue directive, which appears to be undocumented. It allows you to bind objects instead of just strings as values for ngModel on the radio button inputs.
<label ng-repeat="project in projects">
<input type="radio" ng-model="data.favoriteProject"
<p>Your favorite project is {{}}.</p>
This uses references to check rather than just IDs, but I think in most cases, this is what people will be looking for. If you do very strictly only want to match based on IDs, you can use the [Old Answer], below, or even better, just create a function--e.g. projectById(projectId) that you can use for looking up a project based on its ID.
I've updated the JSFiddle to demonstrate:
[Old Answer]
Perhaps you can utilize the ng-change attribute of the radio button directive to achieve what you want. Consider this HTML:
<p>Select your favorite project:</p>
<label ng-repeat="project in projects">
<input type="radio" ng-model="data.favoriteProjectId" value="{{}}"
ng-change="data.favoriteProject = project">
<p>Your favorite project is {{}}.</p>
You could also call a function inside ng-change, for example setfavoriteProject(project)--but I did not do that here for simplicity's sake.
Here is a working jsFiddle to demonstrate the technique:
No ng-change needed (and I'm not sure, if it is a good practise to write inline-code like this. On the other hand angulars directives are not too far from it theirselves). Why not just do something like this (works with ng-repeat as well):
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller='controller'>
<input type = "radio" ng-model = "oSelected" value = "{{aData[0]}}">
<input type = "radio" ng-model = "oSelected" value = "{{aData[1]}}">
<div>test: {{oSelected}}</div>
app = angular.module('app',[]);
app.controller('controller', function($scope){
$scope.aData = [
$scope.oSelected = {};
Edit: I maybe should mention that this doesn't work for checkboxes, as value will either be true or false. Also a shared model will lead to all checkboxes either being checked or unchecked at the same time.

Orchard and master detail editing

I was reading and could not get the idea, if it is possible to easily make master detail editing, to give you concrete example i've attached screenshot from wordpress:
So there is post and post contains set of custom fields, simple 1:N relationship, everything edited in one page - you can add/edit custom field without leaving post page.
May be someone saw similar example for Orchard on internet, or could shortly describe path to achieve this by code, would be really helpful (I hope not only for me, because this is quite common case I think).
This should be possible, although not in the most 'Orchardy' way.
I've not tested any of the below so it is probably full of mistakes - but maybe Bertrand or Pszmyd will be along later today to correct me :-)
As you have probably seen you can pass a view model to a view when creating a content shape in your editor driver:
protected override DriverResult Editor(CatPart part, dynamic shapeHelper)
// Driver for our cat editor
var viewModel = new CatViewModel
Cats = _catService.GetCats() // Cats is IEnumerable<Cat>
return ContentShape("Parts_CatPart_Edit",
() => shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(
TemplateName: "Parts/CatPart",
Model: viewModel,
Prefix: Prefix
So we can pass in a list of items, and render it in our view like so:
#foreach(var cat in Model.Cats)
<span class="cat">
<a href="...">Delete Cat</p>
The problem here would be posting back changes to update the model. Orchard provides an override of the Editor method to handle the postback when a part is edited, and we can revive the viewmodel we passed in the previous method:
protected override DriverResult Editor(CatPart part, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper)
var viewModel = new CatViewModel();
if (updater.TryUpdateModel(viewModel, Prefix, null, null))
// Access stuff altered in the Cat view model, we can then update the CatPart with this info if needed.
This works really well for basic information like strings or integers. But I've never been able to get it working with (and not been sure if it is possible to do this with) dynamic lists which are edited on the client side.
One way around this would be to set up the buttons for the items on the N-end of the 1:N relationship such that they post back to an MVC controller. This controller can then update the model and redirect the client back to the editor they came from, showing the updated version of the record. This would require you to consistently set the HTML ID/Name property of elements you add on the client side so that they can be read when the POST request is made to your controller, or create seperate nested forms that submit directly to the contoller.
So your view might become:
#foreach(var cat in Model.Cats)
<form action="/My.Module/MyController/MyAction" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="cat-id" value="#cat.Id" />
<span class="cat">
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete Cat" />
<form action="/My.Module/MyController/AddItem" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="part-id" value="<relevant identifier>" />
<input type="submit" name="add" value="Add Cat" />
Another possibility would be to create a controller that can return the relevant data as XML/JSON and implement this all on the client side with Javascript.
You may need to do some hacking to get this to work on the editor for new records (think creating a content item vs. creating one) as the content item (and all it's parts) don't exist yet.
I hope this all makes sense, let me know if you have any questions :-)

Passing hidden field from one page to another in querystring

I want to pass a query in a hidden filed from 1 page to another by querystring.
Can anyone help me out with the logic?
It's worth taking the time to learn jQuery. It's not very complicated, and it makes writing javascript much easier. There are also many jQuery plugins, such as jquery.url.
Also, as other posters have suggested, you may not wish to put the hidden field's value in the query string if you care about it being displayed to the user. However, if the data is present in a hidden field it will always be possible for a user to find it if they care to look.
If you really do want to put the hidden field in the query string and then extract it via non-jQuery javascript:
This form will take the user to processingPage.aspx?datum=someValue when it is submitted. You could probably also just use an ordinary link if nothing else needs to be submitted at the same time.
<form method="GET" action="processingPage.aspx">
<input type="hidden" name="datum" value="someValue">
<input type="submit">
or, inserting the value from code-behind:
RegisterHiddenField("datum", "someValue");
This script will pop-up an alert box with the value of "datum" from the URL - assuming the form's method is set to "GET":
<script type="text/javascript">
function getUrlParam( key ) {
// Get the query and split it into its constituent params
var query =;
var params = query.split('&');
// Loop through the params till we find the one we want
for( var i in params ) {
var keyValue = params[i].split('=');
if( key == keyValue[0] ) {
return keyValue[1];
// Didn't find it, so return null
return null;
alert( getUrlParam("datum") );
If the form's method was set to "POST" (as it usually would be in ASP.NET), then "datum" won't be in the query string and you'll have to place it on the page again:
RegisterHiddenField( "datum", Request.Form["datum"] );
To retrieve the hidden value on the second page:
var datum = document.Form1.item("datum").value;
alert( datum );
You can easily submit a form on one page that points to another page using the action parameter. For instance, inside of page1.aspx put the following:
<form action="page2.aspx" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="joenobody" />
<input type="submit" />
Since you're using "GET" as the method instead of "POST", you could potentially use Javascript to parse the URL and get the value that was passed. Alternatively, you could use ASPX to store the value of the "username" field somewhere else on the page. I don't know ASPX (or ASP, or anything Microsoft really), but if you can find a way to output something like the following (and are using jQuery), it may do what you require. Honestly though, it sounds like you are going about something all wrong. Can you modify your question to be a bit more specific about what the general object is that you are attempting to accomplish?
<div id="some_div"><%= Request.form("username") %></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var value_needed = $('#some_div').html();
<form method="get">
Assuming you mean hidden in the HTML form sense, your field will be submitted along with all the other fields when the form is submitted. If you are submitting via GET, then your "hidden" field will show up in plain text in the URL. If you don't want the data in the hidden field to be accessible to users, don't put an understandable value in that field.
If you are using aspx, you do not need to parse the query string using JavaScript, or even use <form method="GET" ...>. You can POST the form to the second aspx page, extract the value in C# or VB then write it to a client-side JavaScript variable. Something like this:
<form method="POST" action="page2.aspx">
<input type="hidden" name="myHiddenServerField" value="myHiddenServerValue">
<input type="submit">
<script type="text/javascript">
var myHiddenClientValue = '<%= Request.Form['myHiddenServerField']; %>';
The above would set the client-side JavaScript variable called myHiddenClientValue to a value of 'myHiddenServerValue' after the POST.
This can be a bad idea because if myHiddenServerField contains single quotes or a newline character, then setting it on the client in page2.aspx can fail. Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript and Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript, Part 2 deals with specifically these issues, and solves them with a server-side class that ensures values being written to the client are escaped correctly.
If you use method="get" on an HTML form then any hidden inputs in that form will be converted to query parameters.
See also Jeremy Stein's answer.
