My styles from Pixate-Freestyle not styling my views in rubymotion - css

I am a beginner trying to use RubyMotion-PixateFreestyle, I have installed the gem, added the framework to \vendor and i run the simulator. I don't receive any errors but still the css has no effect on my views.
As example just I try adding the pixate freestyle to the timer app coming with rubymotion which is used as an example here: Pixate-freestyle
I have followed every step of the instructions, my app builds without errors but my changes to the views doesn't show up.


Vaadin + Css formatting

I'm using Vaadin 14.4.4 with Gradle 6.3 and Spring Boot.
When I was creating a website in developer's mode everything was working well. Now I switched to productionMode = true and website doesn't load a single css file.
I'm trying to use one css file per class.
After switching back to developer's mode the CSS formatting is not working as it used to.
I tried vaadinClean, vaadinBuildFrontend and vaadinPrepareFrontend but that doesn't seem to fix my problem...
Do you guys have any suggestions does any of you interfered with the same problem as I ?
From the docs of the gradle plugin for
./gradlew clean build -Pvaadin.productionMode - will compile Vaadin
in production mode, then packages everything into the war/jar archive.
Automatically calls the vaadinPrepareFrontend and
vaadinBuildFrontend tasks.
Note the explicit passing of -Pvaadin.productionMode. It might seem
a bit counter intuitive to have to pass that explicitly to a task like
vaadinBuildFrontend, which sole purpose usually is to build the
production stage.

problem adding css toolkit like tachyons to next.js project

for training purpose I have created a ropo-Friend web app as a csr , now for the same purposes I am tring to recreate the same project using next.js this time as a great tool for ssr projects and I really have nightmares importing css addons like tachyons or even ./......css files that I created my self and attach it to the project
it keeps showing me error message and as new next developer I can't solve this problem
I am gonna attach my error message.

.NET Core + React template rendering doesn't update after changes made

I'm working with a .NET Core + React project (dotnet new react), and am testing out how pages render by just adjusting the default components and views that it starts out with. I adjusted the default component text (not code), just to see if it'll display my changes. For example, changing their Hello World to something else. However, none of my changes showed up. It just continues to display the default/original text.
I've tried doing dotnet restore prior to dotnet run, and tried changing the default text in a couple of the component .tsx files. But none of the files displayed the update. For some reason, when my friend opens up my project on their computer, they're able to see my changes. I tried hard refreshing and clearing my cache too, in case it was a cache issue, but still nothing.
I can't figure out why it's not working. This is my first time working with React. Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I've been working with VS Code for this. When I open up my project in VS Community (and create a solution file for it), it displays the updates! However, if I have a project with no solution file, it still doesn't display the updates. Is there a specific extension or something I need for VS Code in order for it to work?
Set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable to Development.
In the same session dotnet run is being called,
When not set, the environment will default to Production.
Looking at the generated Startup.cs, hot module replacement is only enabled when it's set to Development.
There is probably a way to set this value in VS Code without need to set it via command line.

Specific Angular 2/4 & Meteor quickstart/tutorial?

I've been all over the Meteor and Angular-Meteor websites (and Angular-Meteor github) looking for a pure Angular 2/4 guide to using Meteor (all I can seem to find is an Ionic one). Kind of confused as to how to use the CLI's together. Does anyone have a tutorial or know the steps to setting this up without Ionic? Or should I just be trying to follow the Ionic tutorial but using Angular CLI instead?
For anyone who is interested.
I spent most the day trying to use with my app (used the quickstart), copied most of my apps src into the clients/imports directory and tried to keep the same app structure as the one on github, with a bit of messing around was able to get the angular bit working however if you are planning on using #angular/material, especially with a custom theme then you're in for a world of hurt (quite a few issues and comments re importing scss mixins from node_modules on the meteor github, meteors build system doesn't seem to like it).
To make it all work properly, follow the steps in The process I've done to recreate this section at
If you already have an angular 4 app partially built then start in your apps root directory at step 3 (ng eject).
Instructions are fairly straight forward. Any steps where there isn't code examples (Now we need to create api/tsconfig.json) copy the file in question from the repo.
Hope that saves some others a heap of time.

Meteor.isCordova Folder

The ability meteor gives through its interaction with cordova to create mobile applications is incredible. I have one question however concerning the file structure: ( There is no documentation concerning a folder specific to Cordova. As I have been writing my application, it seems incredibly tedious to use if (Meteor.isCordova) for any segment of code that I want specific functionality for the mobile app. I tried creating a top level folder cordova such as is already done with client, server etc... and removing the Meteor.isCordova wrapping my js code, but that process was unsuccessful. Is there a way to do what I am trying to do just in a different manner?
There are currently no special folder for code which should only run on mobile. However it is a nice feature and I have created an issue on GItHub. If you'd like to see this feature, I'd encourage you to comment on it.
